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Ecoblogy First International Forum on Environmental Citizen Journalism. Presentation by Rui Martins
Ecoblogy moscow_2011_rui martins_ria novosti “Create a sustainablefuturemeansoperatechangesinsocietythathaveimpactoncorporations’ strategiesandoperations.”<br />BjörnStigson, PresidentofWorldBusinessCouncil for SustainableDevelopment<br />E(CO)BLOGGING: <br />raising awareness on<br />Sustainability<br />Issues Management<br />Through<br />Social Media<br />“EcoBlogy” RIA Novosti, Moscow18th April 2011<br />
1. Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability (communication <br />discipline) +9.9% growth 2013<br />2. Social media (communication channel) <br />+37% growth 2013<br />http://www.communicationmonitor.eu/ECM2010-Results-ChartVersion.pdf<br /> 1. Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability (communication <br />discipline) +9.9% growth 2013<br />2. Social media (communication channel) <br />+37% growth 2013<br />http://www.communicationmonitor.eu/ECM2010-Results-ChartVersion.pdf<br />
LxSustentável corporate Siemens Portugal blog related with <br />urban sustainability<br />Engaging civil society stakeholders<br />Increasing awareness on needs’ to be change<br />http://www.lxsustentavel.com <br /> LxSustentável corporate Siemens Portugal blog related with <br />urban sustainability<br />Engaging civil society stakeholders<br />Increasing awareness on needs’ to be change<br />http://www.lxsustentavel.com <br />
Dianova Emotive Adventure 3G Park©<br />Social Responsibility and Citizenship • Sustainability and Ecology • <br />Promotion of healthy lifestyles • Development of skills and social interaction <br />between generations (youth, adults, seniors vs children, parents, grand-parents)<br />http://www.bvs.org.pt/dianova<br />http://www.dianova.pt<br />Sustainable<br />and Social development<br />a wayofprogressthatsatisfiestoday’sneedswithoutcompromisingthecapacibilityoffuturegenerations to fulfilltheirownneeds<br /> Dianova Emotive Adventure 3G Park©<br />Social Responsibility and Citizenship • Sustainability and Ecology • <br />Promotion of healthy lifestyles • Development of skills and social interaction <br />between generations (youth, adults, seniors vs children, parents, grand-parents)<br />http://www.bvs.org.pt/dianova<br />http://www.dianova.pt<br />Sustainable<br />and Social development<br />a wayofprogressthatsatisfiestoday’sneedswithoutcompromisingthecapacibilityoffuturegenerations to fulfilltheirownneeds<br />
Providing Insights, Links & Information<br />http://www.e-missionneutral.com/<br />Examples & Tools to follow...<br />http://d757952.www120.host-services.com/index.php (CO2 Calculator)<br /> Providing Insights, Links & Information<br />http://www.e-missionneutral.com/<br />Examples & Tools to follow...<br />http://d757952.www120.host-services.com/index.php (CO2 Calculator)<br />
Viral social networking<br />http://www.facebook.com/ruipaulomartins<br /> Viral social networking<br />http://www.facebook.com/ruipaulomartins<br />
Rui Martins<br />rui.martins@dianova.pt<br />A shared responsibility in this interdependent <br />Real world... for the sake of our future Generations<br />Thank You!<br /> Rui Martins<br />rui.martins@dianova.pt<br />A shared responsibility in this interdependent <br />Real world... for the sake of our future Generations<br />Thank You!<br />