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Apresentação futureplaces juanballoso_eacd_lisboa2012

9º Debate Regional EACD Lisboa 15 de Maio, Hotel Altis Lisboa (sponsor do evento), dedicado ao tema “Territorial Reputation Management: leveraging the Portuguese Experience”, centralizado na necessidade de reforço das Marcas glocais, melhoria da imagem externa e desenvolvimento de uma estratégia reputacional que integra todos os stakeholders e cria valor para o País, suas regiões / clusters e principais activos nacionais (história, gastronomia, cultura, estilo de vida, paisagem, segurança, qualidade de vida, investigação científica e tecnológica…) com o objectivo último de moldar a experiência dos que nos visitam e incrementar a atracção e diferenciação em fortes relacionamentos e preferências por parte de congressistas-visitantes, turistas e investidores, contribuindo desta forma para o crescimento económico e social do país.

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Apresentação futureplaces juanballoso_eacd_lisboa2012

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  1. Apresentação futureplaces juanballoso_eacd_lisboa2012 The Importance of Reputation for Territories Juan Carlos Belloso www.futureplaces.com Lisbon. 15 May 2012 The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  2. 2Reputation is importantIntensified globalisation leads to increased competitionbetween places The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon 2Reputation is importantIntensified globalisation leads to increased competitionbetween places The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  3. 3Reputation is importantAs companies or people, territories depend on theirgood name (image / reputation)The image we have of a place has a ‘direct impact’ onour attitude, predisposition and behaviour towards thatplace, its people, its offer, its products andservices, ...and, in general, towards everything the placedoes, says or offer. The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon 3Reputation is importantAs companies or people, territories depend on theirgood name (image / reputation)The image we have of a place has a ‘direct impact’ onour attitude, predisposition and behaviour towards thatplace, its people, its offer, its products andservices, ...and, in general, towards everything the placedoes, says or offer. The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  4. SESSION OVERVIEW The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon SESSION OVERVIEW The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  5. SESSION OVERVIEW The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon SESSION OVERVIEW The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  6. SESSION OVERVIEW The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon SESSION OVERVIEW The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  7. The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  8. SESSION OVERVIEW The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon SESSION OVERVIEW The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  9. SESSION OVERVIEW The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon SESSION OVERVIEW The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  10. . 10Reputation is importantHaving a strong image / reputation is the bestcompetitive advantage a place (city, region, nation) canhaveIt is a key factor in the success of the place inattracting visitors, companies, investors, professionals,events, etc. and in selling its products and servicesabroadFor this reason, in a more or less strategic, organized orcoordinated way most places try to ‘manage’ theirinternational image The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  11. . 11Whay do we want to manage our reputation?Usually there are 3 key or major objectives in image /reputation management efforts:- Attract tourists- Attract and retain inward investment- Promote exports (sales) of products and services The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  12. . 12Whay do we want to manage our reputation?Further objectives include:– Attract and retain talent (higher education students and skilled workers).– Attract and retain international cultural, sports and professional events.– Attract and retain international organisations. The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  13. . 13Whay do we want to manage our reputation?Other objectives:– Erase misconceptions and negative stereotypes about a place.– Improve perceptions and predispositions when looking to join a particular group or political or economic alliance.– Restore international credibility and investor confidence.– Gain influence in international affairs.– Strengthen the identity and sense and pride of belonging of citizens.– Other. The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  14. . 14The identity – image gapThe image of a place, rarely reflects the true reality ofthe same (identity): the identity - image gapThis gap tends to be a negative factorMany places struggle with the frustration of not beingperceived correctly by the rest of the world“Stereotypes and clichés” can dominate perceptions ofsome placesAnother important reason is ‘time’: a place can changevery quickly, however, its image may remain far behindfor a long time The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  15. . 15The image-formation factors Personal experience Place- brand / Word of image mouth campaigns Behaviour PLACE Clichès and of IMAGE stereotypes citizens Export Politics brands Cultural and Sports Performances Keith Dinnie (‘Nation Branding’) The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  16. . 16Associations, Stereotypes and ClichésRussia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  17. . 17Associations, Stereotypes and ClichésRussia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon Source: Andrej Krikovic & Steve Weber. Branding Russia. UC Berkeley (undergraduate survey)

  18. . 18Stereotypes and ClichésScotland The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  19. . 19Associations, Stereotypes and ClichésSiberia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  20. . 20Associations, Stereotypes and ClichésSiberia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  21. . 21StereotypesSpain The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  22. . 22StereotypesSiberia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  23. . 23StereotypesSiberia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  24. . 24StereotypesSiberia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  25. . The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  26. . 26Associations, Stereotypes and ClichésBolivia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  27. . 27StereotypesColombia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  28. . 28StereotypesColombia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  29. . 29StereotypesColombia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  30. . The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  31. . 31StereotypesColombia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  32. . The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  33. . 33Associations, Stereotypes and ClichésColombia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  34. . 34StereotypesColombia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  35. . 35StereotypesColombia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  36. . 36StereotypesColombia The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  37. . Brand Ambassador / Institutional Relations !! The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  38. . The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  39. . 39Associations, Stereotypes and ClichésArgentina The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  40. . 40Stereotypes and ClichésScotland The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  41. . 41Associations, Stereotypes and ClichésSpain The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  42. . The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  43. . 43StereotypesSpain The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  44. . 44StereotypesSpain The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  45. . 45StereotypesSpain The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  46. . 46StereotypesSpain The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  47. . 47StereotypesSpain The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  48. . 48Spain The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  49. . 49Associations, Stereotypes and ClichésPortugal? The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

  50. . 50Reputation can be built and managedWhat is needed?1.A clear understanding of where the image / reputation ofthe place stands and how it has been formed2.Understand the image / brand building process3.A shared vision of the future and desired image4.Shared leadership to define and realise this vision5.Connecting up the stakeholders6.‘On brand’ actions that demonstrate the place’s brandinstead of just communications The Importance of Reputation for Territories. 15 May 2012, Lisbon

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