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Why Managed Service Security Providers (MSSP) should choose Seceon aiXDR - Seceon

Seceon aiXDR included API we were able to push Seceon OTM platform alerts to our ticketing system. This allowed us to use our ticketing systems reporting and workflows. Call Us: 1 (978)-923-0040

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Why Managed Service Security Providers (MSSP) should choose Seceon aiXDR - Seceon

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  1. Why Managed Service Security Providers(MSSP)shouldchoose SeceonaiXDR? Hi there! I’m one of the newest additions to the Seceon Team. My name is Randy Blasik (V.P. Technology Solutions). Welcome to the “Golden-Era”ofCyberSecurity! Forthepast7yearsIheldtheroleofChiefTechnologyOfficerwhere I was a key driver in turninganaverageManagedServiceProvider

  2. (MSP) business into anationally recognized U.S.based Technology Service provider. One of the multi-million dollar per year business verticals I architected as C.T.O. was a Managed Security Service which included full remediation. Shout out to my team, I couldn’t have been successfulonmy own.Theirdedicationalongtheway was paramounttoourteamsuccesswithin thisvertical.Anyhowthe service is executed in regulated industries such as Financial Services, ManufacturingandHealthcare.Mostimportantlyourclientsseemed to really find value in the security service too, especially after passing regulatory audits with flying colors every year and largely avoiding currentCyber threats. In my current role, I want to use my experience to help you deliver a comprehensive cyber security solution that you, your team and your customers value. The good folks here at Seceonhaveprovided me this web platform as an easy way to share my perspectives to a wide audience. I will add segments regularly that will include different topics around allthingsrelatingtoMSSPBusiness. Part1:OperationalEfficiency&5Waysthe OpenThreat Management (OTM) PlatformimprovedmyMSSP’soperational efficiency. Ask yourself this question: “Are my Security Operations efficient?” Regardless of the answer you and your team should always include a strategy to improve efficiency. Putting the focus on driving towards efficientoperationswasalwaysasecretweaponformyfirm.It helpedussustain our qualityofserviceduringour organizations rapid growth because we could chew through service tickets. Efficient internal processes helped us react to new threats without distracting usfrom our day-to-day activitiesandhelpedusin situationswhen staffresourceswerelimited. Finding agoodSecurity Operations Analystis like tryingafindaunicorn,right?Ofcourse,pickingthe right core Security Platform built from the ground up with operational efficiency in mind,aplatformlike SeceonaiXDRhelpedtoo.

  3. 5waystheSeceonaiXDRimprovedmyMSSP’soperational efficiency: 1. During the onboarding of anew client the serviceprovider spends a lot of time correcting past sins as well as ensuring its own systems aresetupandworkingproperly.Oftenaserviceproviderdoesn’tturn a profit in the first few months after taking on a new client. With the Seceon aiXDR, Setup and deployment is simple. To start deploying the Seceon aiXDR Platform we chose to host the Analytics & Policy Engine (APE), a required Seceon aiXDR component, with Seceon so they took care of the deployment of this component. A bonus is that they also take care of updating it in the future! To deploy the Seceon XDRendpointacrossthousandsofdeviceswepublisheda PowershellscripttoourRemoteManagementandMonitoring platform (RMM) which took care of the endpoint installation. For the first few deployments of the SeceonaiXDRplatform our Sr.Team memberstook theleadandusedtheMicrosoftWindowsStep Recorder toolas we setup infrastructure. Using the Windows Step Recorderhelped usquickly generate internal work instructions for additional tasks like the Seceon aiXDR Collection and Control Engine (CCE) deployment. We uploaded the work instructions to Sharepoint sothey could be easily modified asneeded but more importantly could be read and followed by our newest team members. One month weonboarded 60Clients!

  4. Client TenantView 2.UsingtheSeceonaiXDR included APIwewere able topush SeceonOTMplatformalertstoour ticketingsystem.Thisallowedus touseour ticketing systemsreportingandworkflows.It’simportant tonotemostticketingsystemscancreate tickets fromemails received,theaiXDRplatformcansendalertsasemails.Butwechose to leverage the API because we could combine the aiXDR platform data with data from our RMM before we created a service ticket. The end result was quicker time to resolution for all service tickets generatedbytheaiXDRplatform. Image Featuring how easily it can be configured with Seceon aiXDR GUI. 3.WeregularlyusedtheSeceonaiXDRplatformtoverifyalertsfrom other security layers in our security stack eliminating time wasted whenworkingonfalsepositives.

  5. Screenshot featuring the Critical Alert Notification is always on top priority. 4.AlertsfromtheSeceonaiXDRplatformraisedto Security Operation Analysts (SOC) include MITRE technique ID’s. Our standard operating procedure included the review of technique ID’s.If you’re not familiar with atechnique ID you should really check them out. MITRE ATT&CK is a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real world observations. The ID and correspondingdetailedknowledgebasearticles helpsananalyst quickly andaccuratelyassesthreat indicators including identifying potential zeroday threats. Also talking about TechniqueID’shelp SOCAnalystsfeelreally cool atthelunchtable! ScreenshotFeaturingMITREAttackFrameworkformaiXDRGUI .UpdatestocoreSeceonaiXDRcomponentscanbeautomatedorif

  6. you want amore controlled approach updates canbe pushed from the platform’s web portal by clicking abutton. We choseto push updates with the Portal’s magic button so we had more control as to when to test our use-cases. In either case Seceondoes the heavy liftingof updatesmaking theprocessquickandpainless. Screenshot(i)FeaturingPushButtonRemediationand(ii)Auto remediation

  7. RandyBlasik eranofmorethan20 yearsin the fields of Technology development, pport and Cyber Security. Prior to Seceon, Randy has spent the last 7 years ChiefTechnology Officer where heplayed akeyrole in building the business y recognized Managed ServicesProvider. Randy hasalso held key technology nsmall,midandlargemarketfirmsdatingbacktotheyear2000.AtSeceon s seasoned leadership, oversees Technology Solutions and is using his wide enceto drive bothinternalandexternalsuccesses. t Contact Us Address -238 Littleton Road, Suite #206,Westford, MA 01886, USA Phone Number - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com , info@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/

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