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As Communication Director at Dianova & Regional Coordinator for Portugal at EACD, I’m pleased to share the presentations held at the EACD Lisbon Debate, October 28th from 16:00 to 19:00 at Auditório Montepio, under topic of "Doing Good, Doing Great: Creating long term value through Corporate Citizenship and CSR.". Attended by 17 top communication professionals from multiple industries, 4 case studies have been presented and discussed: Nobre Alimentação, Rui Silva, CEO; Montepio, Carlos Pires, Corporate Communications; Microsoft, Vânia Neto, CSR and Corporate Citizenship Director; and Fundação EDP, Sérgio Figueiredo, CEO. Visit us at www.eacd-online.eu
The Company, Foundations and Society The Next Generation Lisboa, 28thOct 2014 <<Nome Do Documento> 0
WHY? <<Nome Departamento>>
Why should a company invest in culture and social innovation? A company already plays an important social role when •It invests and creates value •Generates jobs and profits •Guarantees quality products and services •…and paying taxes? <<Nome Departamento>> 2
Why should a company invest in culture and social innovation? A company already plays an important social role when •It invests and creates value •Generates jobs and profits •Guarantees quality products and services •…and paying taxes? for EDP the challenge is enormous and is already ongoing •liberalised market and crisis pressure •environment impact and climate change •new energy solutions (that impact consumer patterns) <<Nome Departamento>> 3
Why should a company invest in culture and social projects? our leading and innovative response •Efficient consumption •microgeneration •Electric mobility •Smart grids It’s in our hands •Renewable energy <<Nome Departamento>> 4
Why should a company invest in culture and social projects? our leading and innovative response •Efficient consumption •microgeneration •Electric mobility •Smart grids It’s in our hands •Renewable energy EDP future/the relationship of loyalty we are able to build with stakeholders •Sharing power and promoting co-creation • inspiring trust and sense of beloing •Increasingly have to be a company open to society <<Nome Departamento>> 5
Why should a company invest in culture and social projects? our leading and innovative response •Efficient consumption •microgeneration •Electric mobility •Smart grids It’s in our hands •Renewable energy EDP future/the relationship of loyalty we are able to build with stakeholders •Sharing power and promoting co-creation • inspiring trust and sense of beloing •Increasingly have to be a company open to society • that the company finds suppliers, resources and consumers. Partners and critics as well. • that business finds its reason for being, developing in the field and projecting its future sustainability IT IS IN THE COMMUNITY… <<Nome Departamento>> 6
Vision much more than social responsability What is not • money and logo • working only for rankings • acting accordingto external pressures • giving precedenceto those with more access, more power or simply who shout the loudest <<Nome Departamento>>
Vision much more than social responsability What is not • money and logo • working only for rankings • acting accordingto external pressures • giving precedenceto those with more access, more power or simply who shout the loudest What it should be • Including another type of innovation in its corporate model • Inspiring and leading a collective attitude • Demand much more than is expected from “traditional management” <<Nome Departamento>>
Vision much more than social responsability What is not • money and logo • working only for rankings • acting accordingto external pressures • giving precedenceto those with more access, more power or simply who shout the loudest What it should be • Including another type of innovation in its corporate model • Inspiring and leading a collective attitude • Demand much more than is expected from “traditional management” • Creating value for the shareholder •… and • Transparency in decision making • Being connected to the business <<Nome Departamento>>
HOW? <<Nome Departamento>>
HOW? What NEW SOLUTIONS should the EDP Foundation build so that, between the State and the Market, CIVIL SOCIETY may reinforce its ability to assert itself, reveal its greatest talents, benefit from formulas tested by us and capable of breaking the cycles of poverty. <<Nome Departamento>>
EDP response Social Energy Arts Education Heritage 5 Statutary MISSIONS Strategic VALUES Paths to SUCCESS <<Nome Departamento>>
EDP response Social Energy Arts Education Heritage 5 Statutary MISSIONS Strategic VALUES Paths to SUCCESS 1. New Solutions that generate change 2. Excellence in the arts 3. Opens business group to Society and the World 4. Combining energy with science and education 5. Promoting contemporary and sustainable cities <<Nome Departamento>>
EDP response Social Energy Arts Education Heritage 5 Statutary MISSIONS Strategic VALUES Paths to SUCCESS 1. Staying Close to the Communities 2. Global Ambition 3. Partnering networks 4. New talents 5. Measuring results <<Nome Departamento>>
Social Inovation Map One of the EDP Foundation’s most ambitious projects in SOCIAL HUB its involvment with the Third Sector: CREATING SOCIAL INCLUSION Community territory INNOVATION HUBS, CENTRES THAT CONNECT IN AN “Para ti se não faltares” (sports); Orquestra Geração (music) Escola de Judo (sports) Turma do bem (oral health) Aprender a Empreender (entrep.) Escolinha de rugby (sports) Transformers; Do Something Da rua para o palco” (dance) INTELLIGENT AND CRITICAL MANNER THE RESPONSES AND RESOURCES THAT BEST ADAPT TO SATISFYING A POPULATION’S SOCIAL NEEDS. 2 SOCIALLY UNDERPRIVILEGED COUNCILS 9 NETWORKING PROJECTS ONGOING 7.000 DIRECT BENEFICIARIES <<Nome Departamento>> 15
Social Inovation Map SOCIAL LAB SOCIAL BUSSINESS •Entrepeneurship Self employment Incubator: “Marias”; ”Cozinha com Alma”; “Faz-te Forward”; “MOVE”; “Go Fresh”; “coworking” Education: INSEAD/IES; Catedra Yunus; Post-grad UCP; ESG/EDP University; Impacts: national map Social Innovation (QREN); LBG; SROI; Action Tank/BCSD Breaking the cycles of poverty promoting entreperneurship and social inclusion: GENERATING A SOCIAL PROFIT AND AN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIE, SUPPORTING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO SOCIAL NEEDS. <<Nome Departamento>> 16
Social Inovation Map MAKE A stronger “third sector” with “NO MONEY”: CHALLENGE A SOCIETY BASED IN SOCIAL EFFICIENCY WASTE; several projects that will provide basic resources for NGOs RATIONALIZE RESOURCES •Energy •Employment Food Housing (energy and food) and innovative formulas to inspire new responses Challenge waste Parque solar solidário Communitary gardens at central social problem in Portugal (unemployment) Co-working: Ass.Acreditar; João sem medo; all-desk Others“Comer bem é + barato”; “Dar e acordar”. <<Nome Departamento>> 17
Social Inovation Map SOCIAL VENTURE CAPITAL (Bolsa Valores Sociais/ EDP Solidária/…) SOCIAL LAB SOCIAL HUB SOCIAL EFFICIENCY INCLUSION Community territory SOCIAL BUSSINESS RATIONALIZE RESOURCES •Energy •Employment •Entrepeneurship Self employment Food Housing “Para ti se não faltares” (sports); Orquestra Geração (music) Escola de Judo (sports) Turma do bem (oral health) Aprender a Empreender (entrep.) Escolinha de rugby (sports) Transformers; Do Something Da rua para o palco” (dance) Incubator: “Marias”; ”Cozinha com Alma”; “Faz-te Forward”; “MOVE”; “Go Fresh”; “coworking” Challenge waste Parque solar solidário Communitary gardens Education: INSEAD/IES; Catedra Yunus; Post-grad UCP; ESG/EDP University; Co-working: Ass.Acreditar; João sem medo; all-desk Others“Comer bem é + barato”; “Dar e acordar”. Impacts: national map Social Innovation (QREN); LBG; SROI; Action Tank/BCSD VOLUNTEERING (Bolsa de Horas/ Comunidade EDP/…) <<Nome Departamento>> 18
make a “third sector” stronger from Charity to Creativity Measuring impacts •from Patron to Partner •from financier to facilitator • Measures inputs •Project sustainability • Measures immediate •High standards and management outputs • Measures results The first Social Stock Exchange in Europe after projects are completed • 764 investors • Assesses social costs • 468 thousand social grants traded avoided by the intervention • 26 projects listed • €2.55M in investments SROI Method <<Nome Departamento>> 19
#1 World "Best in Class" and 100% …and also leads Social Reporting (Dim. Social) Corporate Citizenship/Philantropy (Dim.Social) 90 Stakeholder Engagement IS… Electricity Generation IS (Dim. Ambiental) Human Capital Development… 84 Biodiversity IS (Dim. Ambiental) Scorecards/Measurement Systems (IS) (Dim.Económica) 98 Climate Strategy IS (Dim.Ambiental) Codes of Condut (Dimensão Económica) 99 Risk Management (Dim.Económica) 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 80 90 100 <<Nome Departamento>>
WHERE? … to Kakuma From the Sabor River… <<Nome Departamento>>
Vision A2E Power for low-income populations: the next 2 billions… EDP: a player in building a new global scale ecosystem <<Nome Departamento>>
1,5 billion people without access to electricity 3 billion people use firewood for cooking and heating Market potential estimated at USD 500 Bn/yr w/ 4 billion people at the bottom-of-the-pyramid <<Nome Departamento>>
• Member of the European Commission for the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign (effective) Access to Power for Development REPUTATION •Global Energy NGDO Partner •Official UN-Energy Member (application phase) Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Sustainability is not necessarily a cost <<Nome Departamento>> 24
6.000 refugees and 300 families Directly participated in implementation of the project <<Nome Departamento>> 25
10 programs… the impacts Kakuma: from a “nowhere land” to a place to live benefits 77 thousand refugees, 11 institutional buildings, 15 schools, 2 hospitals Now savings of 50 thousand liters/year of diesel avoids 700 thousand tons of CO2 emissions. <<Nome Departamento>>
10 programs, some of the impacts solar cooking: 40 women open restaurants (entrepreneurship) <<Nome Departamento>> 27
agro-forestry at home 10 programs, some of the impacts 300 families produce and sell food (the only agriculture in the fields) <<Nome Departamento>> 30
solar lighting for students 10 programs, some of the impacts 48% of students make “grade A” in math <<Nome Departamento>>
fights school drop-out rates <<Nome Departamento>> 34
dams Vision • Increasing ‘green energy’ • Securing supply needs • Creating jobs • Reducing external trade deficit First to benefit should be those where the dams are to be built Improoving populations’ living standards EDP complies to national challange OUR VISION <<Nome Departamento>>
Social Contract with the communities surrounding the Dams Involved with the local communities. More than 120 representatives from Civil Society (priests, doctors, teachers, entrepreneurs, advocates, mayors) established an informal and continuous participative relationship before the construction phase: listening, informing, involving. Promoting local Trade • A Sense of belonging • Communicating through Sensors rather than megaphones • Managing risk better that managing conflict Promoting Entrepreneurship and self-employment Promoting Social Inclusion <<Nome Departamento>> 36
Promoting Trade • Guaranteeing production during construction of EDP projects / + 8 years • Enabling new models of agricultural production and management • Developing new distribution channels that sustain post-EDP trade • Involved with local Producers • Involved with the Contractor AGRICULTURE (Sabor & Tua) • Bring high consumption markets closer • Qualify populations with low levels of training • Handcrafted Design Products • Distribution Channels HANDICRAFTS (Sabor) 37 <<Nome Departamento>>
Promoting Entrepreneurship and self-employment In the regions afected by the construction of dams, the social, entrepeneur and cultural projects runned by Fundação EDP involved 20 thousand families. “Sabor Entrepreneur: •132 candidates •47 new companies •55 employees (40% from RSI and unemp. subsid.) Rural Sustainability : 3 thousand Christmas gift baskets sold; supplied 20% of the work sites’ consumption; Learning to Take Charge: 175 students on 8 “dam” councils, 15 mini-companies, 10 schools. <<Nome Departamento>> 38
• Including youths by teaching Music and Sports • Standards and transparency in project support; 24.500 beneficiaries • Social tariff and 98 thousand light bulbs for underprivileged families • the Geração Orchestra • if you don’t skip school • EDP Dam Social Work • PPEC SOCIAL INCLUSION • Creativity & artistic expression for senior citizens • The importance of musical training in the cultural development and integration of youths • Senior Theatre • Philharmonic Orchestras • The Northern Orchestra CULTURAL STIMULATION • Promoting education on power & the environment • Stimulating a knowledge and appreciation of poetry among Youths • VOICE projects • Energy Bus EDUCATION Promoting social inclusion 39 <<Nome Departamento>>
WHAT? <<Nome Departamento>>
2013 1 million and 300 thousand people benefited €14,5 million budget 100% executed Social Innovation helds 50 % of the investment in patronage 387 thousand people attended the 33 exhibitions produced by Fundação EDP 199 thousand visitors for the Museu da Eletricidade Social Contract with the Dams’ communities More than 2.800 volunteers dedicated 17.842 hours of work, in which 7.247 hours of voluntary work where done by employees family and suppliers employees. In Portugal the estimated value is 486 thousand euros . The activity depends nearly exclusively (92%) from the annual budget transfers from EDP. Each beneficiary “costed” (on average) 7,9€ <<Nome Do Documento>
The activities to be developed in Portugal, including the patronage policy, represent less than half of the budget, which constitutes a profound structural change in the institution’s history. 2014 “re” Foundation with global ambition Seven new strategic axes consolidate social innovation projects The first two projects to universalise energy at the “bottom of the pyramid” double the size of the EDP Foundation The financing model presents a profound structural change, with the Foundation creating approximately 40% of its own revenue Dam projects and A2E finance themselves and release €443 thousand for allocated structural costs. <<Nome Do Documento>
WHO? <<Nome Departamento>>
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman – António de Almeida Deputy Administrator – Sérgio Figueiredo Trustee – António Mexia MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMING INSTITUTIONAL PROJECTS MANAGEMENT – Paula Pinto Fonseca ENERGY/MUSEUM - Eduardo Moura COMMUNICATION - Catarina Seixas SOCIAL – Guilherme Collares Pereira CULTURE – José Manuel Santos DAMS - André Rente A2E - Luís Faria TEAM headcount 1 – dep.administ 7 – management 34 – employees 5 3 2 4 3 11 6 <<Nome Do Documento>
Bolsa de voluntariado é investimento: capital humano para a capacitação Corporate culture do Sector Social Inovação Social entre o Estado e o Mercado, novas soluções para velhos problemas Capacidade de organizar, gerir, mobilizar para resultados; Abrir Empresa à Sociedade Transformar o (reputação, confiança, contexto, mais do que sentimento de pertença) ajudar; Empresa, centro de decisão nacional: resposta da Sociedade Civil <<Nome Departamento>>
“My name is Emily Brazill and I am a Canadian CEMS student who recently participated in the edp think tank. You are taking business to the next level, and I would love to participate on such an innovative project.” After the seminar I was truly inspired by edp. It made me realize that business can be so much more than what is typically expected from traditional management. Company & Society, the Next Generation <<Nome Departamento>>