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Managing a housing society when there are a number of occupants is a herculean task. There is so much to look into for the management of a housing colony.
TransparentandSecureLivingMadePossibleInHousingSocietyGoingDigitalTransparentandSecureLivingMadePossibleInHousingSocietyGoingDigital Managing a housing society when there are a number of occupants is a herculean task. There is so much to look into for the management of a housing colony. All the housesareprovidedwithdifferentkinds ofamenitiesandthesehavetobemanaged. Along with that, they may be other issues faced by the occupants that need to be resolved. • The management may have to look into various featureslike • Maintenancebills • Electricitybills • Assetsmanagement • Society helpdesk • Gateentries • Housekeepingmanagement • Complaints • Communication • Parking • Domesticstaff • These are the general features that are provided by the housing colonies to the tenants or occupants. Some colonies may offer many more features then the management may have to manage these too. When there is so much tomanage, is it humanly possible to manage everything with ease and also not make anyerrors? • Evidentlyno. • For better management of the housing colonies, the owners have got a better option. That is to go digital. Most of them have housing society management software. Going digital is easy and to manage everything becomes simple too. over and above that it iserror-free.
Moreover, the bills that have to be generated each month like electricity, maintenance and so on get generated automatically at the end of a billing cycle. Then it is automatically sent to each member to their email ids that are registered withthe management.Whenthere isautomationtheworkgets simplified and alsoit isaccurate. The occupants also find it convenient to receive bills in such a manner. With such a housing society management system administration of the colony becomes easy. This helps save time and effort which then can be utilized for some better purposes by theadministration. When such a software is used the admin finds it easy to store the details and the data of the occupants too. As this profile ofeach and every occupant is done digitally no paper need to be used. Thus there is less work of making paper files and then storing them in secure places. Such paper files can get damaged or even stolen and then misused. But the digital data is safe and secure and there is less chance for misuse when you gopaperless.
The use of such a digital system also makes it easy to make the monthly and annual reports. The data would have got compiled automatically. So to know the details for any repairwork,orthecoming and goingofvisitorsandoccupantsoranyotherthing related to the building maintenance can be immediately had. This is the benefit of going digital. The work gets simplified and you can have the details in ajiffy. Each housing colony has different kinds of occupants. Also, these housing colonies provide different kinds of facilities and amenities to the occupants. The best part of using such management software is it can be customized according to the use. The strength of each colony varies so the entries also vary. So you can customize your softwareaccording tothefeature youoffer.Also,thechargesapplicablefordifferent kind of services also vary. Accordingly, the software is customized to calculate these and send the bills to theusers. Over and above this the use of the digital system makes the running of the housing colonies completely transparent. Each and every occupant is a member and they will be allotted username and login id. Using this they can log in to the software and know about the details like charges, dues, and services atany time. Now,mostbuildings have putin placesuchsoftware.Usingthiskindofdigitalsystem has not only made it easy to manage and maintain the housing colonies easy but it has helped to make them safe and secure places too. When such a system is in place they attract more occupantstoo. Source- https://www.sooperarticles.com/technology-articles/software- articles/transparent-secure-living-made-possible-housing-society-going-digital- 1689246.html