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Seceon's aiXDR_ Automating Cybersecurity Threat Detection in 2023 - Seceon

Seceon aiXDR solution is built upon its Open Threat Management (OTM) Platform enabling organizations to detect both signature-based malware with precedence and zero-day threats without precedence, quickly and effectively, thereby thwarting the kill chain and minimizing the extent of damage across business and enterprise environments.

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Seceon's aiXDR_ Automating Cybersecurity Threat Detection in 2023 - Seceon

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  1. Seceon'saiXDR:AutomatingCybersecurityThreatDetectionin2023-SeceonSeceon'saiXDR:AutomatingCybersecurityThreatDetectionin2023-Seceon +1(978)-923-0040 info@seceon.com Seceon’saiXDR:Automating Cybersecurity Threat Detection in 2023 by Seceon Thought Leadership |Feb 16, 2023 |aiMSSP, aiXDR, Cyber Security Company, CybersecuritySolution, RansomwareDetection|0comments

  2. Seceon'saiXDR:AutomatingCybersecurityThreatDetectionin2023-SeceonSeceon'saiXDR:AutomatingCybersecurityThreatDetectionin2023-Seceon In2023,abestinbreedcybersecuritysolutionmustdetect cyber threats& anomalousbehaviorusing signature and non-signature- basedtechniquesandrespondtothesethreatsvianativecapabilities. Seceon’s comprehensive platform includes more than 15 tools like AI, ML,Vulnerability Assessment, SIEM,SOAR, UEBA, NBAD, NTA, EDR, TI,but ourfocusfortoday isanareathat frequently comesupin conversationwithcustomersandpartnersalike. Most platforms require identifyactual threats platformandreported security analysts to write correlation rules to from aplethora of events analyzed by the aspotentiallysuspicious.Thisisacomplex • human intensive task, often prone to error. Seceon’s aiXDR leverages Dynamic Threat Models to automate this task. These threat models are basedonpatentedtechnologywithpreconfiguredrules,adjusted dynamicallybasedonanorganization’susagepattern. • HerearesomesalientpointsonaiSIEM’sThreatDetection capabilities: • Itcan identifymaliciousactivity andinfectionsondevicesthatare outsidetraditionalperimeterdefenseandsplitVPNconnection. • Itcanidentify advancedthreatinfectionvectorsregardlessofbeing insideoroutsidethecorporatenetwork. • Itcandetectinfectionswithout thepresenceofanyfileanalysis software. • Itcan detectinfectedhostsandendpointsregardlessoftheOS involved. • In SeceonaiXDR,only the threats with high probability (Confidence Level)aretranslatedintoalerts,thusreducingalertfatigue and wasteful work. These selective alerts can be sent as notifications to SecurityOperationsCentre(SOC)teamsviaemails.Also, syslog notificationsandWebhookinterfacesareincluded.Additional interfaces such as OpenDXL and aiXDR’s API functions can be blended toenhancethesecuritydataexchangemodel. • Theautomationiscomplementedbybuilt-inalertworkflowandaudit capabilitiesforsecurityanalyststhatprefermanualsteps.Analertcan

  3. Seceon'saiXDR:AutomatingCybersecurityThreatDetectionin2023-SeceonSeceon'saiXDR:AutomatingCybersecurityThreatDetectionin2023-Seceon go through a typical workflow with these actions – Assign, Comment, “Not an Alert”, Remediate,TrustedThreat IndicatorandClose. The entire lifecycle is preserved for alert analysis and presented graphically toshowevolutiontrends. Primary focus is placed on a proactive approach to threat detection and responsewithminimalSOC/analystinvolvementsothatsecurity incidentscanbeavertedorreducedconsiderably.Hence incident management istranslatedintocriticalandmajoralertsinSeceon’s taxonomy. An incident can be further investigated by drilling into the alert and stepping through the validated Threat Indicators all the way downtotheeventdata(suspicious activitytype,executable, parent/child process, OS vulnerability, date detected etc). Also, further investigation can be conducted at asset level, device level or user level through theDeepTrackertool. At Seceonwe’recollaboratingwith many of thebest Cybersecurity Operation Centers across the globe. One requirement we often hear requested from analysts isasolution that natively offers behavioral techniques (non-signature-based detection), such as machine learning or advanced analytics in addition to signature-based techniques that detectnetworkanomalies. TheSeceon aiXDRsolution isbuiltuponitsOpenThreatManagement (OTM)Platformenablingorganizationstodetectbothsignature-based

  4. Seceon'saiXDR:AutomatingCybersecurityThreatDetectionin2023-SeceonSeceon'saiXDR:AutomatingCybersecurityThreatDetectionin2023-Seceon malware with precedenceandzero-day threats without precedence, quickly and effectively, thereby thwarting the kill chain and minimizing the extent of damage acrossbusiness and enterprise environments. Towardsthatend,aiXDReschewsstaticrules-basedthreatdetection infavor of dynamic threat models andbehavioral analytics, utilizing elastic compute power and advanced machine learning. Furthermore, AI with actionable intelligence and anomaly detection algorithms with definitive indicators are synthesized to eliminate threats in real-time, thus eliminating the need for investing hours and days to establish predefinedstaticrules. The aiXDR solution empowers SOC teams to orchestrate and analyze operationalsecuritydata,managethreatsandvulnerabilities, and respondtosecurityincidentsinreal-time. Address - 238 Littleton Road Suite #206 Westford, MA 01886 Phone no - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/

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