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Ransomware detection solutions generally focus on DLP, intrusion detection, anomaly detection with User and Entity Behavior Analysis (UEBA), and deep, real-time application of threat intelligence. These capabilities are generally the only way to proactively stop ransomware before it detonates. For example, monitoring email systems and networks for ransomware indicators may be the best way to prevent ransomware attacks from being successful. Call Us: 1 (978)-923-0040
Overview of Ransomware Solutions from Protection to Detection and Response Ransomwareremains a top threat in 2023 and the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) 2022 states that over 25% of breaches werecausedbyransomware.
Threatactorsarecontinuouslycreatingransomwarevariants;asa result,governmentsworldwidearefindinganddisablingthe ransomware gangs from operating these criminal businesses. Even as theproliferation of ransomware-as-a-service lowers the entry point, the attack sophistication increases, and they are increasingly targeting MSPs. In fact, cybersecurity authorities in the United Kingdom (NCSC- UK), Australia (ACSC), Canada (CCCS), New Zealand (NCSC-NZ), and the UnitedStates (CISA),(NSA),(FBI)areobserving an increasein malicious cyber activity targeting managed service providers (MSPs) andexpectthistrendtocontinue. ReadmoreinthishelpfulalertfromCISAhttps://www.cisa.gov/news- events/alerts/2022/05/11/protecting-against-cyber-threats- managed-service-providers-and-their There is no letup in attacks for businesses of all sizes. Of note, there havebeenincreasesinsmallerbusinessesintheservices, manufacturing, construction, legal, financial and retail establishments as well as larger organizations in the telecom, technology, utilities and governments. Thebiggest lossescontinueto be dataexposure, time to resource normaloperations,lossofrevenue,brandreputation,employee reputation,andinsurance. It isimportant to haveafull cybersecurity program to protect your clients and their environments – that means prevention, detection, and response. There are plenty of vendors with solutions that solve some of theaspectsof the ransomware problem. However, we’ve noticed that many of the potential partners we talk to havefocused most of theireffortstodateonpreventionandresponse,whichisareactionary Preventionofransomwareisusuallyfocusedonemail,endpoint,web, andemployeeawarenesstrainingandamuchbiggerfocusondata
and endpoint backup. This generally requires anumber of solutions from email security and endpoint security vendors to be deployed and configured consistently on all client endpoints and email accounts. The response program has mostly been limited to data restores, which are increasingly automated now that many backupvendors havetightly integratedransomwaredetectioncapabilities. However,ashighlightedabove,ransomwarecontinuestocause problemsforMSPsandMSSPs,andtheirclients.This has consequences for client trust and confidence in their service providers’ servicestoprotect themfrom ransomware. RansomwaredetectionsolutionsgenerallyfocusonDLP,intrusion detection, anomaly detection with User and Entity Behavior Analysis (UEBA), and deep, real-time application of threat intelligence. These capabilities are generally the only way to proactively stop ransomware beforeitdetonates.Forexample,monitoring emailsystems and networks for ransomware indicators may be the best way to prevent ransomwareattacksfrombeingsuccessful. We’venoticedthatmanyMSPsandMSSPsarefocusingon these challenges – and implementing network segmentation, better backup software, widening the patch andconfigmanagement programs for on-premisesandcloudsystems,DLP,and endpoint and network UEBA. They are looking more closely at their attack surfaces and the ability to detect issues for both North-South and East-West network connections. While thebiggest roadblocks to makingthese improvements include the difficulty in implementing new tools, the lack of finding and hiring skilled security team members, client end-user awareness, and overall costmodelstoaccommodatethesolutionsneededtoprotectclients.
Some MSPs and MSSPs are increasing their prices or creating a second tier of service that includes a cybersecurityservice schedule that adds additional capabilities for detection, threat intelligence, and response. Thishighermonthly fee scheduleisoften offsetby alower cyber insurancepremiumthattheclientwouldexperience. SeceonsiSIEM and aiXDRpowered MSPs and MSSPs are able to betterprotecttheirclientswithouradvanced,AI/MLpowereddetection andresponsecapabilitiesincluding: Detection at Host: In the case of an attack based on email phishing, Seceon aiSIEM and/or aiXDR quickly swing into action, correlating logs from the email server with endpoint activitiesto find traces of unusual orsuspiciousprocessspawnedontheendpoint. Detection at Host Connecting with C&C: When the the ransomware’s componentstrytoestablishaconnectionwiththeCommand and Control Center (C&C) from the affected host, Seceon aiSIE and/or aiXDR platform stepsinto detect theauto-generateddomain names and correlatethatinformationwithotherthreatindicatorstoraiseanalert. Detection of Lateral Movement: The introduction of an infected host in the network could lead to anetwork scan conducted by the malware for the purposes of identifying a potential target before propagating to other endpoints/servers, like a worm. Seceon aiSIEM and/or aiXDRcan detect this activity rapidly and correlate with contextual events to raise a “Potential Malware Infected Host” alert, followed by an automated or press-of-a-buttonresponsetoquarantinetheinfectedhost. Learn more about Seceon’s powerful abilities to detect and respond to ransomwareattacks. Scheduleademo todaytosee how leading serviceproviders andITteamsareefficientlyrunning theirsecurity operations.
Contact Us Address - 238 Littleton Road Suite #206 Westford, MA 01886 Phone no - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Seceon_Inc Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/seceon Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/seceon_inc LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/seceon/