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Most essential tips that every common user should know: what is spyware and what are the cunning ways it uses to infect your PC. Find out what types of files the spyware generally needs, and what can be the consequences for you computer once it becomes infected. We'll learn most up-to-date ways of spyware recognition, removal and protection against it. Be sure to protect your PC in case of spyware attack!
Everything you should know about spyware and ways of dealing with it Getting spyware spywareguide.net It’s influence Ways of treatment
Introduction • What is spyware in general • Ways of infecting the PC • Spyware abilities • How to recognize spyware • Ways of protection spywareguide.net
What is spyware in general • Spyware is a kind of malicious software which is installed into the computer without user’s knowledge or permission. • Usually spyware becomes downloaded along with a certain program, which contains malware code in its body • Once being installed onto the PC, spyware starts working immediately spywareguide.net
Statistics Users who have spyware • As a rule, users usually don’t even suspect they have spyware in their system. According to statistics, out of 100% users 92% don’t know they have spyware and 91% didn’t give any permission on its installation. • 8% remaining have installed spyware intentionally to control the machine’s activity spywareguide.net
Spyware installation • Often spyware function is mentioned in the license agreement, but users generally click “Agree” without reading it. So spyware comes onto the HDD absolutely legally spywareguide.net
Ways of infecting the PC • By installing the spyware together with some useful program • By exploitation of certain software vulnerabilities – e.g., Internet Explorer • By using the fake antivirus and antimalware programs spywareguide.net
Internet Explorer • Many spyware programs make use of IE. Mainly it happens not because Internet Explorer is the most popular browser nowadays, but because it is deeply integrated with Windows and has many keys to critical system features spywareguide.net
Fake antiviruses • Today many antiviruses are available for free downloading – and some of them contain malicious code. It’s worth being careful when downloading anti-malware applications and pay attention to the recognition and acceptance of the product. spywareguide.net
Spyware abilities • User activity monitoring (web-sites, logins and passwords, etc.) • Bank and credit card information • Collecting almost any kind of data • Change system security and personal settings • Often – slowing down the computer because of RAM and CPU usage spywareguide.net
User activity monitoring The main and most widened aim of any spyware is collecting data about the user. Browsing habits, passwords and plenty of other data becomes vulnerable. After collecting and sorting out the data is used for different illegal purposes including ID theft and carding. spywareguide.net
System resources wasting • As a rule, spyware has access practically to any system setting. It changes the priority of processes in order to intercept data, and that makes the computer slower – as far as all resources are primarily maintaining the spyware and only secondarily – all other tasks. All these make the machine slow. spywareguide.net
Spyware recognition • PC performance is reduced • Browser settings are changed, the homepage is different from the normal one • Internet traffic increases, especially outgoing traffic • Computer turns to HDD without any reason – it can be easily seen on the system block • Antivirus programs warnings spywareguide.net
Browser warnings Remember that browser cannot change user settings on its own. Once you detect any changes in the homepage, new toolbars or anything like that – it might be a bad signal. Also do remember that spontaneous webpage redirection can also be a warning sign to check your PC for spyware spywareguide.net
Unusual HDD activity A sure sign of spyware presence is launching the HDD when the machine is idle. It happens due to certain features of the spyware, as it may collect info independently. So when the machine is idle and the HDD suddenly starts working (it’s a specific sound that all of us know), it could be the sign of spyware presence spywareguide.net
Ways of protection • Use appropriate anti-spyware applications • Don’t download anything from suspicious websites • Remember to update you IE, even if you don’t use it • Use firewalls and web proxies spywareguide.net
IE regular update • Even if you don’t use Internet Explorer as your chief browser, don’t forget to update it regularly. It is very vulnerable even being disabled. Do remember to use a reliable browser like Opera, Firefox, Google Chrome etc. In general – always keep your system updated. spywareguide.net
Use anti-spyware programs • The most powerful and secure tool to keep PC safe from spyware is buying a good anti-spyware program like PCKeeper or Malwarebytes. It’s highly advisable to keep them updated. Choose the respectable ones because some anti-spyware applications are spyware on their own. spywareguide.net
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