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Knee replacement or Arthroplasty refers to the healing process to get back your knee in a healthy condition. The doctor suggests undergoing knee replacement to get rid of arthritic pain and for improvising other knee disabilities. This surgery is taken into practice for osteoarthritis and arthritis.
Best Knee Replacement Hospital in India – Top 10 Knee Replacement Doctors in India denesahealth.com/blog/knee-replacement-surgery By denesaadmin May 21, 2019 Overview: Knee replacement or Arthroplasty refers to the healing process to get back your knee in a healthy condition. The doctor suggests undergoing knee replacement to get rid of arthritic pain and for improvising other knee disabilities. This surgery is taken into practice for osteoarthritis and arthritis. India is a home for highly experienced orthopedists and surgeons who are taking care of millions of patients every year to deal with knee-related issues. The doctors in India are well versed with advanced treatments and improvised techniques required for providing complete health care solutions to the patients. All the countries around the world trust India for availing the Knee Replacement Surgeries. India has earned this trust because of top doctors, satisfactory outcomes from the surgery and nominal cost of treatment. Every year, the doctors in India excel in providing a solution for all the issues that are a 1/10
hindrance to appropriate functioning of your knee. If you are the one facing problem in your day to day life because of chronic knee pain, you can opt for Knee Replacement in India. Which is the Best Hospital in India for Knee Replacement? Not all the medical tourist are aware of the best hospital for Knee Replacement in India. In context with the same, and excellent results of Knee Replacement, the best hospital in India is Artemis Hospital, Gurugram, India. Apart from hospitals, the success of the treatment depends on your choice of doctors. Top 10 doctors for knee replacement in India are: Dr IPS Oberoi. (Artemis Hospital, Gurugram). Dr Ashok Rajgopal. (Medanta, Gurugram). Dr Vinod Sukheja. (Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Delhi). Dr Anil Arora. (Max Hospital, New Delhi). Dr Anindya Basu. (Fortis Hospital, Kolkata). Dr Attique Vasdev. (Medanta- The Medicity, Gurugram). Dr Chandeep Singh. (Medanta- The Medicity, Gurugram). Dr Balvinder Rana. (FMRI, Gurugram). Dr Gautam Zaveri. (FMRI, Mumbai). Dr George A Anderson. (Apollo Hospital, Gurugram). What is the Need for Knee Replacement Surgery? The very first and prominent reason for Knee Replacement Surgery is ageing. Increasing age causes the wear and tear of the knee joint that compels the people to undergo Knee Replacement. 2/10
There can be various knee-related diseases that may affect you in old age, and most importantly, it is not possible to cure them with medicines or usual physical exercises. If you ignore the pain in your knee at initial stages, it may finally result in a breakdown of the cartilage between the knee and the bone. The cartilage is a very significant part of a knee as it acts as a cushion between the two. So, it is essential to ensure that the cartilage is in a healthy state, else you ought to undertake knee replacement as there is no other solution. Other than ageing, various other reasons call for Knee replacement surgeries such as: Deformities Some people are affected by problems like bowed legs and knock knees since birth. Unfortunately, these people need to undergo Knee Replacement surgery for procuring a healthy body and posture. Otherwise, they will continue with the problem for their whole life. Knee Injuries Knee Replacement becomes vital at the time of any incident that leads to a knee injury. In such cases, there is no other solution than knee replacement to fix a bone or torn ligaments. Ignoring Knee Replacement at this time may result in arthritis or other significant problems. So, it is recommended to look into this problem immediately. 3/10
Osteonecrosis In this condition, the blood cannot flow properly to the bones. The state of a person becomes miserable, and it is a critical issue where the doctor generally suggests the patient have a Knee Replacement Surgery. Avoiding the treatment at this stage may lead to severe consequences. Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis is a rare condition when the immune system of a person affects and shatter the lining of Knee. The situation forces the patient to have a Knee Replacement Surgery. What are the types of Knee Replacement Surgery? Knee Replacement surgery mainly has four types. It includes:- 1) Total Knee Replacement – This surgery deals in replacing the thigh bone and shin bone. Both the bones combine to form the knee joint. Surgeons suggest for Total Knee Replacement when neither thigh bone nor the shin bone is in proper function. After the Total Knee Replacement, the patient can sway back to original condition. 2) Partial Knee Replacement – 4/10
This surgery is productive for patients who have strong Knee ligaments. For performing this surgery, the doctor replaces only one part of the knee. It can either be the innermost or outside layer. The reason for the same is that only a part of your knee is damaged and not the complete knee. 3) Kneecap Replacement – In this condition, the doctor tends to replace the undersurface of the Kneecap. But this surgery is not advisable by most of the doctors as the success rate of this surgery is comparatively low than the total Knee Replacement surgery. 4) Revision Knee Replacement – This surgery is needed when the patient is going through some severe arthritis after the knee replacement surgery. An Orthopedician may also perform a Revision Surgery in case of failure of a previous Knee Replacement Surgery. Benefits of Different Types of Knee Replacement Surgeries Total Knee Replacement : This surgery helps the patient in:- Enhancing the Knee movements. Freedom from Joint pain. Increase in mobility. It also helps in improving your performance in day to day life without bearing any pain. This is the most favourable surgery to resolve any knee-related disease. It usually takes only 1 to 2 hours to perform this surgery. This surgery is quite safe and does not involve many complications. Total Knee Replacement Surgery has a longer life and better results in comparison to other types of Knee Replacement Surgeries. Partial Knee Replacement Doctors refer to this treatment when only a portion of your knee is affected or damaged. In the recent past, this treatment was only for the old aged patients, but now it is preferred for youngsters too. Partial Knee Replacement is fruitful because it involves: High success rate. Lesser pain during the surgery and 5/10
Lower recovery time. Kneecap Replacement Kneecap Replacement is not a complicated process. It is a partial surgery in comparison to Total Knee Replacement. It requires nano incisions for operating. All the knee ligaments are kept secured during the entire process. Kneecap Replacement surgery is said to be the quickest among all types of Surgeries. Possible benefits of Kneecap replacement are: It is possible to accomplish the procedure in minimum possible time in comparison to other types of knee replacement surgeries. Inexpensive. Suitable to fix minor damage to your knee. Revision Knee Replacement Revision Knee Replacement is the way to replace a knee implant that isn’t functioning correctly. It is very significant surgery as it helps the patient in multiple ways: It provides stability to the knee. Also, Improves the tightening of the implant. Helpful in getting rid of the infection. There are various designs in Knee replacement that are opted by the Doctors as per the patient’s height, weight, and activity level. These implants are made up of metal, ceramic and plastic for providing ease to the movements to the patients. The models reciprocate the PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament), placed at the back of the Knee. And the other plan is made for replacing ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament). What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is a situation when the cartilage between the knee and bone damages. One can encounter this problem due to various factors like age, hereditary, obesity, sports, and other injuries. It also occurs in people who continuously pressurize the knee joint. Apart from that, people who are born with a curved spine or suffer scoliosis are prone to Osteoarthritis. What is the possible treatment for Osteoarthritis? If the Osteoarthritis is severe and no medications work on it, then it undoubtedly proves that the patient needs surgery. A Surgery can help you in relieving the pain and other knee problems. The Surgeries for Osteoarthritis are:- 6/10
Arthroscopy: It improvises damaged and lost tissue. Doctors use it to fix the issues associated with the core of the Knee. Joint Replacement Surgery: This process involves replacing the damaged joint with an artificial one. So that the patient can perform daily life activities without any pain. Joint fusion Surgery: Joint fusion is for fusing the bones on each side of the joint. With this process, The joint gets stiff, and the patient will retain flexibility. Osteotomy realigns bone Surgery: This surgery relaxes the pressure on the joint. After the surgery, the patient can freely move their leg and arm for all physical activities without pain. Various stages of Osteoarthritis In Osteoarthritis, there are five stages which are:- Ø Stage 0 – In Stage 0 Osteoarthritis person’s Knee, health condition is average. It is curable with the help of medicines and physiotherapy. He doesn’t require any operation for proper Knee movement. Ø Stage 1 – The person diagnosed with Stage 1 Osteoarthritis is in the condition where there is a slight growth of bone between the two joints. The ingrown bone causes little pain and discomfort to the knee. Under this medical condition, you need not go for Knee Replacement. But the doctor recommends some drugs and medicines to cure the disease. Along with that, the patient has to start with some exercise to decrease the risk of arthritis. Ø Stage 2 – In Stage 2 Osteoarthritis, the Knee of the patient is mildly lousy. Under this condition, the size of the bone increases rapidly. The size of the bone is comparatively more prominent than the size of Stage 1. 7/10
It also reflects that the cartilage of a person is in a healthy state. It means the two bones in the Knee does not overlap or rub each other. If you suffer from stage 2 Osteoarthritis, then you will feel pain after any physical activity. You may also experience rigidity and stiffness. Stage 2 is the crucial stage to consult your doctor as you can observe some severe symptoms that may require Knee Replacement. Before the Knee Replacement, the doctor might suggest some knee strengthening exercises that can decrease the pain and heal the damage. You should avoid activities like kneeling, jumping and squatting if suffering from Stage 2 Osteoarthritis. Wear the braces to ease of the Knee movements and prevent pain. Ø Stage 3 – Stage 3 is known as the moderate stage of Osteoarthritis. You may come across severe cartilage damage during phase 3. The patient tends to witness the pain while walking, running, bending and kneeling the Knee. Apart from that, you may suffer from joint stiffness after sitting for an extended period or after you wake up in the morning. There can also be swelling on the patient’s Knee. Under this situation, Doctor typically suggests the cortisone injection. It is a steroid to suppress the pain. These injections work effectively for curing the mediocre to severe pain. But these medications do have side effects — the risks involve nausea, sleepiness, and fatigue. So kindly consult an orthopedician for further treatments. Ø Stage 4 – Stage 4 is a severe stage. A patient under this stage witness high-level pain and uneasiness in moving the Knee joint. The cause for stage 4 osteoarthritis is a reduction in the space between the knee joint. Stage 4 completely dissolves the cartilage of the Knee. It does not provide support for the contraction and expansion of the Knee. In this stage, the Doctor usually suggests osteotomy for Knee Replacement. It is used to change the alignment of the bone of the Knee. Surgeon indicates this surgery mainly for youngsters. It takes some weeks or months for the complete recovery. Who Needs a Knee Replacement? It is for all who suffer end-stage problem-related in their knee. The cause for the inconvenience in the knee can be some injury, accident, birth effect or old age effect. The knee problem is the most common medical issue these days. You can observe it in almost all generations. The reason is ignorance towards a healthy lifestyle. Knee diseases are the sheer problem of the over-ambitious and highly stressed people. At a certain point in time, their body parts also stop supporting them. The result is the requirement of artificial body parts. 8/10
Many reasons and factors indicate you require Knee Replacement: 1) Constant Knee pain – If you are experiencing continuous knee pain, then it’s a sure sign of the bad condition of your Knee. 2) Can’t stand on your knee for too long – If you feel pain while putting weight and standing on your knee for a little longer then surely it’s a sign of chronic knee issue. 3) Knee pain while Exercise – If anyone feels knee pain while exercising and afterwards then undoubtedly it’s a case of poor Knee health. 4) Stiffness in Knee – Feeling of the stiffness and rigidity in the knee after sitting for an extended period. 5) Difficulty in going upstairs and downstairs – Pressure in moving upstairs and downstairs. It is generally for old age people. 6) Swelling – Excessive swelling on the knee, is also a sign that demands a doctor’s recommendation. 7) Decrease in mobility – If you feel pain in moving from one place to another or during the transition from one state of the body to another, consider your knee diagnosis. 8) Knee pain while sitting and lying – Chronic pain in your knee even if you do not move. What is the Life of Knee Replacement Surgery? It is the first question that hit every mind before he undergoes surgical treatment. So the answer to the most crucial question is that the total replacement usually lasts for 20 years for Total Knee Replacement. In the case of Partial Replacement, it will last for approximately ten years. In short, it is an excellent opportunity for the patient to regain a healthy life. Though, the lasting of the replacement depends on various aspects; they are: 1) Age – If the age of the patient is below 50, there are little or no chances of failure of Knee Replacement. 2) Weight – When a person is overweight, then all weight of the body focuses on their knee joints. It may reduce the life of a Knee Replacement Surgery. In this case, the Doctor strictly recommends the person to lose weight for better results and long-lasting life of replacement. 3) Other Medical Issue – If you suffer from any other medical issue, then too you may come across a failure of the Knee Replacement Surgery. Conclusion 9/10
The blog covers all the necessary information regarding Knee Replacement and Knee Replacement Surgery. To stay fit and healthy, consider a diagnosis of your knee even if you face the slightest pain. Keep reading the blog for more details on various health issues. Till then, stay healthy and stop ignoring your health issues. Latest Posts 10/10