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PRIUS project: fostering of globally-leading researchers in integrated sciences. Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Japan Susumu Date. Contents. Background and Motivation PRAGMA PRIME What is PRIUS? Mission and Goal Lectures Internship Abroad
PRIUSproject: fostering of globally-leading researchers in integrated sciences Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Japan Susumu Date
Contents • Background and Motivation • PRAGMA • PRIME • What is PRIUS? • Mission and Goal • Lectures • Internship Abroad • Future Direction
Background and motivation: PRAGMA • PRAGMA (Pacific Rim Applications and Grid Middleware) • an open organization in which Pacific Rim institutions and universities will collaborate more formally to develop grid-enabled applications and will deploy the needed infrastructure throughout the Pacific Region to allow data, computing, and other resource sharing. • Led by Dr. Peter Arzberger, UCSD • Working groups • Resource & DataGrid Working Group promoting resource sharing • Geo Science Working Group developing data grid technology and its application • Bioscience Working Group developing grid technology useful and practical for biology eg. Grid portal for life science • Telescience Working Group sharing scientific measurement device such as tiled display and high-volage microscopy • URL: http://www.pragma-grid.net/ PRAGMA 12 at Bangkok, Thailand
PRAGMA Grid Testbed JLU China UZurich Switzerland CNIC GUCAS China AIST OsakaU UTsukuba TITech Japan NCSA USA KISTI Korea BU USA UUtah USA SDSC USA KU NECTEC Thailand ASGC NCHC Taiwan UMC USA CICESE Mexico UoHyd India CUHK HongKong UNAM Mexico MIMOS USM Malaysia IOIT-HCM Vietnam ASURC Costa Rica APAC QUT Australia BII IHPC NGO Singapore UCN Chile BESTGrid New Zealand UChile Chile MU Australia 29 Clusters from 26 institutions in 14 countries/regions (+9 in preparation)
Background and motivation: PRIME • PRIME • Started at University of California, San Diego in 2004 • An educational project which provides an international research and cultural experience to better prepare students for the global workplace of the 21 st century • Undergraduate students are supposed to engage in the research and development work set in advance by mentors in UCSD and the accepting institution. • Through the collaboration with with researchers, scientists, and students in institutions and universities in the Pacific Rim (PRAGMA members), students are expected to learn the importance of international collaboration for their future. • Until today, the following institutions have accepted students from UCSD. Australia: Monash University China: CNIC, CAS Taiwan: NCHC (National Center for High-Performance Computing) Japan: Osaka University 2006 PRIME students
PRIME 2005 – Projects • Phylogeny Determined by IncompleteProtein Domain Content, I.Lee, CNIC • A visualization of network measurements, J.Lee, CNIC • Deployment and Extension of JuxtaView for the Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment, C.Cheung, NCHC • Developing the Interface between PDA and Sensors, O Langman, NCHC* (from U Wisconsin) • Visualizing internet connectivity using Cytoscape, S.Lee, NCHC • Extending EcoGrid Capability, D.Leu, NCHC* • BOINC as a Nimrod Resource for Quantum Chemistry, J.Hwang, Monash • Computational Grid Tools for Protein-Ligand Docking Studies, L Berstis, Monash • Modeling Cardiac Rhythm Alternation, J.Nevo, Monash • SNPs, Protein Structure and Disease, D.Bitton, Monash • Computational Cardiac Modeling, D.Dederko, Monash • The Development of A Querying System for Structured Metadata in a Datagrid Environment, J.Chen, Osaka • Visualization Tools for Bio-molecular Simulation, C.Liang, Osaka • A Bio-molecular Simulation Portal, E.Wang, Osaka prime.ucsd.edu/presentations
Background and Motivation of PRIUS project • Osaka University (the Graduate school of information science and technology and Cybermedia Center) has been collaborating in R&D activities for a long time through PRAGMA community. • PRAGMA (Pacific Rim Applications and Grid Middleware Assembly) has been promoted since 2002. • Researchers and scientists in pacific rim countries has participated in R&D activities under the leadership of UCSD. • Also, Osaka University has a role of importance in PRIME project, an educational program for undergraduate students in UCSD. • PRIME project allows UCSD students to stay in host countries for about three months for skill building and cultural experience. • Osaka University is an institution that has accepted ten students since 2004.
Maturity of PRAGMA R&D network Stimulating the movement toward the establishment of PRAGMA Educational network Background and Motivation • Success of PRAGMA community • Accumulated Expertise and practice of building Highly advanced Grid applications and middleware • Formation of Human network of researchers and scientists in pacific rim • Activation of Educational activities • PRIME: Providing UCSD students with an opportunity of experiencing, studying, and learning highly sophisticated technology and cultural background through practical R&D with PRAGMA partners.
What is PRIUS Project? • A selected project for University Education Internationalization Promotion Program promoted by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) • This education program is expected to be promoted to improve Japanese advanced education in international compatibility and commonality as well as enhance the international competitive power in Japanese advanced education. • Just 15 of total 104 proposed projects have been accepted in 2005. • As to national universities, only 9 universities started their own projects in the year • Osaka University started “Fostering of Globally-leading Researchers in Integrated Sciences” • The project is expected to be a 4-year project from 2005. • The budget estimated is 30 millions yen (280 thousand dollars) each year.
Purpose of PRIUS • Taking maximum advantage of both R&D and educational networks brought by the existent PRAGMA framework, we aim to establish an consistent educational infrastructure that provides graduate students with the opportunities to widen their international perspective. • Through the established educational infrastructure, PRIUS aims to produce the students who have the ability to take a leadership in this recent “globalized” world. • Language • Cultural background • Knowledge in cutting-edge technology • How to “team-play”
Establish a consistent educational program for graduate students. On-the-Job-Training Education on PRAGMA Approach of PRIUS P.D Exchange prgm: produces liquidity in human resource P.D Long Abroad Internship: Provide skill building chances Doc Research Part Short Abroad Internship: Offer trial opportunities Educational Part M2 M1 Lecture course: Stimulate students’ ambitious
Studies on International Integrated Science Scheduled class in 2005 Oct. 11: Mark Ellisman (1) Oct. 12: Tomas Molina (2) Nov. 30: Philip Papadopoulos (1) Dec. 01: Philip Papadopoulos (1) Dec. 07: Wilfred Li (1) Dec. 08: Wilfred Li (1) Jan. 11: Fang-Pang Lin Jan. 12: Fang-Pang Lin Jan. 18, 19: Francis Lee (2) “Studies on International Integrated Science I” given by Mr. Tomas Molina for graduate students in Osaka University
Studies on International Integrated Science Class for the first semester in 2006 (Apr. 2006 – Sep. 2006) May. 22: Rajesh Kumar Chhabra from Queensland University of Technology, Australia “Grid Portals: bridging the gap between the users and the Grid ” Jun. 05, 07: Mark Billinghurst from Human Interface Technology Laboratory, University of Canterbury, New Zealand "Designing Augmented Reality Experiences" Jun. 12, 14: Jason Haga from Whitaker Institute of Biomedical Engineering,University of California, San Diego, USA “Application of Bioinformatics to Vascular Molecular Bioengineering Research” Jul. 03, 05: Wilfred Li from NBCR (National Biomedical Computation Resource), University of California, San Diego “"Enabling Transparent Access to Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Biomedical Applications" Jul. 10, 12: Rajkumar Buyya from University of Melbourne, Australia "Grid Computing and the Gridbus Middleware: Powering e-Science and e-Bussines Applications" Jul. 24, 26: Lin Sun In from National Center for High-Performance Computing, Taiwan "Tiled Display Wall and The Derived Applications"
Studies on International Integrated Science Scheduled class for the second semester in 2006 (Oct. 2006 – Mar. 2007) Oct. 11,12: Kim Baldridge from University of Zurich, Switzerland "Computational Chemistry and Computer Science (tentative)" Oct. 18: Peter Arzberger from University of California San Diego "World wide scientific collaboration and PRAGMA” Oct. 25,16: Tian Boping from Department of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China “ Risk Evaluation of Overall Listed Corporations in Shenzhen and Shanghai Stok Market” Dec. 13, 14: Luc Lenambot from Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL), University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), USA “ Advanced Visualization and Collaboration Research over High-speed network ” Dec. 20, 21: Francis Lee from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore “AE@SG: Digital Media Grid”, “IP Mobility for IP based Network” Jan. 24, 25: Habibah A. Wahab from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang “Drug Discovery and Grid Computing: Their Compatibilities” “Studies on International Integrated Science II” given by Mr. Rajesh Chhabra for graduate students in Osaka University in 2006 “Studies on International Integrated Science II” given by Dr. Mark Billinghurst for graduate students in Osaka University in 2006
Academic internship Abroad program • In 2006, PRIUS students stayed in the following institutions and universities • Queensland University of Technology, Australia • Students: Mr. Yohei Sawai and Mr. Junya Seo • Mentor (supervisor): Mr Rajesh Kumar Chhabra • Work overview: the development of Gridportal for bioscience • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore • Student: Mr. Shingo Takeda • Mentor (supervisor): Dr. Francis Lee • Work overview: the Grid audit system using MOGAS, a job monitoring software developed by NTU • University of Canterbury, New Zealand • Student: Mr. Daisuke Takada • Mentor (supervisor): Dr. Mark Billinghurst • Work: Augmented Reality toolkit • In 2005 • University of California San Diego, USA • Student: Mr. Kohei Ichikawa • Mentor (supervisor): Dr. Wilfred Li • Work: QM/MM simulation using Opal OP At Queensland University of Technology At Nanyang Technological University At San Diego
Example 1 of the work done by Students • Pacific BioScience Grid Portal • Developed by Junya Seo (1st year Master student) and Yohei Sawai (2nd Master Student) • Supervised by Rajesh Chhabra (QUT, Australia) NAMD: Parallel molecular Dynamics code CSF4: a meta-scheduler GridSphere and GridPortlet: a sotfware for portal development Gt4: an implementation of Grid
Example 2 of the work done by Students • A Security Monitoring System for Grid computing • Developed by Shingo Takeda (Ph.D Student) • Based on MOGAS developed by NGO (National Grid Office) and NTU • Supervised by Francis Lee (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) * His paper will appear at GCA held at Singapore. “Security Monitoring Extension For MOGAS”, 3rd workshop on GCA, June 2007, Singapore
Roads to PRIUS • Phase 1: Establishment of PRIUS, and Investigation of Issues (2005 – 2006.10) • Sending students to UCSD experimentally to explore the possibility and issues to make a course for abroad internship • Opening a course named “Studies on International Integrated Sciences” in Osaka University • Establish PRIUS office • Phase 2: Expansion of PRIUS (2006.10 – 2007.10) • Expansion of the course based on students’ demand • Expanding the framework to other institutions in the Pacific Rim based on the experience obtained through the collaboration with PRAGMA in phase 1 • Phase 3: Introduce results from the PRIUS project to the international collaborative research community (2007.10 – 2008. 3) • Explore the possibility of credit transfer among other universities.
Fostering of Globally-Leading Researchers in Integrated Science (PRIUS) Educational Network linking 13 organizations in 7 countries centered around the Pacific Rim Achievement 2006 (2005): # ofPRIUS-Invited lecturers13 (6) # of Internship Students 4 (1) “Studies on International Integrated Science I, II” University of Illinois, Chicago Harbin Institute of Technology University of California, San Diego University of Zurich, Irchel National Center for High-performance Computing University of Malaysia Queensland University of Technology QM/MM simulation Using OPAL OP Nanyang Technological University Bioscience GridPortal University of Melbourne Invited Lecturer Security Monitoring System Based on MOGAS Internship Student University of Canterbury PRIUS URL: http://prius.ist.osaka-u.ac.jp Augment Reality toolkit
Fostering of Globally-Leading Researchers in Integrated Science (PRIUS) Scheduled class for the first semester in 2007 (Apr. 2007 – Sep. 2007) Apr. 11, 12: Dr. Mason J. Katz from San Diego Supercomputer Center, University of California, San Diego, USA May. 07, 09: Dr. Philip Papadopoulos from San Diego Supercomputer Center, University of California, San Diego, USA Jun. 25, 27: Prof. Mark Ellisman from Department of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego, USA Jul. 02, 04: Prof. Moon-Gil Yoon from Department of Management Science, Hankuk Aviation University, Korea Jul. 09, 11: Prof. Oliber Bimber from Faculty of Media, Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany Jul. 16, 18: Prof. David Abramson from Clayton School of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia Fostering of Globally-Leading Researchers in Integrated Science (PRIUS) Scheduled Lecturer PRIUS URL: http://prius.ist.osaka-u.ac.jp
Summary of PRIUS • We are moving toward the establishment and advancement of educational network on the existent PRAGMA R&D network. • The educational network provides students with the opportunities to take classes by PRAGMA researchers and scientists and have an experience of collaborating with PRAGMA researchers for practical Grid application on PRAGMA. • We would like to ask for your help and participation.
More Information For the information on PRIUS, Project Web: http://prius.ist.osaka-u.ac.jp For the relationship of PRIUS, PRIME, and PRAGMA, PRAGMA 2006 Brochure http://www.pragma-grid.net/(downloadable)