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Slide 1:Navigating the Myths and Monsoons of e-Learning with Learner Centered Pedagogy: Business Classes and Beyond
Slide 2:Talk Subtitle: How to avoid Mickey Mouse Courses Speaker: Curt Bonk
Alias: Mickey Mouse
Slide 3:Theres a Storm Brewing!!!
Slide 4:The Perfect Storm!
Slide 5:Changes in College Campuses
Slide 7:What about online students?
Slide 8:Illinois Virtual Campus 68 Illinois institutions (public and private, 2-year and 4-year) providing online courses and programs
(2652) 2700 different online course titles
107 degree and certificate programs
Slide 9:Karen Lazenby (2003), Univ of Pretoria
Slide 10:E-Learning Myths
Slide 11:College E-Learning Myths Either-or decision
Good tools exist
Web no different
College owns course
Put FTF on Web
Profit is the key
Need to create tools
High dropouts
Slide 12:College Myth #2.Pedagogical tools exist to teach online.
Slide 13:College Myth #7.Learning is improved.
Slide 14:Instructor E-Learning Myths They are young
Use latest tech
Teach same
Just more training
Time equal
Will not share
Are loyal
Not affected by this
Can wait it out
Teach for free online
Slide 16:Little or no feedback given
Always authoritative
Narrow focus of what was relevant
Used ultimate deadlines Provided regular feedback
Participated as peer
Allowed perspective sharing
Tied discussion to grades.
Slide 17:Four Key Hats of Instructors: Technicaldo students have basics? Does their equipment work? Passwords work?
ManagerialDo students understand the assignments and course structure?
PedagogicalHow are students interacting, summarizing, debating, thinking?
SocialWhat is the general tone? Is there a human side to this course? Joking allowed?
Other: firefighter, convener, weaver, tutor, conductor, host, mediator, filter, editor, facilitator, negotiator, e-police, concierge, marketer, assistant, etc.
Slide 18:Still More Hats Assistant
Devils advocate
Facilitator Gardener
Slide 19:Instructor Myth #7.College Instructors are Loyal.
Slide 20:Student E-Learning Myths Anytime, anywhere
Can cram
Procrastinate ok
Less social
Can hide
To many off-task
Dont care
More excuses ok
Slide 21:Lets brainstorm comments (words or short phrases) that reflect your overall attitudes and feelings towards online teaching
Slide 22:Student Myth #2 Its EasyStudent comments from The Online Teacher, TAFE, Guy Kemshal-Bell (April, 2001) Positive Side: intense, challenging, emotional, dynamic, addictive, fun, stimulating, flexible, empowering, intellectually stimulating.
Less-Positive Side: Time-consuming, frustrating, little feedback, isolating, bewildering, a lot to grapple with.
Professors say: exciting, fun, challenging,
demanding, time consuming
Slide 23:Reflect for a moment on your e-learning myths???
Slide 24:3 E-learning Storms are Approaching
Slide 25:Storm 1: Technology Many faculty members are still concerned whether the technology is simple and reliable enough to use for more-sophisticated learning tasks. Increasingly, however, better software is emerging that engages students in more effective learning.
Online Technology Pushes Pedagogy to the ForefrontFrank Newman & J. Scurry, Chronicle of Higher Ed, July 13, 2001, B7.
Slide 26:E-Learning Technologies of Future? Assistive Technologies
Learning Communities
Digital Portfolios
Electronic Books
Instructor Portals
Intelligent Agents
Online Exams and Grade Books
Online Games and Simulations
Online Language Learning
Online Mentoring
Pedagogical Courseware
Peer-to-Peer Collaboration
Reusable Learning Objects
Virtual Worlds/Reality
Wearable Computing
Wireless Technology and Handheld Devices
Slide 27:4. Electronic Books
Slide 28:15. Wearable Computing
Slide 29:16. Wireless Technology
Slide 30:Timeout for a break from our sponsors
Slide 31:Storm 2:E-Learner Demands
Slide 32:Student Hated Ed Psych OnlineIndiana Daily Student, March 5, 2003 Mainly technology problems, somewhat lack of interaction and bored
Slide 33:So What Do Students Want? Relevant Information
Organization and Structure
Clear Expectations
Modeling and Guidance
Prompt and Informative Feedback
Personal Touch and Caring
Address Diverse Needs & More Visual Lrng
Application to Their Job Setting
Choice and Challenge
Slide 34:Storm 3: Pedagogy
Slide 35:There are many problems online
Slide 36:Traditional Teaching will NOT Work Online!!! Supposed sage, manager, conveyer
King of the mountain, sets the agenda
Learner is a sponge
Passive learning & discrete knowledge
Objectively assess, competitive
Text- or teacher-centered, transmission model
Lack interconnections & inert
Squash student ideas
Slide 37:Too Often Shovelware is encouraged! This form of structure
encourages teachers designing new products to simply shovel existing resources into on-line Web pages and discourages any deliberate or intentional design of learning strategy. (Oliver & McLoughlin, 1999)
Slide 38:Learner-Centered on Web (Bonk & Cummings, 1998) 1. Safe Lrng Community: 6, 11
2. Foster Engagement: 1- 6, 11.
3. Give Choice: 8, 9, 12
4. Facilitate Learning: 2, 9, 11.
5. Offer Feedback: 3, 6, 8, 11, 13.
6. Apprentice Learning: 3, 6, 7-9, 11, 13.
7. Use Recursive Tasks: 1, 3, 8-9, 10, 13.
8. Use Writing & Reflection: 3, 8, 12-13.
9. Build On Web Links: 2-4, 8-9, 12-14.
10. Be Clear & Prompt Help: 2, 9, 11, 14.
11. Evaluate Dimensionally: 1-5, 14.
12. Personalize: 6, 8, 10-13.
Slide 39:Active Learning Principles: 1. Authentic/Raw Data
2. Student Autonomy/Inquiry
3. Relevant/Meaningful/Interests
4. Link to Prior Knowledge
5. Choice and Challenge
6. Teacher as Facilitator and Co-Learner
7. Social Interaction and Dialogue
8. Problem-Based & Student Gen Learning
9. Multiple Viewpoints/Perspectives
10. Collab, Negotiation, & Reflection
Slide 41:Three Most Vital SkillsThe Online Teacher, TAFE, Guy Kemshal-Bell (April, 2001) Ability to engage the learner (30)
Ability to motivate online learners (23)
Ability to build relationships (19)
Technical ability (18)
Having a positive attitude (14)
Adapt to individual needs (12)
Innovation or creativity (11)
Slide 42:Intrinsic Motivational Terms? Tone/Climate: Psych Safety, Comfort, Belonging
Feedback: Responsive, Supports, Encouragement
Engagement: Effort, Involvement, Excitement
Meaningfulness: Interesting, Relevant, Authentic
Choice: Flexibility, Opportunities, Autonomy
Variety: Novelty, Intrigue, Unknowns
Curiosity: Fun, Fantasy, Control
Tension: Challenge, Dissonance, Controversy
Interactive: Collaborative, Team-Based, Community
Goal Driven: Product-Based, Success, Ownership
Slide 43:Intrinsic Motivation
innate propensity to engage ones interests and exercise ones capabilities, and, in doing so, to seek out and master optimal challenges
(i.e., it emerges from needs, inner strivings, and personal curiosity for growth)
Slide 44:1. Tone/Climate: Ice Breakers A. Eight Nouns Activity:
1. Introduce self using 8 nouns
2. Explain why choose each noun
3. Comment on 1-2 peer postings
B. Coffee House Expectations
1. Have everyone post 2-3 course expectations
2. Instructor summarizes and
comments on how they might be met
Slide 45:2. Feedback: A. Critical/Constructive Friends Assign a critical friend (based on interests?).
Post weekly updates of projects, send reminders of due dates, help where needed.
Provide criticism to peer (i.e., what is strong and weak, whats missing, what hits the mark) as well as suggestions for strengthening.
In effect, critical friends do not slide over weaknesses, but confront them kindly and directly.
Reflect on experience.
Slide 46:2. FeedbackB. Requiring Peer Feedback Alternatives:
1. Require minimum # of peer comments and give guidance (e.g., they should do
2. Peer Feedback Through Templatesgive templates to complete peer evaluations.
3. Have e-papers contest(s)
Slide 47:3. Engagement:A. Electronic Voting and Polling 1. Ask students to vote on issue before class (anonymously or send directly to the instructor)
2. Instructor pulls our minority pt of view
3. Discuss with majority pt of view
4. Repoll students after class
Slide 48:3. Engagement:B. Double-Jeopardy Quizzing Gordon McCray, Wake Forest University, Intro to Management of Info Systems
Students take objective quiz (no time limit;not graded)
Submit answer for evaluation
Instead of right or wrong response, the quiz returns a compelling probing question, insight, or conflicting perspective (i.e., a counterpoint)--forces reflection!
Students must commit to a response but can use reference materials
Correct answer and explanation are presented
Slide 49:4. MeaningfulnessA. Job interviews & Internships Learners interview someone about their job and post to the Web or Instructor provides reflection or prompt for job related or field observations
Reflect on job setting or observe in field
Record notes on Web and reflect on concepts from chapter
Respond to peers
Instructor summarizes posts
Slide 50:5. Choice:A. Multiple Topics or Tasks Generate multiple discussion prompts & ask students to participate in 2 out of 3
Provide different discussion tracks (much like conference tracks) for students with different interests to choose among
Slide 51:5. Choice:B. Discussion: Starter-Wrapper (Hara, Bonk, & Angeli, 2000) Starter reads ahead and starts discussion and others participate and wrapper summarizes what was discussed.
Start-wrapper with roles--same as #1 but include roles for debate (optimist, pessimist, devil's advocate).
C. Alternative: Facilitator-Starter-Wrapper (Alexander, 2001)
Instead of starting discussion, student acts as moderator or questioner to push student thinking and give feedback
Slide 52:6. Variety: A. Just-In-Time-Teaching Gregor Novak, IUPUI Physics Professor (teaches teamwork, collaboration, and effective communication):
Lectures are built around student answers to short quizzes that have an electronic due date just hours before class.
Instructor reads and summarizes responses before class and weaves them into discussion and changes the lecture as appropriate.
Slide 53:7. Curiosity:A. Synchronous Chats Find article or topic that is controversial
Invite person associated with that article (perhaps based on student suggestions)
Hold real time chat
Pose questions
Discuss and debrief
B. Alternative: Séance
Slide 54:8. Tension: Role Play A. Assume Persona of Scholar (or famous personality)
Enroll famous people in your course
Students assume voice of that person for one or more sessions
Post a 300-700 word debate to one or more of the readings as if you were that person. Enter debate topic or Respond to debate topic
Respond to rdg reflections of others or react to own
Slide 55:Role 3: Conqueror or Debater/Arguer/Bloodletter Takes ideas into action, debates with others, persists in arguments and never surrenders or compromises nomatter what the casualties are when addressing any problem or issue.
Slide 56:Role 12: Slacker/Slough/Slug/Surfer Dude In this role, the student does little or nothing to help him/herself or his/her peers learn. Here, one can only sit back quietly and listen, make others do all the work for you, and generally have a laid back attitude (i.e., go to the beach) when addressing this problem.
Slide 57:9. Interactive:A. Symposia of Experts or Press Conference Find topic during semester that peaks interest
Find students who tend to be more controversial
Invite to a panel discussion on a topic or theme
Have them prepare statements
Invite questions from audience (rest of class)
Assign panelists to start
Slide 58:10. Goal DrivenA. Team Products and Gallery Tours Team or Course White Paper, Business Plan, Study Guide, Glossary, Journal: Have students work in teams to produce a product and share with other groups
Post work to online gallery. Expert Review and rate projects (authentic audience)
Slide 59:The Perfect Storm
.1. Innovative Technology2. Demanding Learners3. Creative Pedagogy
Slide 60:So, which direction do we go?