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3 KEY FACTORS THAT INFLUENCES APROGRAMMER Asoftwaredevelopmentteamalwaysneedtobeupskilling,asarealwaysexpectedtobring more than just great code to an organization. Their hundreds of ways to get out of the box ideas running but, it is not an easy one to decide where to begin. There are certain factors thatinfluencethebasicworkthataprogrammerputsintoeveryproject. Thereareseveralkeyfactorsinprogressingtowardsbecomingagreatprogrammer.But,the importantonesconstitutetobeawareness,understanding,andresponsibility.Topsoftware development companies make sure the team is well informed about the happenings andis passionateenough todeliverwhatisexpectedoutofeveryproject. In order to solve a problem, there is a certain kind of understanding that is required. These three factors majorly influence the work of a software developer and softwarecompanies in India to rely on similar factors to make a selection for the right professional to jointheir team. What do these factorsmean? 1. Awareness: A specialized form of understanding in a way to perceive something andknowingthatitexistsandthisappliestoprogramminginalotofways.Simply put, if one is not aware of the bug, they cannot fix it. If the system has a bug, whether or not one knows about it that affects millions of users. If, the users are sufferingitisgoingtocomebacktothecompanywhetherornotthedeveloperis aware. Sometimes, the programmer is unable to understand code complexity in a way that what another programmer would infer out of the code that they just wrote. Acustomsoftwaredevelopmentcanencountersuchanissueso,itisbetter tobewillingenoughtogoout andreadcodethat’soutsideone’snormalrealmof control.
2. Understanding: It is the key factor that can make or break a programmer. Along with other skills that are useful that includes good communication, quick typing and managing your priorities appropriately. But, without understanding, even when one is the fastest programmer in the world, can only write terrible and unmaintainablesystems eventuallyfailinginwritingalineofcode. 3. Responsibility: Here, responsibility simply means the willingness to be at cause over, or in control of something. It takes a long time to do something right while dealing complex code. At times, it is alright to contribute to someone’s code. Many software companiesin Delhi have different terms for developing a certain part of apps, so, it is really not up toa certainpersontotakecareofthewholeproblem.Beyondsomepoint,oneisalwaysallowed to pass n theproblem. Start with awareness, then go on to understanding, and finally taking up responsibilities is the right direction. Custom application software development requires a set attitude to achieveadifferentresulteachtime.Inorder,todoamindfuljob,theapproachshouldbein order.Thesearemostsimpleofthingsthatcouldbecrucialwhiletakingupany ofthe jobs. Source:-http://www.sooperarticles.com/technology-articles/software-articles/3-key- factors-influences-programmer-1642097.html