Audit RequirementsInUAE November1,2022 Companiesaregenerallyrequiredtoauditwhichevercountryyouestablishedintheworld. However, it still depends on the jurisdiction. Much like in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), companiesaremandatedtoauditedbutonlyonthemainland,whilethoseinthefreezone authorities may be audited depending on the rules and regulations or legal framework of theauthorities. Farahat & Co.is well versed with laws and rules and regulations in the UAE that we can help youtobecompliantintermsofkeepingyourfinancialrecordsandbeingaudited.oneofthe bestauditingcompaniesinDubai. Companiesthatarenotunderthemandateofbeingauditedareencouragedtoundergoan audit anyway to ensure that their company is going the way that they plan and is not experiencinganydetrimentalproblems. AuditRequirementsIn UAE Under the Commercial Companies Federal Law, No. 32 of 2021, Chapter 2, Article 27 all companiesinthemainlandarerequiredtohavetheirfinancialaccountsbeaudited. These companieshavetokeeptheirfinancialrecordsforatleastfiveyears. Doallcompaniesneedtobeaudited?
Companies that are situated in the free zones do not necessarily get audited. Free zone authoritiesdonotrequirecompaniestosubmitanauditreport.Buttherearesomeforms of entities that have to deal with a mandatory audit of accounts. This includes free zone companies(FZCO)andfreezoneestablishments(FZE). However,itshouldbenotedthateveniffreezoneauthoritiesdonotrequirethesubmission of an audit report for certain companies. They should not overlook the fact that an audit report should be prepared for the company itself. The company audit report, required for immigrationorimmigrationisaskingtoprovideacompanyaudit. In this year that the tax system is already in play, companies will surely find it more necessary to maintain their accounting records and audits as well. This will give them more insightsonwhichpartofthecompanyneedsmoreattentionandhowthemanagementcan assistintakingcareofit. ReadMore:TopAuditFirmsinDubai. MainlandVSFreeZone To understandmoreoftheabove,itisimportanttodeterminewhatmainlandandfree zonesare.Thefollowingbelowwillexplainwhatthedifferencesarebetweenthetwo. 1.WhatareMainland? The mainland is basically the location outside of a free zone area. Companies in the mainlandareonshorecompanieswiththeirlicensesissuedbytheDepartmentofEconomic Development (DED) or any related department in other Emirates. These companies are allowed to do business without restrictions whatsoever in the local market and outside the UAE. Even if there are many benefits in establishing a company on the mainland. It has a little downside because a foreign individual needs a local sponsor before being able to go forward with their venture. This local sponsor should be a UAE national. A local sponsor ownsatleast51% ofyourbusinesswhenit is alreadyestablished.Alocalsponsorcanbe threetypes. A foreign person can form a company in the UAE inthreeways: Individualsponsorship Corporatesponsorship Orlocalserviceagent Alocalsponsorthatyouneedtoobtaindependsonthebusinessactivitiesthatyour companyoperates.
IndividualsponsorshipissimplyaUAEnationalwhocaneitherbemaleorfemaleandabove 21yearsofage.Thesepeopledonotneedtobeexpertsinyourchosenfield,buttheyneed to be either business owners, professionals, or government employees. The two parties (foreign individual and sponsor) can agree on a 51% for the local sponsor or a set fee or profitshareagreement. Corporate sponsorship is basically a company that runs by a UAE national/s. They can also agreeonwhetherthelocalsponsorowns51%ofthecompany.Orthelocalsponsorgets a setfeeannually. Alocalserviceagentis requiredforprofessionalforeignindividuals(like engineers,doctors, etc.) toplantosetupabusinessintheirareaofexpertise.Localserviceagentsdonothold any shares or stakes in the company. But only act as the foreign individuals’ representative foradministrativematters. 2.WhatisFreeZoneAuthorities? A free zone authority is basically a location in the UAE that has its jurisdiction in the said location.Ithasitsownsetofrulesandregulations.Companiesthatareestablishedina free zoneareallowedtodobusinessthereoroutsidetheUAE. Therearemanybenefitsinfreezonesthataremostcommonlyknownasfreezonebenefits. This means that companies that are established in free zones can enjoy 100% ownership without needing any local sponsorship in contrast to establishing a company in the mainland. Industry-specific free zones are all over the UAE that focus on the needs and requirements of a certain industry. There are many auditing firms in Dubaiand other free zoneshelpingpeopleinauditing. ReadMore:DAFZAApprovedAuditors:EverythingYouMustKnowAbout.