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One of the best activities to do if you are visiting Aswan is a day tour to Abu Simbel temples which are considered a UNESCO heritage site
ABU S I M B EL T E M P L ES TIPS ON ABUSIMBEL TEMPLES ASWAN ASWANTOURS Gearing up for a great trip toAswan MUSTDOTHINGSINASWAN Traveling with a tightbudget
ABUSIMBEL The name Abu Simbel was given by Swiss traveler Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, known as “Ibrahim Burckhardt,” who discovered the site in 1813 when a child named “Abu Simbel” accompaniedhim. The Importance of thetemple The importance of the Great Temple of Abu Simbel is due to its association with the phenomenon of the sun perpendicular to the face of the statue of Pharaoh Ramses II twice a year; the first coincides with the anniversary of his birthday corresponding to October 22 and the second on February 22 the anniversary of his coronation. The temple is also distinguished by a unique architectural design, where its façade was clicked in the rock, and decorated with four huge statues of King Ramesses II, the length of each of which reaches about 20 m, and the facade is followed by a path leading to the inside of the temple, which was taped into the rock at a depth of 48 m and its walls are decorated with scenes recording the king's victories and conquests, including The Battle of Kadesh, in which he triumphed over the Hittites, as well as the religious scenes depicting the king in his relations with Egyptian deities. Deluxe Tours Egypthttps://www.deluxetoursegypt.com
As for the Temple of Abu Simbel Al-Saghir, it was presented by King Ramses II to Queen Nefertari, his main wife and his beloved, and its façade is adorned by six huge statues of equal size representing the king and queen in a clear demonstration of the high status that the queen enjoyed with her husband, and the temple extends into the plateau at a depth of 24 m, and its interior walls adorn a group From the magnificent scenes that depicted the Queen worship different deities either with the king orqueens ABU SIMBEL DESIGNATEDA WAS WORLD HERITAGE S ITE BY UNESCO IN 1 979. Day T our to Abu S i m bel fr om A s w an Deluxe Tours Egypthttps://www.deluxetoursegypt.com
The Temple of Abu Simbel dates from the era of King Ramses II (1279-1212 BC), and they were read by a raised sandstone plateau 4 km south of their current location, to which they were taken in a campaign to save the effects of Nubia after the establishment of the High Dam in 1960 AD. The site of Abu Simbel includes two temples, the Great Temple of Abu Simbel, which was dedicated to the cult of "Ra Hur Hur sister" and "Amon Ra" of Ptah and the king himself, and the Temple of Abu Simbel, which is located 100 meters from the first temple that was dedicated to the goddess Hathor and Queen Nefertari, the main wife of theking. Deluxe Tours Egypthttps://www.deluxetoursegypt.com