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V Debate Regional Lisboa EACD 2010

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V Debate Regional Lisboa EACD 2010

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  1. V Debate Regional Lisboa EACD 2010 THE EACD REGIONAL DEBATES 2010 AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM LISBON/PORTUGAL Corporate Social Responsibility A multistakeholder’s approach to sustainability in times of turmoil M AY 10, 2010 • 5.30 PM • C T T SCHEDULE 5.30 – 5.45 pm Presentation of the EACD The EACD Regional Debate will open with a short Presentation on the European Association of Com- munication Directors by coordinator Rui Martins. 5.45 – 6.15 pm The Limits of Sustainability Luis Paulo Will corporate sustainability save the planet or is it just another fad? Or is it even worse, a smoke- Sustainability Director CTT screen for BwU - Business worse than Usual? Luis Paulo will outline CTT’s commitment to sustaina- bility, which, as well as benefitting society, provides them with a competitive edge. 6.15 – 6.45 pm Measurement and Evaluation of CSR at IBM Based on the IBM corporate citizenship programme, Lara Campos Tropa will focus on the way a small part of a global company can manage, measure and evaluate its locally developed CSR programmes. 6.45 – 7.15 pm Make Acts not Words The era of the “eco2soc crises” (economic and ecological crises, with their social outcomes) is one more reason for corporate communication to show its “eco2soc consciousness” to the community. Lara Campos Tropa Yannis Freris will explain how an organisation can position itself as a real citizen through its actions. Workforce & Field Enablement in Marketing, Communications and Citizenhip Responsible 7.15 – 8.00 pm IBM Portugal Get-Together When the speeches have been given and all your questions have been answered, there will be the opportunity to relax with refreshments,network with your peers from across your region, and discuss the outcome of the day’s events. THE HOST CTT Rua da Palma, 236 1100-995 Lisbon Yannis Freris Head of Corporate Communication & ABOUT THE REGIONAL DEBATES Sustainable Development Gefyra With more than 60 events having already taken place in capital cities across Europe since March 2008, Head of CSR Working Group the EACD‘s Regional Debates place the communications profession in both a pan-European and re- European Association of Communication Directors gional context. The debates bring together EACD members to network and connect whilst further promoting the EACD‘s vision, and gives communicators the opportunity to learn from one another‘s ideas and experiences. www.eacd-online.eu

  2. THE EACD REGIONAL DEBATES 2010 AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM LISBON/PORTUGAL Corporate Social Responsibility A multistakeholder’s approach to sustainability in times of turmoil M AY 10, 2010 • 5.30 PM • C T T REGIS TRAT ION Fa x +32 ( 0 )2 219 22 92 Yes, I would like to confirm my attendance No, unfortunately I will not be able to attend the event Please send me further information on the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) Please fill in: Surname First Name Company/Organisation I will be accompanied by Email Please register by the 8th of May, 2010 by fax or by email to regionaldebates@eacd-online.eu. European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) 37, Square de Meeûs B-1000 Brussels Tel +32 (0)2 219 22 90 Fax +32 (0)2 219 22 92 info@eacd-online.eu www.eacd-online.eu THE EACD REGIONAL DEBATES 2010 AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM LISBON/PORTUGAL Corporate Social Responsibility A multistakeholder’s approach to sustainability in times of turmoil M AY 10, 2010 • 5.30 PM • C T T REGIS TRAT ION Fa x +32 ( 0 )2 219 22 92 Yes, I would like to confirm my attendance No, unfortunately I will not be able to attend the event Please send me further information on the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) Please fill in: Surname First Name Company/Organisation I will be accompanied by Email Please register by the 8th of May, 2010 by fax or by email to regionaldebates@eacd-online.eu. European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) 37, Square de Meeûs B-1000 Brussels Tel +32 (0)2 219 22 90 Fax +32 (0)2 219 22 92 info@eacd-online.eu www.eacd-online.eu

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