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Rockmaxpan - MGO Board Manufacturer

RockMax provides high-quality Magnesium Oxide Board (MgO Board) which is chloride free product tested under ASTM C 871. It is made of magnesium oxide cement and foam particle. <br><br>Source : https://www.rockmaxpan.com/

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Rockmaxpan - MGO Board Manufacturer

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  2. Kunshan Boda Building Material Co.,Ltd.is a new company established in 2010, which is original designer and professional producer of magnesium oxide cement boards, our production base covers 10000 m2,located in SuZhou City, Jiangsu province, about 60 km from Shanghai. We continue to research and develop on new concrete technology that has been ahead of industry. WEARE

  3. ROCKMAX’SLAB-ACCURATEANDPROFESSIONAL At Rockmax, We have ability to research and design formula to meet customized product, we can change physical performance including: density, strength, water absorption rate, panel’s combination structure, insulation performance , fireproof performance and so on. EXTERNALCOOPERATIONLAB We have good relation with international lab and chemical analysis lab .We provide exterior test report for each shipment accordingly requirement, just plus 10 working day. WE DO

  4. NOTJUSTOURTIME WEOFFER P R O D U C T C O N S I S T E N C E Our product has an Independent product ID on reverse of panel to inquiry about production information export information, test information and so on. We provide free panel to replace any defective product within guarantee period.

  5. MISSION WE WORK AS TEAMS TO EXECUTE IN ORDER TO MEET GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR OUR CUSTOMERS, FELLOW EMPLOYEES AND BUSINESS PARTNERS. As a China based company, we are special. Our management team allows us use Europe way of business to understand and work for the global market, Here at Boda we have many competitive advantages that allow us to give our customers the best possible value. In the future we hope that more and more new friends will join us to enjoy our success as outlined in our company motto: Let’s grow together!

  6. VISION ROCKMAX PRODUCTS ARE HIGH PERFORMANCE, MULTIPLE APPLICATION, GOOD COST PERFORMANCE, GREEN AND SAFE RockMax magnesium cement board is a superior green building materials. It is made from recycled plant fiber and natural mineral. The production process is almost carbon-neutral As well as being easy on the environment, our products contain 0% toxins and are completely safe for both builder and end user

  7. ROCKMAXWARRANTY A T R O C K M A X , W E P R O V I D E A N I N D E P E N D E N T I D P R I N T O N E A C H P I E C E O F P A N E L , I N C L U D I N G M A N U F A C T U R I N G D A T E A N D C O N T R A C T N U M B E R . T H O S E I N F O R M A T I O N W I L L S H O W I N W A R R A N T Y C O N T R A C T A N D I N T E R I O R T E S T R E P O R T . A N Y U N Q U A L I F I E D P R O D U C T W I L L B E C O M P E N S A T E A C C O R D I N G T O D O C U M E N T S .

  8. CONTACTUS K U N S H A N B O D A B U I L D I N G M A T E R I A L C O L T D N O . 1 8 , Y U E W A N G I N D U S T R Y Z O N E C I T Y : S U Z H O U P R O V I N C E : J I A N G S U C H I N A T E L : + 8 6 - 5 1 2 - 3 6 9 0 4 0 2 0 F A X : + 8 6 - 5 1 2 - 5 0 1 3 0 1 0 4 M A I L I D : M A R K E T I N G @ R O C K M A X P A N . C O M W E B S I T E : H T T P S : / / W W W . R O C K M A X P A N . C O M /

  9. E ND ROCKMAXPAN THANKYOU! marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.rockmaxpan.com/

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