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http://www.dexteritysolution.com/news18-hindustantimes-clonescript.html<br><br>The most significant feature of our News18 Clone is that it allows the user to view the complete information of authors in a single glance. Information such as the name of an author, which area he/she is specialized in and what material they published etc are supported.<br><br>Another unique feature of our Huffington Post Script is that we have a shop option available. So the users can visit Huffington Post Clone for news from all categories and can stop by to shop from the product list as well. For this, we have integrated multiple payment gateway options.<br><br>Our user-friendly design allows you to manage the site easily without much technical expertise and its SEO friendly URL will make sure to get the website maximum number of hits from various search engines.We have some other features such as blogs, newsletters, twitter feeds, and social media integration.<br><br>To contact our dexterity solution Team<br>Website URL: https://goo.gl/PtLkrd<br>Mail us: vsjayan@gmail.com <br>Make a Call: India – ( 91) 9841300660<br>Make a Call: (USA) – ( 1) 325 200 4515<br>Make a Call: (UK) – ( 44) 203 290 5530<br>
Hindustan TimesClone Hindustan TimesScript Huffington Post Script Huffington Post Clone News18Clone http://www.dexteritysolution.com/news18-hindustantimes-clonescript.html
About thescript • ThemostsignificantfeatureofourNews18Cloneisthatitallowstheusertoviewthe complete information of authors in a single glance. • Information such as name of author,whichareahe/sheisspecializedinandwhatmaterialtheypublishedetcare supported. • AnotheruniquefeatureofourHindustanTimesCloneisthatwehaveashopoption available.SotheuserscanvisitHindustanTimesScriptfornewsfromallcategories andcanstopbytoshopfromtheproductlistaswell.
Ouruser-friendlydesignallowsyoutomanagethesiteeasily withoutmuchtechnicalexpertiseanditsSEOfriendlyURL willmakesuretogetthewebsitemaximumnumberofhits fromvarioussearchengines. • Wehavesomeotherfeatures such as blogs, newsletters, twitter feeds, and social media integration
Hindustan TimesClone Hindustan TimesScript Huffington Post Script Huffington Post Clone News18Clone
THANKS TocontactourdexteritysolutionTeam Website URL: https://goo.gl/PtLkrd Mail us:vsjayan@gmail.com Make aCall:India – (+ 91) 9841300660 MakeaCall:(USA)–(+1)3252004515 Make aCall:(UK) – (+44) 203 2905530