How To Get Toned Muscles without Bulking Up For women mostly, the fear of exercising and using weights is associated with their fear of building mass muscle and looking a little too bulky. If you've been afraid to try weight lifting for this reason, you'll be happy to know it's not an issue. If you're overweight, strength training will actually help you burn more fat. The muscle helps increase your metabolism, which means you burn more fat without having to do more cardio or eat fewer calories. (Also read 'Burn Fat, Build Muscle' - here) The last thing you want to do is lose weight and end up with a large amount of flab hanging around your arms, legs and stomach. You want those areas toned and svelte without looking like Rambo. One way you can do this is to build a strength training regimen that uses lighter weight and a high amount of reps. When you do this, you're still building muscle and getting toned, but the focus is more about fat burning than mass muscles. You do want to slowly add more weight to your workout until you shed all of the weight you want to lose. And from that point on, it's simple maintenance. You don't have to continue adding more weight. You can also use your bodyweight to train, which means you're not using equipment, but doing things like pushups to help your body tone up and get fit. You'll still burn calories and fat, and your muscles will get a nice workout in the process. Learn about 3 metabolic triggers that FORCE your body to burn more fat. As you slim down, your bodyweight might not be enough for you - so at some point, you might want to add a few weights. Go as light or as heavy as you want to. Unless you're eating huge portions, you're not going to be able to build mass like you're worried about. Even using heavier weights in your workouts isn't going to make you build a lot of mass. It simply means you get stronger. You still have to consume larger portions to turn that into bodybuilder-sized muscles. But the great thing is, muscle building does afford you more room in your diet to be able to enjoy more of your favorite foods over the course of your day. That's because your muscle is working even when you're resting, to burn calories and fat for you.
You can also tone up without weights using forms of exercise like yoga or pilates. These also use your bodyweight (like pushups do) to help strengthen your body and give you that all-over toned look you've been hoping to get. RECOMMENDED: Achieve 14 days of your fastest fat loss - ever! Learn more here: click Made of 6 comprehensive modules in all, Shaun Hadsall’s guide teaches simple yet effective fat loss secrets for natural weight loss and to get rid of belly fat. It reveals little known ways to reduce thigh fat and belly fat – so you’ll lose weight in a week. Download “14 Day Rapid Fat Loss” now – CLICK HERE Your Fat Loss Guide ... from Fat Loss Reviews Hub www.FatLossReviewsHub.com .