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"All of us have fallen prey to a delusion-to study for getting a job.Infact, one should be educated in order to learn the Art of living"
NarendraModi By-YuvrajRanpara
Contents • Personal details • Political life • Development in Gujarat • Learning from Mr. Modi
Personal details • Born on September 17, 1950 • Small district of gujarat, Vadnagar. • Early days- flair thinking for micro and macro level perspective. • Served soldiers during Indo-Pak war in 1967 • Education- post graduation in political science.
Political career • Elected as the student leader of AkhilBhartiyaVidhyarthiParishad (ABVP) and played a prominent role in various socio-political movements in Gujarat. • RashtriyaSwayamsevakSangh (RSS), a socio-cultural organization in social and cultural development of India. • There he imbibed the spirit of nation-before-self and service-to-the-needy. • Entered the mainstream politics by joining the BJP in 1987. • Within a year, he assumed the responsibility of the General Secretary of the Gujarat unit. • BJP in power- 2/3 majority. • Active work in BJP. • Became the CM of Gujarat in OCT,2001.
L.K ADVANI-” Modi’s dexterous handling of assignments entrusted upon him, earned him the recognition as a master strategist. Till date, he is known for the rapport that he instantly builds with people, awareness of ground realities, sensitivity to issues, sound judgment, an all-inclusive and all-encompassing vision. “
Developments in Gujarat. • Blueprint for Infrastructure in Gujarat – BIG 2020, envisages a total capital outlay of Rs.3,57,468 crores. • 11 broad sectors such as Power, Water and Irrigation, Ports, Roads, Industrial Parks and SEZs, Urban Infrastructure, Gas, Knowledge Corridors, Railways and Airports, Tourism and Telecom – Infrastructure.
11 airports, one international airport, an extensive rail network and a robust road network. • Gujarat is blessed with a coastline of over 1600 km, the longest in the country, and is dotted with 41 ports. • More than 98% villages in Gujarat are connected with concrete roads. This excellent rural road connectivity is the best in the country and translates into fast track growth. • Announcement of special auto-port.
education • KNOWLEDGE COORIDOR- streach between Gandhinagar and Amdavad. • 5 major universities included. • Nirma University at Ahmedabad, DDU at Nadiad, DAIICT at Gandhinagar, Shyamji Krishna Verma University at Kutch and Ganpat University at Mehsana. • IIT, GANDHINAGAR. • National law university. • Agricultural universities.
Girl child • KanyaKelavaniNidhi has been created with a long term goal that no girl child in Gujarat remains illiterate. • The drop-out rate is supported by new enrolments through KanyakelavaniRathYatra (girl child enrolment drive), a unique initiative in Gujarat. Since 2003, every year in the month of June, the Chief Minister along with the team travels to remote villages to encourage parents to enrol their children in schools.
Social justice • ‘justice delayed is justice denied” • Evening Courts since November 2006. • 6 months, more than 1,16,000 cases have been disposed off. • “There is no red tapism in my state, all red carpet.” • Online complaint .
e-governance • The Citizen Facilitation Centres -At the district level, taluka level and in municipal areas, computerized civic centres and the concept of one-day governance has been implemented. • All 14,000 gram panchayat s have been made e-grams. • The e-dhara project for total computerization of land records . • smart cards for driving licenses • online and roaming ration card system • online filing of sales tax returns • creation of huge data base of youths available for employment • online availability of the Government resolutions and forms in digital format • departmental websites -information on various Government schemes and activities etc.
Business driving initatives. • ‘Vibrant Gujarat’ theme : 3 Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors’ Summits in 2003, 2005 and 2007 together garnered 977 investment proposals to the tune of US$ 186 Billion (Rs 6.34 lakh crore) . • KrishiMahotsav: The Agricultural Festival is a knowledge sharing rendezvous of the farming community, a month-long event that brings together the farming community, government officials, scientists and many more connected with agriculture.
Kalpasar project • The Gulf of Khambhat Development Project (Kalpasar) envisages the construction of 30 km. long dam on Gulf of Khambhat between Dahej(east)&Bhavnagar(west), creation of 2000 sq.km fresh water reservoir. About 10,000 million cubic meter of water inflow of the rivers like Narmada, Dhadhar, Mahi, Sabarmati & some of Saurashtra rivers will be stored. • The water will be available for domestic and industrial and irrigation use. • The project will serve as a life line of the Saurashtra region as well as accelerator for growth of economic activities of Gujarat state.
Learnings from Mr. Modi • desire + stability = resolution • Resolution + Hardwork = success • Transforming obstacles into opportunity. • Sheer commitment in whatever he does. • Welfare society. • “Never looking back” • Master strategist.