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Set. Students will watch a five minute portion of the movie, Islam Students will observe the slides on Islam, empire of faith. Outcome.
Set • Students will watch a five minute portion of the movie, Islam • Students will observe the slides on Islam, empire of faith
Outcome • Students will be able to identify and locate at least three cities that were influential in the growth of Islam. Students who are able to identify and locate more than three cities will be awarded extra credit. • Special need students will be grouped with a pair of students who will assist them. Students who assist will be given extra credit. • Gifted students will include a brief biography on the prophet Muhammad and his role in the growth of Islam.
Activity • Students will take notes while watching the movie and observing the slides. When the slides are finished, the students will be given a website for more information on Islam. They will then be asked to write the names of at least three of the cities that were influential in the growth of Islam. • I will make myself available to answer any questions or to reshow any particular slide that may assist the student. I will also observe the grouped students and offer assistance as needed.
Assessment • Students will be able to identify and locate at least three cities that were influential in the growth of Islam. Students who are able to identify and locate more than three cities will be awarded extra credit. • Special need students will be grouped with a pair of students who will assist them. Students who assist will be given extra credit. • Gifted students will include a brief biography on the prophet Muhammad and his role in the growth of Islam.
Guided Practice • I will make myself available to answer any questions or to reshow any particular slide that may assist the student. I will also observe the grouped students and offer assistance as needed.
Independent Practice • Students will read the chapter on Islam for homework
Time Frame • Video 30 minutes • Group Activity 30 minutes • Discussion 15 minutes • Test review 15 minutes
Infusement • Students will follow the website made available for additional information to complete the activity
State Standard • Section 79-724R-RS
Closure • Toward the end of class, students will hand in their papers followed by a class discussion/participation in naming the cities and a map will be available to locate the cities.
Islam: Empire of FaithBibliography • http://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/index.html
For Muslims, God is unique and without equal. They attempt to think and talk about God without either making Him into a thing or a projection of the human self
In contrast to many other religions, the basic practice of Islam is simplicity itself. The believer worships God directly without the intercession of priests or clergy or saints. The believer’s duties are summed up in five simple rules called the Five Pillars of Islam: Belief, Worship, Fasting, Almsgiving, and Pilgrimage.
The two foundations of Muslim faith are God’s revelations to Muhammad, known as the Koran, from the Arabic word Qur’an, or “recitation”; and the reports about Muhammad’s life and deeds, which are known as the hadith, from the Arabic word for “report.” The central miracle of Islam is God’s revelation to Muhammad, whose human fallibilities as a mere mortal are repeatedly mentioned in the Koran.
The revelations that comprise the Koran were revealed over a period of more than two decades in two places. The first revelations from the period of Muhammad’s residence in Mecca are short and incantatory verses of extraordinary poetic beauty.
The later revelations from the period after Muhammad immigrated to Medina are longer, legalistic texts appropriate to a developing community of believers in need of rules and regulations.
Muslims believe that God had previously revealed Himself to the earlier prophets of the Jews and Christians, such as Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Muslims therefore accept the teachings of both the Jewish Torah and the Christian Gospels.
They believe that Islam is the perfection of the religion revealed first to Abraham (who is considered the first Muslim) and later to other prophets. Muslims believe that Jews and Christians have strayed from God’s true faith but hold them in higher esteem than pagans and unbelievers.
Islam, followed by more than a billion people today, is the world’s fastest growing religion and will soon be the world’s largest. The most populous Muslim countries are Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India. The number of Muslims in Indonesia alone (175 million) exceeds the combined total in Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran, the traditional heartlands of Islam.