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Most places around the world do see four distinct seasons with their own weather patterns and plants that thrive and bloom throughout the year. This guide aims to discuss a small amount of those plants and flowers that thrive throughout the different seasons. Visit http://www.crowders.co.uk/
Plants Through the Seasons http://www.crowders.co.uk/
Summer Flowers In most of the world there are four seasons in a year, which are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. With each season comes with different weather conditions and different plants and Even though you might not think it when living in England, but summer is the time for hot and warm weather. When the weather is warm why not take advantage, and plant a range of gorgeous flowers in your garden to add some colour with the bright sun beaming down on them. Start your flowerbed with the beautiful dahlia flower that forms a symmetrical ball of bright coloured petals. The plant is available in different varieties meaning you can see different heights and sizes. Dahlias make a perfect plant for adding colour to any garden. Obviously when planting your flowers for the garden you can’t forget the most popular, daffodils. Daffodils start blooming in the Spring but they do last into the summer seasons. j nature. In this article, we are going to discuss a range of flowers that appear and grow throughout the different seasons. Spring Flowers Spring flowers show a good indication that the warmer weather is approaching. One of the best flowers to plant in the Spring is the Pansy. The pansy grows best in cool weather conditions in early-season containers and window boxes. Once they start growing you can see a variety of coloured petals as well as cheery uplifted blooms. Another flower that should be planted at the start of the Spring season is the yellow trillium which is best grown in a woodland garden alongside other shade loving plants. The flowers will die on the plant around June time, however, come April you will see marbled leaves and delicate looking yellow/white blooms appear. The final plant that we suggest you add to your spring garden is the snowdrop anemone. As long as you plant this fragrant flower in a slightly shaded area you will see a array of bright clusters appear. Autumn Flowers Autumn is a season that is well known for its harvest time, leaves gradually changing colour and cooling temperatures. With autumn comes shorter days, this is the biggest sign that winter is slowly coming. Like every other season there are a certain range of plants that can be planted during Autumn. Let’s discuss some of the flowers you can use during this season. Do you like all things pink? Then why not add a nerine flower to your garden so you can have a fun and bright season. http://www.crowders.co.uk/
When it comes around to autumn you know the year is nearly out, so why not have some colour in your garden with a sternbergia plant that are extremely vigorous when they are placed in the right location. Winter Flowers Winter comes across as a negative season for most people, due to the cold weather, dark nights and regular illnesses occurring. But winter shouldn’t be seen like this, it should be positive as every other season. When it comes to plants and your garden it is very important that you keep your nature area well maintained ready for when the next season comes along. There are some plants that can be planted in this cold season. For example, one of the most classic bulbs to be planted in the winter is the snowdrop with a range of species and varieties to choose from. In a glossy white colour these snowdrops will make a gorgeous but natural addition to any garden. Another cheery addition to your garden could be the winter aconite bulbs, producing golden, cup-shaped flowers surrounded by a collar of green leaves. So, there you go, we have discussed several plants that you can plant during the different seasons so head over to your nearest garden centre and get your garden ready for the seasons to come. http://www.crowders.co.uk/
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