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Wireless Electricity

Why do we need wireless electricity???

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Wireless Electricity

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  2. 1) What do you mean by Witricity ? 2) Need of Witricity. 3) History of wireless power. 4) Techniques to Transfer 5) Application , Pros and cons. 6) Future and conclusion. In this paper....

  3. What is Witricity ? Obvious definition is : “Transmission of energy through the air” Cables are going to replaced by WiTricity

  4. Why do we need wireless electricity??? The ever increasing power demand The need of electricity in every nook and corner of the world The demand of eco-friendly power Requirement of efficient and reliable power To reduce dependence on wires and batteries

  5. Wireless electricity way back in the 1800s…….. In the year 1891,Nikola Tesla proposed the method of wireless transmission of electric power One of the greatest breakthroughs of science at that time

  6. zzzzz The Wardenclyffe Tower Built the wardenclyffe tower which could broadcast power wirelessly using far-field techniques. Called off as it radiated power into surroundings raising issues of →power loss • Power theft • Health concerns A dream crashes……

  7. Types of wireless energy transfer techniques are:- Short range-Inductive Coupling Mid range-Resonance Inductive Coupling Long range –Microwave Transmission

  8. INDUCTIVE COUPLING • Uses Electromagnetic Induction concept • Primary and secondary coils are not connected with wires. • Energy transfer is due to Mutual Induction • This method works only when receiver is in close proximity to the transmitter

  9. Inductive coupling • Uses Electromagnetic Induction concept “Oscillating electric field produces magnetic field and oscillating magnetic field produces electric field”.

  10. Resonant Inductive Coupling Uses almost the same concept as Inductive coupling just that the coils operate at resonant frequency leading to efficient transfer of energy over a larger distance

  11. Resonance Property of systems to operate at higher amplitudes at particular frequencies known as resonant frequencies than at others. When 2 objects operate at same resonant frequency they transfer energy efficiently between them without interfering with the off resonant objects. Different Frequency

  12. The glass which was having the resonant frequency as of the singer’s voice accumulated sufficient energy to explode eventually Different Frequency www.freepptpresentation.com

  13. The setup powered the bulb even when coils were not in line of sight .The bulb glowed even when wood, metal and other devices were placed in between the coils The glass which was having the resonant frequency as of the singer’s voice accumulated sufficient energy to explode eventually Different Frequency www.freepptpresentation.com

  14. Microwave Transmission →Aims at higher power transfer over longer distances practically in the range of some miles →Requires a microwave source, antenna and rectenna. →Steps: 1.conversion of electrical to microwave energy 2.Capturing of microwave beams by Rectenna 3.conversion of microwave to electrical energy www.freepptpresentation.com

  15. Applications of long range transmission SOLAR POWER SATELLITES: The most imp. Application or advancement: →absorb light energy from sun. →converted to electric energy and beamed to earth stations in form of microwave beams →so it can power satellites,aircrafts,even supply electricity to places where wired connections are not possible at lower prices. www.freepptpresentation.com

  16. Image of a Rectenna in US with diameter of about half a mile which is important as 95% of the microwave power is received by rectennas.US receives about 5000MW of power as a result.

  17. Applications Demo 1: Charging Electric Car using Witricity.

  18. Demo 2: Charging the mobiles and laptops using POWERMAT

  19. Advantages: • Efficient and reliable power. 2. Creation of a shock free environment devoid of any chances of power thefts. 3. Provides solution to the ever increasing demand for power. 4. A solution to reduce e-waste- a more safe environment. 5. A more cost effective methodology for getting electricity to your houses which includes paying less for use of power. Disadvantages: 1.For short and mid range transfer system has to be set at the right frequency or there would be no power transfer. 2.For long range the installation cost is high while the microwaves will cause harmful effects to the human. www.freepptpresentation.com

  20. Future and Conclusion • Transmission without wires- a reality • Energy crisis can be decreased • In near future, world will be completely wireless www.freepptpresentation.com


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