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Seceon-Inc has long had the industryu2019s best correlation and situational awareness capabilities for the teams that choose to dive deep in the platform and ingest telemetry from all attack surfaces. Call us at 1 (978)-923-0040
SeceonInnovationsin2023–A LookBackonaBigYear Seceonhasalonghistoryofinnovatingourcybersecurityplatformand itspowerfuldetectionandresponsecapabilities.Seceonwas founded in2015andsincethenhasbeenrecognizedgloballyforitshighly efficientarchitectureandmissiontoingesttelemetryfromthewidest numberofattacksurfacesandprovidethehighestlevelofcorrelation andsituationalawarenessintheindustry. Infact,inGartner’slate2019report,EmergingTechnologyAnalysis: MachineLearningLogAnalysisDisruptsTraditionalSIEMBuying ModelsbyEricAhlm,Seceonandotherswererecognizedfor“Useof datamodelingtodetectthreatscreatedfromenhancedorenrichedlog datagatheredfrominternalsourcesandexternalsources”
Sincethen, MachineLearninghastakentheworldbystorm,and Seceonhasgreatlyimproved ourmodelsandappliedthemtocloud environments, includingcontainers,databases,applications,and endpoints.2023sawseceonreleaseseveralnewproducts,including: SeceonaiSecurityScore360isa servicethatprovides comprehensivescanning andassessmentsofattacksurfaces.external scansinclude intelligencefromtheCVE,NVT,OVAL,CPEetc.databases. The comprehensiveand modulardashboard includesclickablechartsand tablesand“drilldown”capabilities,makingvalues inthedashboard becomemeaningfulandactionable. SeceonaiSecurityBI360,is anexpansionoftheplatform’sreporting capabilitiesthatenables partnerstoselectfrompre-setcompliance andregulatoryframeworkreports,includingCMMC,HIPAA,PCI- DSS,NIST,GDPR,and,performtheirownanalyticsandreporting.
SeceonaiXDR-PMax enablespartnerswith comprehensive protection,detection,andautomaticremediation. Thisincludes, EDR+EPP,fileintegritymonitoring,datacontrol,datasecurity, includingPIIand PHI monitoring,and continuoussecurityposture monitoring. Theplatformitself hasbeenimproving andgotagreatboostwhenit acquiredHelixeraareal-timebigdata analyticscompany,and the HelixeraPatternScanningEngine, whichmakespossibletheanalysis ofdatainadistributedmanneratlocationsthatwerenotpreviously viable.Itbringsreal-timescanningtodistributeddevicesattheedge andenablesinstantresponsestoanymaliciousorconfigurable posture. Seceonhaslonghadtheindustry’sbestcorrelationandsituational awarenesscapabilitiesfortheteamsthat choosetodivedeepinthe pHloawtfcoarnmIahenldpiynogue?sttelemetryfromall attacksurfaces.Thisyear Seceonaddedanimprovedheuristictosupportanindustry-firstcorrelation of connected and disconnected assets. They can now be correlated automatically. These assets now contribute to the Seceon DTM (Dynamic Threat Models) for alert detection. Speed and accuracy of proactive threat detection improves SOC efficiency multi-fold.
Multi-Tenant and Multi-Tier – 2023 also saw a major improvement in the user experience and support for our MSP/MSSP partners, resellers, distributors, and IT teams that have distributed and separate teams focused on securing multiple entities. First introduced by Seceon in 2019, this year major improvements were made to support these use cases, including bandwidth and productivity optimizations, all based on feedback from our partners and users. The EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) system has undergone a redesign, incorporating horizontal scaling for improved performance and enhanced detection capabilities. With this overhaul, the system is now equipped to scale horizontally, ensuring better efficiency in handling increased workloads. The redesign specifically focuses on optimizing performance metrics and bolstering the system’s detection capabilities, making it more responsive and robust. Altogether, these enhancements contribute to a more powerful and efficient EDR system. There was also a significant investment in our data centers to support a more sophisticated Availability and disaster recovery architecture across our software and infrastructure to enable five nine-level availability.
The Seceon UI & UX team were active not just on the new products listed above, and backend improvements, but also made significant improvements to the Seceon platform user experience. Many of the requests they addressed were submitted by partners, customer, and their users. UX With Improved Responsiveness Enhancements have been made to improve the UI performance for systems with lower bandwidth. These optimizations aim to provide a smoother and more responsive user interface experience, particularly in situations where bandwidth is limited. The improvements focus on ensuring optimal usability and performance in low-bandwidth environments. New! Add-On Store A new integrated marketplace within the platform provides a comprehensive overview of both included and licensed features offered by the product. This centralized hub offers a holistic view of all available features and is categorized for easy searching. Users on both the MSP/MSSP and Tenant sides can conveniently access this marketplace, which also includes user-friendly links for easy installation. New! Ingestion Device Inventory In response to customer requirements, a new screen titled “Ingestion Device Inventory” has been introduced to provide insights into data ingestion statistics. This new screen caters specifically to the customer’s need for comprehensive information on the devices involved in data ingestion. The new screen serves as a dedicated tool for monitoring and analyzing data ingestion statistics in a user-friendly format. New! Collection Health Monitoring To assess the health of CCE, we’ve implemented a feature called “Collection Health Monitoring,” allowing users to view statistics for each CCE individually. It serves as a centralized platform for monitoring the health information of all CCE instances.
Collector-Control Utilizing a token-based system, sensor registration is facilitated with complete control. This mechanism ensures a secure and streamlined process, allowing for efficient management and configuration of sensors. The token-based approach enhances security measures, providing a reliable means of authorizing and controlling sensor registration. Overall, it offers a robust solution for overseeing and administering the deployment of sensors in a system. UDA & TTI For MSSP Addressing customer input, UDA (User Defined Alerts) and TTI ( Trusted Threat Indicators) screens have been integrated on the MSP/MSSP view to enhance access to all tenants. Moving forward, users will have the capability to select multiple tenants simultaneously for both screens. Auto-Remediation Revamping auto-remediation capabilities to accommodate multiple cloud providers seamlessly. This redesign ensures that the system can efficiently address issues across various cloud platforms. The enhanced auto-remediation functionality promotes a unified and adaptable approach to remedial actions in diverse cloud environments. Network-Policies UX Network policies have undergone a redesign to enhance comprehension and provide advanced support, allowing users to easily enable or disable any policy with a single click. This overhaul offers users a clearer understanding of network policies while introducing more sophisticated features to cater to diverse and complex requirements. The redesigned network policies are geared towards providing a more user-friendly experience and facilitating advanced functionalities for robust network management and control.
Remediator The Remediator Configuration has been revamped to enhance an understanding and streamline information gathering. The updated design now provides a simplified process, allowing users to check the status and connection of tests with a single click. This improvement aims to offer a more user-friendly experience and efficient management of Remediator configurations, ensuring ease of use and accessibility. LTS Redesigning LTS (Long-Term Storage) to enable support for configuring multiple clients with diverse storage type options. This redesign ensures the flexibility of the LTS system to cater to various client configurations while offering a range of storage choices. The enhanced LTS configuration now provides seamless support for multiple clients, each with distinct storage preferences. Built-in Dashboard customization Users have been thrilled that we have now added the capability to customize the built-in dashboard, including the option to drill down for more detailed insights. This enhancement provides users with greater control and flexibility in tailoring their dashboard experience with custom capabilities. Deep-Tracker The Deep Tracker has been redesigned to provide consolidated information about both logs and flows, offering a centralized location for comprehensive threat details. This integration allows users to efficiently gather insights into both types of threat data, streamlining the threat-hunting process. By presenting information about logs and flows together, the redesigned Deep Tracker enhances the effectiveness of threat detection and analysis. On special request, we have added the JSON view and tabular view to see the detailed data information.
MTMT(Multi-TenantManagementTool) TheMTMTUXandUI hasundergonearedesigntoimprovetheuser experienceandenhanceitscapabilitiesforhandlingmultiple MSPs/MSSPs.Thisredesignbriefwastocreateamoreintuitive and user-friendlyfeelandintroduceadvancedfeaturestoefficiently managemultipleMSP/MSSPinstances.TheenhancedMTMTnow offersasmootherandmore responsive userinterface,contributing to anoverallimproveduser experience.Additionally,theupgradedcapabilitiesempowerthetooltoeffectivelyhandlethecomplexities associatedwithmanagingmultipleMSSPs. InAugust2023,Seceonmarkedastrategicmilestonebysuccessfully acquiringHelixera, aprominent cybersecuritycompany.Aspartofthis acquisition,thefounderofHelixerajoinedSeceon’sesteemed CustomerSuccessEngineeringteam,infusingouroperationswitha wealthofexpertise incybersecurity,networking,andcustomer service. Thismove helpedtofortifySeceon’scommitmenttoproviding unparalleled supporttoourexpandingcustomer base.Inresponseto therapidgrowth,wepromptlyadaptedandrefinedourcustomer supportoperations, encompassingbothpre-sales andpost-sales activities.Concurrently,weundertookacomprehensiveoverhaulofour internalprocesses, resultinginasteadyenhancement ofourCustomer ExperienceServiceLevelAgreements(SLAs). Theburgeoningcustomerbasealsospurredanoteworthyexpansion of Seceon’sSecurityOperationCenter(SOC)facility. Thisstrategic developmentreinforcedourcommitmenttocybersecurityexcellence andempoweredourSOCcustomerswiththerequisiteprotectionand monitoring capabilitiestheydemand.Thecumulativeeffectofthese initiativeshaspositionedSeceonasaleaderinthedynamiclandscape ofcybersecurity,poisedforsustainedgrowthandinnovation.
Integrationsarethelifebloodofanyorganizationtodayandpowerful APIsenablegreatercontextforcybersecurityplatformsandteamsand forourpartnersandcustomersgreatervaluefromtheirexistingtools. Seceonhasthreeprimarytypesofintegrations:log/flow/event/alert ingestion,helpdesk/ticketing/ITSM/alertintegration,andresponse integrationforblocking,stoppingorquarantining of maliciousattacks. Youcanalsoviewacomplete listofSeceon’sintegrationsand connectors. Majorneworupdatedintegrationsin2023include: Liongard SentinelOne KaseyaDattoAutoTask ConnectWise Check Point Harmony LastPass TrendMicro Vision One and Trend Micro Apex Central Lumu Trellix MVISION Netskope Squid WatchGuard Mimecast Radware Docker Juniper Sophos Central Meraki Akamai Oracle Cloud Okta SEQRITE FireEye ForcePoint CrowdStrike Aruba SonicWall Google Cloud Palo Alto BitdefenderGravityZone
DidyoumeetSeceoninpersonthisyear? WewereatRSA 2023,TechNetCyber2023,IDCSouth AfricaCIO Summit2023,TribalNet,DattoCon,ITNation2023,ChannelPartners Europe, GITEX,BlackHatMiddleEast,andAfrica.Wewerealsoat AISS2023–DSCI,NCBS2023,NullconGoa2023,ICDSS2023,27th AnnualConference2023ISACAMumbaiChapter,ISACAHyderabad Chapter, CyberXIndiaSummit–Bangalore.Wealsoattended numerous patnersaleskickoffsandotherevents. AllNew!SupportPortaland PartnerPortal 2023alsosawagiantleapforwardinourSupportandPartner portals.BuiltontheleadingSaaSplatform,thesenewportalsfeature a modern,intuitiveinterfacetosubmitandtracktickets,review knowledgebasearticles,andreadtutorials.Thepartnermarketing teamalsoupdatedallcontentandcreatednewcontentforour partnerstouse across theirsalesandmarketingprograms.
PartnerandCustomerFeedback: Welovehearingfromourpartnersandcustomersandgettingtheir features,reports,andintegrationrequisites,and suggestionsforuser interface,and userexperienceimprovements. Werankallrequests and,whenneeded,conductinterviewsandsurveystoensurethatwe buildwhatis needed.Manyrequestsmaketheirwayintothesprints, andagood majorityofthemeventuallybecomeavailabletoour partnersandcustomers. Welookforwardtocontinuing ourpaceofinnovationandthesupport ofourpartnersandcustomersastheygrowin2024.Ifyou have not gottenademolatelyofanythingmentionedhere,youcanalwaysjoin ourweeklylivedemoorscheduleyourown1:1demo. Address - 238 Littleton Road Suite #206 Westford, MA 01886 Phone no - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/