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Yoga for Beginners - If you’re new to yoga, start with these 10 basic asanas. Yoga is extremely beneficial for your mental and physical wellbeing.
How to Bring Balance in Your Life: Seven Tips for Chakra Balance
When balance is brought about, absolutely everything works at its best. The environments, our diet, our bodies, power, government, the universe, the tides, the weather, the water cycle, and all other circles within our existence need to be at equilibrium to fully function. A well balanced body begins with a well balanced diet, a well balanced environment, and understanding the need to balance the seven chakras with each other. • It is only when these inner and outer parts of our self, or chakras, are in harmony or balance, do we find true bliss, or harmony from within and without. It is when all seven chakras are in balance that we can perform at our optimum in life. This means that we perform our daily tasks much more effectively. It is also the healthy balance of these chakras which directly relates and balances both our soul and spiritual life.
What Do We Need for Seven Balanced Chakras? • All seven chakras must be in alignment and be well cared for. These seven Meditation Tips below will help you begin to heal and balance your seven chakras. • First we must remove negative energy foods from our bodies. This first step involves replacing as much of our dead and over processed food in our diet with live, fresh foods. Making sure to drink plenty of purified and ionized water, along with organic foods also helps provide the first part of this balance. • Second, we must remove all negative thinking form our minds as much as possible. Many hold negative thoughts, talk negatively to themselves and others, and think negatively. To change this, a person must begin to change those negative thoughts, feelings, and action with positive ones at their own pace. Simply start with the one you notice. Keep a note pad handy and every time a negative thought or idea comes to mind, write it down, cross it out, then write a positive counterpart to it. You will notice in the coming weeks much more positive energy from within.
Third, remove negativity from your life. This means violent entertainment, violent video games, and violence in any form. Avoid people who act and speak negatively. You may want to help them; however, until you are fully balanced yourself, there is nothing you can do for them. So first, you need to change negative people, behaviors, and stressors for your life as much as possible and make room for positive energy, and then, fill those negative things in with positive things. This may mean helping the environment or community instead of watching a violent movie. Or it may mean taking up a peaceful hobby which provide you with quiet time to reflect. • Fourth, strive to promote healing from within. This may be a spiritual movement for some and it may be a journey for others. Strive to provide a spiritual and harmonic balance in your spiritual life and outlook towards others. Some people may take up meditation, others may use audio tapes with visualizations or soft music, and still others may prefer to lay out on the grass daily and listen to the birds and the wind or other nature sounds. Whichever you choose, make it a daily habit of 15 to 30 minutes. Schedule it in at first, until it becomes your habit.
Fifth, get physical. Take care of the physical part of your body with refreshing exercise. This does not mean you need to take up body building or work out for long amounts of time each day. A simple daily walk of 15 or 20 minutes should suffice. Take up a type of yoga practice such as Hatha yoga, or Kundalini yoga, or even Pilates, or even light ballet. These both promote health, vitality, chakra flow and balance, and refresh the adrenal glands. • Sixth, take part in regular cleanses. Some people find that fasting for one day per week helps. Others find that a week long fast a couple of times per year does work for them. You may even find that performing an herbal or a colon cleanse, two or three times per year helps you. This will promote bad and negative energy as well as toxic build up from pollution and waste to be removed from the body. Bathe daily. Keep the outside of yourself and the inside of yourself clean for good balance. This Meditation Tips will hepls to energise your body.
Seventh, although the western and modern worlds promote a hectic pace, you would do well to strive for balance instead. Set limits to the amount of work you do. Work smarter, not harder. Learn to manage your money better and strive for self reliance. Be sure to get plenty of rest and sleep. Take time out to relax and reflect. Set limits with yourself and others. Sleep is termed unintentional meditation. It is time for the body to shut out external stimulation and balance itself. Make sure to get enough sleep and good sleep when you need it. • More Tips for Balancing the Seven Chakras • The chakras themselves correspond to seven parts of our selves. In many different eastern and western medicines they have been identified as sources or energy, wheels of energy, or flows of energy. In western medicine they correspond to the endocrine systems and the nervous system. The seven chakras are as follows: • 1. Muladhara: Lower Body (Seat of energy within the legs.)2. Swahisthana: Reproductive parts (The reproductive glands.)3. Manipura: Navel (The endocrine glands.)4. Anahata: Heart (The literal heart, and Love.)5. Vishuddha: Throat (Thyroid and other throat glands.)6. Ajna: Eyebrow, Forehead (the thalamus, Hypothalamus, and Endocrine system.)7. Sahasrara: Top Of head (Mental Awareness and Spiritual Awareness.)
Only when all seven of these parts or opens, in harmony with each other and in harmony with the outside world does harmony come to be bliss, or bring the person happiness. When any one of them is out of harmony, then the person will start to seek the harmony by looking outward for material pleasures. Therefore, for true inner peace, the philosophy of he balance of chakras states that when one looks outward for self gratification in any one of the seven areas which correspond to the seven chakras, then it is that chakra which is imbalanced. • To bring harmony back to any chakra balance, the person need to look within and follow the seven tips above along with searching from within for peace and balance to that system. Many find that bringing balance in the form of activities, self reflections, meditation, color harmony within the home, harmony within ones social life, and harmony with ones diet and exercise, does one find good balance in the chakras. Source: http://bit.ly/2dpyqev