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The 9th Lisbon Debate 2012 to be held at Hotel Altis next 15th may at 16h30, the venue sponsor, will present 4 case studies over the topic "Territorial Reputation Management: leveraging the Portuguese Experience", with 4 speakers: Carlos Pacheco, AICEP; Rita Costa Gomes, ModaLisboa, João Madeira, troiaresort and Juan Carlos Balloso, Future Places,
Eacd lisbon debate_invitation_territorialreputationmanagement_2012 THE EACD REGIONAL DEBATES 2012AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM LISBON/PORTUGAL Territorial Reputation Management: Leveraging the Portuguese Experience 15 M AY 2012 • 16.30 • HO T E L A LT IS SCHEDULE Rita Costa Gomes Carlos Pacheco Executive Director Director ModaLisboa - Lisboa Fashion aicep Portugal Global 16.30– 16.50 Welcome reception WeekA communication specialist, Carlos Pa- Rita Costa Gomes is Executive Director ofcheco, is Director at AICEP, a Trade & In- 16.50–17.00 Presentation of the European Asso- ModaLisboa - Lisboa Fashion Week, sincevestment Agency. He holds a degree inCommunication Sciences and is a current ciation of Communication Directors 2004. After completing her degree in mar- keting management, in the early years ofstudent in a Strategic Communication Mas- (EACD) her professional career she worked withters program. Carlos also teaches with theFaculty of Human and Social Sciences at Rui Martins the designer José António Tenente. At the renowned communication agency, Novode-the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. sign, she was responsible for the develop- ment of brand strategies for young con- 17.00–17.20 Rebuilding trust sumers. Case study – Rebuilding trust Carlos Pacheco How much harm economic instability has caused to external image of Portu- Case study – ModaLisboa, Lisboa Fash- gal. How can we rebound from a time 17.20–17.40 ModaLisboa, Lisboa Fashion Week ion Week – The importance of creative of economic crisis and be proactive in industries in territorial reputation. turning it into an opportunity. A new – The importance of creative indus- How much harm economic instability competitive identity for Portugal which tries in territorial reputation has caused to external image of Portu- joins forces between public and private gal. How can we rebound from a time sectors to rebuild both national and Rita Costa Gomes of economic crisis and be proactive in international trust. turning it into an opportunity. A new competitive identity for Portugal which 17.40–17.50 Coffee Break joins forces between public and private sectors to rebuild both national and international trust. 17.50–18.10 troiaresort, a new tourist development Juan Carlos Balloso in a new tourist region Director Future Places (BCN, Spain) João Pedro Madeira João Pedro Madeira General ManagerBased in Barcelona, Juan Carlos Balloso isan international expert in Corporate and 18.10–18.30 The Importance of Reputation for troiaresort, SonaePlace Strategy, Branding and International Territories Capital groupPromotion. He is advisor to the BarcelonaBrand Project, the Barcelona Strategic Met- Juan Carlos Balloso João Pedro Madeira has been Generalropolitan Plan, and the Catalonia Brand Manager at troiaresort since 2010. He isCommittee. Juan Carlos is also a founding also a member of the Board of Directors atmember of the Barcelona Global Associa- 18.30–19.00 Q&A Session / Discussion both Infratróia and Atlantic Ferries. Joãotion. He graduated from Economics and Moderated by Rui Martins Pedro graduated from a Leadership and Or- ganisational Transformation ProgrammeBusiness Administration from the Universi-ty of Barcelona with specialists studies in from London Business School and from the Católica-Lisbon School of Business andinternational marketing at New York Univer- 19.00–20.00 Get-Together Economcis. Additionally, João Pedro alsosity. holds a Bachelor in Civil Engineering from ISEL. Case study – The Importance of Repu- tation for Territories HOST/VENUE Case study – troiaresort, a new tourist In an increasingly global and competi- tive world, the positive image or repu- development in a new tourist region tation of a city, region or country can In a unique environment, troiaresort of- be a key competitive advantage. The ficially opened in 2008 and a new life image or associations people have of a began for the Tróia peninsula. A new place have a direct impact on attitudes, strategy was needed which required 5 behavior and predispositions. With years of replanning and over 400 mil- practical examples, the case study will lion euros in financial investment. Now review why reputation is important to Tróia´s clients and visitors find what places and how this reputation is built Rua Castilho 11 • 1269-072 Lisbon is considered an example of balance between nature and modern tourism. and managed. However, is this enough? ABOUT THE REGIONAL DEBATES EACD Regional Debates bring together public relations and communications professionals from different European regions for informative discussions and great networking opportuni- ties. By organising debates and presentations on contemporary communications issues to members across Europe, the EACD shares the accumulated knowledge of its members across the continent, strengthening its network in the process. Hosted by EACD members, these events take a variety of forms and normally feature best case presentations, work- shops, panel and round table discussions. At the end of each event there is always time set aside for attendees to relax wih refreshments and network with peers. www.eacd-online.eu
THE EACD REGIONAL DEBATES 2012AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM LISBON/PORTUGAL Territorial Reputation Management: Leveraging the Portuguese Experience 15 M AY 2012 • 16.30 • HO T E L A LT IS REGIS TRAT ION OR Fa x +32 ( 0 )2 219 22 92 REGISTER OLINE HERE Yes, I would like to confirm my attendance No, unfortunately I will not be able to attend the event Please send me further information on the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) Please fill in: Surname First Name Company/Organisation I will be accompanied by Email Please register by 12th May 2012 by fax or by email to portugal@eacd-online.eu. European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) 37, Square de Meeûs B-1000 Brussels Tel +32 (0)2 219 22 90 Fax +32 (0)2 219 22 92 info@eacd-online.eu www.eacd-online.eu THE EACD REGIONAL DEBATES 2012AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM LISBON/PORTUGAL Territorial Reputation Management: Leveraging the Portuguese Experience 15 M AY 2012 • 16.30 • HO T E L A LT IS REGIS TRAT ION OR Fa x +32 ( 0 )2 219 22 92 REGISTER OLINE HERE Yes, I would like to confirm my attendance No, unfortunately I will not be able to attend the event Please send me further information on the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) Please fill in: Surname First Name Company/Organisation I will be accompanied by Email Please register by 12th May 2012 by fax or by email to portugal@eacd-online.eu. European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) 37, Square de Meeûs B-1000 Brussels Tel +32 (0)2 219 22 90 Fax +32 (0)2 219 22 92 info@eacd-online.eu www.eacd-online.eu