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As Communication Director at Dianova & Regional Coordinator for Portugal at EACD, I’m pleased to share the presentations held at the EACD Lisbon Debate, October 28th from 16:00 to 19:00 at Auditório Montepio, under topic of "Doing Good, Doing Great: Creating long term value through Corporate Citizenship and CSR.". Attended by 17 top communication professionals from multiple industries, 4 case studies have been presented and discussed: Nobre Alimentação, Rui Silva, CEO; Montepio, Carlos Pires, Corporate Communications; Microsoft, Vânia Neto, CSR and Corporate Citizenship Director; and Fundação EDP, Sérgio Figueiredo, CEO. Visit us at www.eacd-online.eu
FRAMEWORK The Noble House of Citizenship was conceived with the objective of strengthening the institutional dimension of Nobre through a project-anchor of Corporate Social Responsibility and to create a direct relationship with stakeholders and citizens in favor of a shared civic purpose: the identification and tribute of noble acts performed by (ordinary) people. In the area of Corporate Social Responsibility, were set as objectives: Position Nobre as a socially responsible company Definition of territory of activity; creation and management of institutional relations; awareness 1 Enhance Nobre brand value Creation of value perception beyond the product; Creation of a new anchor of relationship with stakeholders and consumers / citizens 2
NHC THE NOBLE HOUSE OF CITIZENSHIP WAS CREATED TO IDENTIFY, RECOGNIZE AND DISTINGUISH THE NOBLE ACTS PERFORMED BY CITIZENS. With “no owner” NOBLE HOUSE OF CITIZENSHIP aggregates institutions and citizens and focuses on the Noble Acts of each individual. By being based on citizen's itself, NOBLE HOUSE OF CITIZENSHIP is genuine and authentic. Mentored by Nobre, it is a reality by the will and action of the institutions that integrate its Institutional Council, of the personalities that integrate its Honour Committee and, above all, of the Citizens that identify and propose their fellowships that, they believe, were responsible for Noble Acts. It aims to perpetuate Citizens Noble Acts in the world and in time, crossing borders and beyond memory. The Noble House of Citizenship was created under the mentoring of Nobre company that realized the need and opportunity to promote citizenship by honouring the good examples through its public recognition.
NHC Honour Committee STAKEHOLDERS To fulfill its purpose and assuring legitimacy, several institutions were invited to take part of the Noble House of Citizenship. Honour Committee Distinguishes Noble Acts Institutional Council Institutional Council Evaluate the Proposals and Recognize Noble Acts Citizens Identify and Propose Noble Acts The NOBLE HOUSE OF CITIZENSHIP operates with an organic structure based in 3 figures: a) Citizens, b) Institutional Council and c) Honour Committee.
NHC EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT At ambassadors of the project – were invited to share their own idea of what a Noble Act meant for them. A wall was built with their contribution at the NOBRE factory facilities. first, NOBRE's employees the – Fig 1-2. NOBRE wall built in factory facilities with contributions of the employees. Fig 3-4. NOBRE’s employees shared three words/ definitions that represent "what is a noble act".
NHC THE DEFINITION OF “A NOBLE ACT” In the search for the perfect definition for Noble Act, about 900 people were involved. The members of the Honour Commission and Institutional Council community of "Portugal is Noble“ and NOBRE employees – all them shared with the NHC their own definitions of a Noble Act. Fig 5-6. Facebook community of "Portugal is Noble“ contributed with 589 comments. of NHC, Facebook “A Noble Act is an action performed for the benefit of third parties, absent of any personal interest, reflecting the character of those who practice it, showing integrity, honour and humanity.” Noble House of Citizenship, 2013 Fig 7. The official definition of a “Noble Act” by the Noble House of Citizenship.
HOW DOES NHC ACT? NHC 3. Once the eligibility is recognized, the citizen receives a Commendation by his Noble Act on a public ceremony. 1. Any citizen may propose other citizen, submitting a proposal in the Noble House of Citizenship website. 2. The Institutional Council assesses the eligibility of candidates and recognizes the proposed Noble Acts. 5. Each year, the Honour Committee distinguishes the greatest Nobel Acts from the commended ones and those Citizens receive the Title Noble Citizen. 6. The Title Noble Citizen is given at an annual ceremony that pays tribute to Noble Acts performed by these citizens. 4. The institutions are the hosts of the ceremony and the citizens are invited to bring their families and friends.
NHC NOBLE HOUSE OF CITIZENSHIP IN ACTION THE LAUNCH THE COMMENDATIONS The NOBLE HOUSE OF CITIZENSHIP was launched in an institutional gathering where the Committee and participated. Since its launch there were six Commendation ceremonies. In these, 33 citizens received public recognition for their Noble Acts. These ceremonies always count with the presence of NHC institutional stakeholders as well as NOBRE’s CEO. Council members Fig 8. Launch ceremony held in Mother Reservoir Water Amoreiras with the presence of the NHC stakeholders. Fig 9. One of the First Commendations received. Fig 10. Second Commendation Ceremony.
NHC NOBLE HOUSE OF CITIZENSHIP IN ACTION CEREMONY FOR THE ATTRIBUTION OF “NOBLE CITIZEN” TITLE Among the people honoured with Commendation, 8 were distinguished with the Title of “Noble Citizen”. All the citizens attended this ceremony with their families and friends. The institutions were also represented so to honour and pay tribute to the distinguished citizens. Fig 11. Ceremony held in Ajuda Palace with the presence of the NHC stakeholders. Fig 12. One of the medals received. Fig 13. The citizens honoured with the Title of “Noble Citizen”.
COMMUNICATION NHC COMMUNICATION AWARENESS TO RAISE PROPOSALS DIGITAL Communication efforts were made to engage Portuguese Citizens calling them to action and to submit Noble Acts proposals. NHC website explains the purpose and proccess to honour Noble Acts. Also, an application was created on Facebook "Portugal is Noble" which gives explanation, interaction along with “call to action” for the submission of proposals on the site. This campaign included Digital and Social media and Media Relations. Videos were produced to tell the Noble Acts of the Citizens honoured in the previous ceremonies. contents and Institutions within the Committee Project also published NHC contents in their own digital platforms. MEDIA RELATIONS Through Media Relations, NHC as well as Citizens were presented to journalists generating news. Regional and local media are also invited for each of the ceremonies held. Fig 14-15. Examples of videos produced to raise proposals.
NOBLE ACTS ARE RECOGNIZED ON THE MEDIA RESULTS Fig 17. The eight citizens who were distinguished with the Title of “Noble Citizen” are presented in Jornal de Notícias Fig 16. The first citizens honoured by Noble House of Citizenship were cover of the “Diário de Notícias” Fig 18-19. “Jornal da Noite”, Sic, and “Jornal da TVI” presented the stories that were behind the Noble Acts that led to the distinction by the Noble House of Citizenship.
RESULTS AWARDS The Noble House of Citizenship has already been recognized for its work to identify and distinguish noble acts performed by citizens, having already put the Nobre brand in three podiums - including internationally. Sabre Awards 2013: The Noble House of Citizenship was one of the finalists of the 10th edition of the EMEA Sabre Awards (2013). 1. Prémio Masters da Distribuição: Nobre was recently awarded the “Masters of Distribution” award in the category “Masters Social Responsibility”. 2. Prémios Lusos: the action of constructing the tile panel at the Nobre factory in collaboration with each employee won the Bronze Award in Lusos 4 | 2014 in the sub-category of Internal Communication. 3.
RESULTS INDICATORS RESULTS Total no. of stakeholders engaged 19 INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS No. of organizations engaged 11 No. of individual stakeholders engaged 8 Total no. of contributions 908 NHC RESULTS No. of stakeholders contributions 19 NOBLE ACT DEFINITION No. of NOBRE employees contributions 300 NOBLE HOUSE OF CITIZENSHIP NHC allowed to NOBRE to create and/or reinforce relationship with 19 stakeholders. No. of facebook contributions 589 Total no. of presences 35 EXTERNAL LAUNCH No. of speakers 4 About 900 people reflected on the meaning of "Noble Act“, from these large group 300 were NOBRE employees. No. of Institutional presences 22 No. of commendation ceremonies 6 No. of submitted proposals 62 Until now, there were six Comendation Ceremonies and 33 citizens were honoured due to their Noble Acts No. of elegible proposals 50 CITIZENS COMMENDATIONS No. of citizens proposed 44 No. of evaluated proposals 50 No. of commendations attributed (Noble Acts validated) 33 No. of Commended Citizens recognized with the Noble Citizen title 8
RESULTS INDICATORS RESULTS CAMPAIGN TO RAISE PROPOSALSTotal no. of videos produced 10 Total no. of video views 17.387 Total no. of published posts 180 COMMUNICATIONS AND DIGITAL PRESENCE Total no. Interactions with NHC posts 18.398 NHC RESULTS FACEBOOK Total no. shares of NHC posts content 2.052 Post reach of NHC content 1.488.754 The communication of NHC led to 76 results, from which 80% were detected on strategic media. 9.928 No. of visits 7.708 No. of visitors NHC WEBSITE 28.726 Page Views No. of published/broadcasted news 76 Regarding website activity there were 9.928 visits made by 7.708 visitors. The number of pages viewed during this period was 28.726. No. of Media Results (with stakeholders) 19 % of strategic media publishing news about the project 80% COMMUNICATION NHC Time of news on television 2h05min Time of news on radio 28min, 21 seg % of published news with a image of the project 76% Total of Media results 66 COMMENDATION CEREMONIES Avg. Media Results (stakeholders platforms) per ceremony 11
CONCLUSIONS THE NOBLE HOUSE OF CITIZENSHIP HONOUR CITIZENS And strengthen the proximity of Noble both with citizens and institutional stakeholders The NOBLE HOUSE OF CITIZENSHIP is an ongoing project strongly and successfully committed with: » Reinforcing corporate strategy and reputation; » Reinforcing institutional relations; » Generating positive and measurable social impact; » Generating trust / confidence in NOBRE, and therefore impacting business results. The NOBLE HOUSE OF CITIZENSHIP is a statement for NOBRE to become the company-citizen of reference, emphasizing its commitment on the promotion of the common good of society.