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Seceonu2019s solutions meet the sweet spot of price versus value derived. Considering the full set of functionalities noted above, and the relevancy in advanced threat detection, a linear pricing model was lacking in the market. Call Us : 1 (978)-923-0040
SeceonAdvantageforManaged Security Service Providers (MSSPs)–PartI Overthepastfewyears,we’veseennumerous cyber threats, breachesandattacksimpacting industries of all types – Financial Services,Manufacturing, Retail, Energyand Utilities, Healthcare, Automobile, Aviation and many more. Withrampantdigital transformationofbusinessartifacts, alongwithintegrationacross
variousentities (partners,suppliers,customers, contractors),attack surfacearea hasopenedupincreasingly.Secondary focus onIT Security hasoftenfallenshortofslatedobjectives. Fromamanageabilitystandpoint,theproblemhasbeenfuelledby… 1.)Shortage ofSecurityAnalysts 2.)Lackofdefencein-depthcybersecuritysolution 3.)Abundance ofnoisyalerts Also,themountingcostofadditivecomponents– IDS/IPS,SIEM, SOAR,ThreatIntelligence,UEBA,EDR,Vulnerability Management andNetwork-based Detection – havekept CISOsandCIOsunder tremendous budgetary pressure. Combining all these factors, it is no surprise that MSSPs are leveraging Seceon’s Advanced SIEM (aiSIEM) andXDR (aiXDR)productstodeliverall-in-onesolution atan affordable costwith low-touch manageability and threat detection accuracythroughManagedSOC,SOC-as-a-ServiceandMDR (ManagedDetectionandResponse). MarketExpansionrequiresUniformity,ScaleandAffordability Consideringtheproliferation ofinternetwith tonsofinformation, infomercials, infotainment, e-commerce, messaging, streaming videos and all other things (IOT)penetrating urban, semi-urban and rural societies globally, we unanimously realize the phenomenal power of uniformity, scale and affordability within geographic regulations and policies. Along the samelines, preserving safety and security of all the digitalassetsrequiressimilarconsideration.With theMSSP market expected to grow from $30.6B in 2020 to $46.6B in 2025 (Source: MarketandMarkets Global Forecast), expanding the customer basefromSmall-MediumBusinessestoMediumandLarge Enterprises, would increase the likelihood of MSSP’s growth through the comingyearsofopportunity.
1.)Uniformity Matters: Managed Security solution should offer comprehensive capabilities to organization of all sizes as the nature andseverityofthreats(Ransomware,Malware, Brute-ForceAttacks etc)impactingSMBsandEnterprisesarequitesimilar. 2.)ScaleMatters:MSSPSOCshouldbeabletoscalewithadelivery platform (cloud or on-prem) that processes threat indicators from a handful of devices and applications to hundreds and thousands, withoutanyhiton performance and analytics. 3.)Affordability Matters: Despite budgetary constraints, the cost of solution and service should be well within reach of SMBs as it linearlyincreaseswiththe number ofdevices,endpointsandusers. MSSPs across the regions have compared Seceon’saiSIEM and aiXDR solutions against well known SIEM and XDR products. Ǫuite clearly, Seceonsolutionshavestoodoutincomprehensivefunctional uniformity across customers segments, offering everyone accessto Threat Intelligence, UEBA, EDR, IDS/IPS, Network Behavior Anomaly Detection (NBAD) and SOAR. Also, bundled seamlessly into the same User Interface (Web Portal with Dashboards, Reports, Provisioning FeaturesandAdminCapabilities)arequintessential artifacts and tools for Threat Hunting (Seceon Deep Tracker), MITRE ATT&CK TTP Analysis, Playbookbased Remediation,ContinuousCompliance Reporting and IT Policy Controls (Network Segmentation, Database ActivityMonitoring,Trusted/UntrustedListsetc). UnlimitedscalabilityisanotherattributeofaiSIEMandaiXDR solutions that MSSP can leverage to scale from 1000 EPS to upwards of20,000EPS,10endpointsto10,000+endpoints,afewserversto thousands, across regions, branchofficesandmulti-cloud environments.Bydesign,dataaggregationmodel,processingspeed
and analyticsenginemakesscalabilityeasyyetrobust. Seceon’s solutions meet the sweet spot of price versus value derived. Consideringthefullsetoffunctionalitiesnotedabove,andthe relevancy in advanced threat detection, alinear pricing model was lackinginthemarket.Hencetheaffordabilityconundrumgets simplified, making it an equitable option for SMBs and Enterprises tryingtosecuredigitalassets. Santanu (Shaan) BagchiDirector, Pre-Sales SolutionsSeceon Inc. https://www.linkedin.com/in/shaanbagchi/ Santanu (Shaan) Bagchi has 20+ years of experience in Software Industry, leading through Product Management, Pre-Sales/Solutions Architecture, Consulting and Product Marketing roles for Product Vendors, MSSPs and System Integrators in North America. As someone who has expertise in multiple tracks of Cyber Security –Advanced SIEM, Data Loss Prevention, Endpoint Security, Vulnerability Management, Threat Intelligence and Identity and
AccessManagement– hebringsversatileperspectivetoproduct innovation and customer centric solutions. Before joining Seceon, he workedasPracticeDirector(Cybersecurity andRiskServices)for Wipro.Previously,heheldProductManagement positionsat Secureworks(MSSP),Novell(VirtualizationandIaaS),Digital Guardian(DLP)andHitachi DataSystems(CloudStorage-aaS). Shaanreceived MBA degree from Babson College (Wellesley, MA) and Bachelor of Engineering from IIEST (formerly Bengal Engineering College,India). Contact Us Address -238 Littleton Road, Suite #206,Westford, MA 01886, USA Phone Number - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com , info@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/seceon