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Seceon’s aiSIEM Integrates with 128 Technology’s Session Smart Router to Deliver Real-Time Cyber Threat Detection, Conta

Seceon empowers Enterprises and MSSPs to provide u201cComprehensive Cybersecurity for the Digital-Erau201d, through the coalescence of Seceonu2019s Dynamic Threat Models, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) with actionable contextual awareness to proactively surface threats and breaches that matter as well as to automatically contain and eliminate them in real-time. Call Us: 1 (978)-923-0040

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Seceon’s aiSIEM Integrates with 128 Technology’s Session Smart Router to Deliver Real-Time Cyber Threat Detection, Conta

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  1. Seceon’s aiSIEM Integrates with 128Technology’sSessionSmart Router to Deliver Real-Time CyberThreatDetection, ContainmentandElimination Seceon’saiSIEMIntegrateswith128Technology’sSessionSmart Router to Deliver Real-TimeCyberThreatDetection,Containment

  2. andElimination Best-in-class solution enables enterprisesandMSPsto visualize trafficuptoLayer7andstopcyber-attacks Westford, Mass., April 5, 2019—Seceon, which pioneered the first fully-automated, real-time cyber threat detection, containment and elimination platform, today announcedit hasadded 128 Technology to its growing list of strategic technology partners. The companies are combining Seceon aiSIEM with 128 Technology’sSesssion Smart Routertoofferenterprisesandserviceprovidersabest-in-class solution fordetectionandpreventionofall known and unknown cyber threatsin real-timefromoutsideand withintheorganization. “Businesses of all sizes urgently need a reliable, low-touch way to protect themselvesfrom cyberattacks,”saidLalit Shinde,Headof Strategic Partnerships and Business Development at Seceon.“128 Technology’sinnovativeapproachtosession-basedroutingwhich evolves the network into a service-centric fabric that’s simpler, more agile and secure for the service providers makes it an ideal partner for Seceon.Together,128Technology andaiSIEMprovide ‘Comprehensive Cybersecurity for the Digital-Era’ to safeguard digital assets,ataprice enterprises can afford.” “Today’s increasingthreatlandscape demandsadvancednetwork security measures. The 128T Session Smart Router adds an advanced level of security that enterprises need today,” said Prashant Kumar, Co-FounderandVicePresidentofProductManagement,128 Technology. “We look forward to working with Seceon on this game- changingaiSIEMsolution forenterprisecustomers.Bycombining SeceonaiSIEMwith 128T SessionSmart Router, we’re enabling a “Zero Trust” security model that combines authentication, encryption andgranular segmentationbuiltrightintothenetworkitself.”

  3. Seceon’s aiSIEM and 128T Session Smart Router together protects businessesagainstallknownandunknowncyberthreats.This includes: Cyber Crime, Insider Threats, Denial of Service, Vulnerability Exploits, Email/Web Exploits, ITMistakes, NBAD, IoTThreats, and more. The joint solution is easyto deploy and manage, with no rules or policiestowrite. AboutSeceon SeceonempowersEnterprisesandMSSPstoprovide“Comprehensive CybersecurityfortheDigital-Era”,throughthecoalescence of Seceon’sDynamicThreatModels,MachineLearningandArtificial Intelligence(AI)withactionablecontextualawarenesstoproactively surfacethreatsandbreachesthatmatteraswellastoautomatically containandeliminatetheminreal-time.Seceon’sOpenThreat Management(OTM)platformscalestomillionsofassetstocollect rawdatasuchasstreaminglogs,networkflowsandidentitiesfrom allapps,devices,networkinfrastructureandcloudinfrastructure includingSaaS,PaaS,IaaS,IoTsandIIoTs,aswellasadvancedthreat intelligencetoprovidecomprehensivevisibility ofusers,hosts, applications, and services. aiSIEM™andaiMSSP™areaward- winningsolutionsbuiltontheOTMplatformtosupportenterprise ComprehensiveCybersecurityandMSSPsofferingaiMDR,aiSOCand aiSIEMserviceswithflexibledeploymentmodels. Tolearn more,please visit: www.seceon.com or call (978) 923-0040 andfollowthecompanyon:Twitter|Facebook|LinkedIn About128Technology 128 Technologymakesyournetwork do what your businessneeds, bychangingthe way networkswork.Ourprofessionalgradesoftware teachesroutersthelanguageofapplicationsandservices,letting them understandthe requirements of individual services and segments, andadaptthenetwork dynamicallyto deliverwhat the businessneeds,whenandwhereitneedsit. We makerouters SessionSmart™,enablingenterprisecustomersandserviceproviders t o create a service-centric fabric hat’s more simple, agile, and secure, deliveringbetter performance atalowercost.

  4. Contact Us Address -238 Littleton Road, Suite #206,Westford, MA 01886, USA Phone Number - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com , info@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Seceon_Inc

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