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The MSP channel is saturated with corporate-sponsored events where vendors clamor for attention, and agendas seem to prioritize sales pitches over substance. Finding an informal, educational conference can feel like stumbling upon a hidden oasis in the desert. Call Us: 1 (978)-923-0040
+1(978)-923-004info@seceon.com TechCON Unplugged, Organized byMSPsforMSPs:AGenuineand PassionFilledCommunityEvent Ispent my weekend with someofmy favoritepeople intheMSP Channel.PacoLeBronputs on ashow every year calledTechCONUnplugged. It’s not a big show. There’s no elite hotel, luxurious SPA, super famous key notes… No,thisisacommunity event.An event createdbyandforMSPsanditisoneofmyfavoriteeventseachyear.
The MSP channel is saturated with corporate-sponsored events where vendorsclamorforattention,andagendas seem toprioritizesales pitches over substance. Finding an informal, educational conference can feel like stumbling upon a hidden oasis in the desert. I’m not sure New Jerseycouldeverbeconsidered anoasis, but the conference was great.TechCONUnpluggedstands apartfromthe traditional conference circuit, providing a genuine space for learning, collaboration, andcommunity-building. Pacoand his cohorts understand the unique challenges faced by MSPs andtailor thecontentandsessionsaccordingly.Theybroughtin speakers who have walked in the same shoes as the attendees who sharedreal-worldexperiencesandpracticalinsights. Every session wasrelevant,valuable, andapplicabletothedailylivesoftheMSP. This experience was a breath of fresh air and demonstrated that there isroomforinnovationandauthenticityintheworldofindustry gatherings. Theinformal formatandcommunity-drivenapproach combined to createan event that was both educational and fun. It served as areminder that, in the midst of the giant ecosystems and vendor driveGTM tacticsthat therearestill placeswhere genuine connections, meaningful discussions, and shared knowledge can take center stage.
For me, speaking at the event was incredibly fun. Iwas able to create my own educational content, sans vendor pitch and the best part about itwas thediscussion that tookplace with the audience. They were truly engaged, asked questions, and shared their own experiences. Not onlywasIabletosharesomeknowledge,butthewhole room engaged in dialog, asked questions and helped each other gain new skills and knowledge to use right away in their businesses. Ifyou’rean MSPprofessional seekingaconference experience that truly puts your needs andinterestsfirst, Ihighly recommend keeping an eye out for events organized by Paco and his team. Also, listen to the MSP Unplugged podcast. You might just find yourself rejuvenated andinspired,readytotacklethe challengesofourindustrywith newfoundenergyandinsights. Contact Us Address - 238 Littleton Road Suite #206 Westford, MA 01886 Phone no - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/