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Star matching for marriage! Marriage horoscope matching will be done online and porutham or marriage compatibility will be displayed as the result. http://kundlimatching.org/star-matching/
Horoscope Matching Astrology for Marriage By: kundlimatching.org
Marriage Compatibility • Marriage is a very solemn binding for the bride and the groom. In India it is a very sacred occasion for the Hindus. The parents and the aged relatives of the boy and the girl to be married take great care before getting them engaged in wedlock as there is no turning reverse from the marriage vow. To ensure a long and happy married life, the ancient Indian sages and saints devised a method to check the matrimonial adaptability or marriageable compatibility which is called 'Marriage Matching' or 'Star-Matching'.
The star occupied simply by the moon at the time of birth is called Birth • Star. The moon represents the mind, emotion and Pschye of an individual. • Star match is about Psychological compatability and general progress.It is • really one particular of the 5 stages in marriage matching.
Since the Chandra indicates the mood and behaviour of a person, the • very first step on horoscope matching starts with the star analysis. The • accurate birth time indicates the star of a person. The popular Ten Star • Matchings (PathuPorotham) include Dinan, Ganam, Mahendran, Sthree • Deergam, Yoni, Rasi, RasiAdipathi, Vasiyam, Rajju and VedaiPorutham. • The other two aspects are Nadi and Varna. Out of Ten matching points • Dinam, Ganam, Yoni, Rajju are imperative. The star of a girl is compared • with the star of a boy and with the result score the decision is taken to • proceed or not.
Zodic Signs for Boy And a girl • Poruthamsare chalked out after the study of the birth stars of both the • boy and the girl who are contemplating marriage. The sages had initially • devised 20 poruthams still, now only 10 are really in use. According to • them, there are 27 birth stars (nakshatras) for each person in an oval • configuration which constitutes a zodiac. The zodiac signsinfluences the • person through the nine planets (navgrahas).
The 10 poruthams (kootas) thus chalked out are: dinam, ganam, yoni, • rasi, rasiyathipaty, rajju, vedha, vasya, mahendram and streedeergham. • The following matched are being considered by the present generations. • In today's scientific and fast developing world dhinam, Ganam, Yoni, Rasi, • Rajji, Vedai are the most important matches that are being matched. • According to ManonmaniVilasaPanchangam following five matches are • essential. • Either one of Dhinam (Every Daily)Match, Ganam(Every Minute) Match. • Either one of Mahendram, Rasi Match, Nadi Match. • And all of the following three Yoni Match, Rajji Match, Vedhai Match.
The best important match is Rajji. Even when all the other matches are • actually very good except Rajji, It is better to avoid matching the • horoscopes further. • The astrologers have given certain factors to all these kootas, The • points are summed up corresponding to the matching of the • horoscopes of the boy and the girl. Panchang is also needed for marriage for successful marriage life. If there is matching of much more • compared to 50 percentage points, then the couple is considered ideal • for marriage.
Manglik (Mars) Matching: This is also just one of the most important aspect of horoscope matching. There must be compatibility of Mars between the male and the female horoscope. • The perfect calculation of all these points requires, accurate and detailed horoscope of both the boy and the girl.
Now, Star matching will be done online and porutham or marriage • compatibility will be displayed as the result. Marriage matching or • horoscope matching is considered as an important tool for marriage • related decision making in India. Marriage matching is done based • upon the birth stars and janmarashi of the persons getting married.