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Seceon Delivers Unprecedented Growth for Its AI_ML-Based aiSIEM™_aiMSSP™_aiXDRTM Platforms - Seceon

Seceonu2019s easy to deploy and completely automated monitoring, threat detection and containment approach, multi-tiered multi-tenancy as well as same platform for both on-prem or cloud offering helps managed security service providers (MSSPs) to quickly adopt it and switch the entire customer base in record time. Many MSSPs have onboarded 100s of mid-enterprise customers within 3-months. Call us: 1 (978)-923-0040 or Visit - https://www.seceon.com/

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Seceon Delivers Unprecedented Growth for Its AI_ML-Based aiSIEM™_aiMSSP™_aiXDRTM Platforms - Seceon

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  1. SeceonDeliversUnprecedented Growth for Its AI/ML-Based aiSIEM™/aiMSSP™/aiXDRTM Platforms Seceon provides a strong triple digit growth using a disruptive AI- dHroivwecnancIohmeplpreyohue?nsive cybersecurity platform, hires MSSP Industry veteran and participates in a TechNet Cyber 2022

  2. WESTFORD,Mass., April 14,2022 /PRNewswire/— Seceon,the pioneerofthe firstfully-automated, real-timecyberransomware detection, containmentandeliminationplatform toempower Enterprisesand MSSPswith its award-winning solutions (#aiSIEM, #aiMSSP,#aiXDR),announcedthat itisseeing unprecedentedtriple digit growth for last 5 consecutivequarters. Seceon’s easy to deploy and completely automated monitoring, threat detection and containment approach,multi-tiered multi-tenancy as well assameplatformforbothon-premorcloudofferinghelps managed security service providers (MSSPs) to quickly adopt it and switch the entire customer base in record time. Many MSSPshave onboarded 100s of mid-enterprise customers within 3-months. The awardwinningaiMSSPprogramalsohelpsmanaged service providers (MSPs) to become MSSPon day one. Most MSSPsusing Seceonsolutions are also growing their profit margins and in turn gettingacquiredbytheprivateequityorotherlargeMSSPs. Most of the organizations use Defense-in-Depth layered approach for comprehensive cybersecurity solution, which is clearly inadequate if done using siloedsolutions,asprovenbyincreasednumberof ransomwareattacks,networkandapplicationvulnerability exploit basedcyberattacksandbreachesin thoseorganizations. Many cybersecurity products often miss the multi-vector attacks that target and exploit vulnerabilities in the network and in applications as they lack situational and contextual awareness. Seceon announced that it’s focusingonMSPs/MSSPsprovidingcybersecurityservicesto all Federal,StateandLocalagencies.Seceonwill beshowcasingits award-winning platform and aiSIEM/aiXDR solutions in the TechNet Cyber2022. “Seceon’sawardwinningaiSIEM/aiXDRsolutionsarebuiltonOpen Threat Management Platform which delivers comprehensive cybersecurityforthedigitalera andforanysizeorganization.For businesscontinuity inthe current macro-environment, it isextremely importanttoprotecttheentireecosystemofanorganization– endpoints,network,cloud,andremoteassetsandemployees–by ingestingandanalyzingrawlogs,flows,identityandbehavior analyticsacrossallassetsandusersinreal-time.Seceonplatform dHooewsceaxnaIchtelylptyhoaut?andinamuchaffordablemanner,”saidLalit Shinde, Chief RevenueOfficer of Seceon,“Weareable to empower our

  3. partners, helping them to grow their revenue and margins and, in the process, grow our revenue for record triple digit growth consistently forlast5 quarters.” Seceonalso hired MSSPindustry veteran, Randy Blasik,asVPof Technology Solutions. Randy was Chief Technology Officer where he played a key role in building the business into a nationally recognized Managed Services Provider. Randy used the Seceon platform to grow not only the ARRbut the gross margins drastically, resulting in a buyout by a private equity. Randy is now helping other MSP/MSSPs to dothesame using Seceonplatform. AboutSeceon SeceonempowersEnterprisesandMSSPstoprovide“Comprehensive CybersecurityfortheDigital-Era.”Seceon’sOpenThreatManagement (OTM)platformscalestomillionsofassetstocollectrawdatasuch asstreaminglogs,networkflowsandidentitiesfromallapps, devices,networkinfrastructureandcloudinfrastructureincluding SaaS,PaaS,IaaS,IoTsandIIoTs,aswellasadvancedthreat intelligencetoprovidecomprehensivevisibilityofusers,hosts, applications, and services.aiSIEM™, aiMSSP™and aiXDR™are award-winning solutions built on the OTMplatformto support enterprise ComprehensiveCybersecurity and MSSPsofferingaiXDR, and aiSIEMserviceswith flexible deployment models. Tolearn more, please visit: www.seceon.comor email sales@seceon.comor call (978) 923-0040 and on:Twitter|Facebook|LinkedIn. Seceon Press Contact: Pushpendra Mishra pushpendra.mishra@seceon.com (978)923-0040 follow the company Source:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/seceon-delivers- unprecedented-growth-for-its-aiml-based-aisiemaimsspaixdrtm- platforms-301525203.html

  4. Contact Us Address -238 Littleton Road, Suite #206,Westford, MA 01886, USA Phone Number - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com, info@seceon.com Website https://www.seceon.com/

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