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If you are considering having a hair transplant, you are probably looking for information about which options you have, depending on your hair density and the size of the bald areas.There are two primary techniques for hair transplantation currently in use. The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) methods. They differ primarily in the way hair follicles are extracted from the donor area.
DermaClinix Delhi Hair Transplant Surgery www.hairtransplantasia.com www.dermaclinix.in
Types of Hair Transplant Eyelashes Eyebrow Scalp Public Hair Beard Chest https://www.hairtransplantasia.com/hair-transplant/
Methods of Hair Transplant FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) Hair Transplant FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) DHT (Direct Hair Transplant) https://www.dermaclinix.in/hair-transplant-in-delhi.html
FUE Hair Transplant Surgery The FUE hair transplant strategy is the most popular methodology for men. FUE or "Follicular Hair Extraction" includes removing gatherings of healthy hair follicles or "grafts" from the back of the head and putting them into the uncovered/bald or diminishing area.DermaClinix offer follow-up treatments to invigorate hair growth and help recovery. DermaClinix treatments include PRP treatment and additionally high-frequency laser treatment. https://www.hairtransplantasia.com/fue-hair-transplant/
FUE Hair Transplant Procedure Punch Incision Around Hair Follicles Extraction of Follicular Units Harvesting of the Grafts Implantation of the Grafts Follicular unit extraction (FUE), also known as follicular transfer (FT), is one of two primary methods of obtaining follicular units, naturally occurring groups of one to four hairs, for hair transplantation. https://www.dermaclinix.in/follicular-unit-extraction-fue.html
Bio-FUE Hair Transplant Surgery At the DermaClinix, our hair transplant specialists have many years of experience, providing outstanding and natural looking hair transplants. Our Doctors, Dr. Amrendra Kumar and Dr. Kavish Chouhan, was instrumental in developing this revolutionary FUE Technique, which continues to benefit thousand of satisfied patients. The FUE and Bio- FUE hair transplant techniques are now the mainstay of hair restoration surgery in Delhi, India. https://www.hairtransplantasia.com/biostimulated-fue/
Bio-FUE Hair Transplant Procedure Local Anesthesia Slit Making Extraction Implantation Bio Therapy https://www.dermaclinix.in/biostimulated-fue.html
Limitations of Hair Transplant Limited amount of hair genetically resistant to hair loss in the donor area. Particular to follicular unit Extraction (FUE) Surgery, donor hairs can be taken. Large bald areas that patients desire to have covered cannot be transplanted. Insufficient density of transplanted hair. The need for repeat hair transplants due to continued hair loss. Hair transplant does not stop hair thinning.
Contact Us DermaClinix – Hair Transplant Asia Email:- info@hairtransplantasia.com enquiry@dermaclinix.in Landline No:- +91-1140041900, +91-40041700 Mobile No:- +91-8882227080