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Software Architecture for Mobile Distributed Computing

Software Architecture for Mobile Distributed Computing. Presented by: Deepak N Lakshminarayanan The University of Texas at Dallas Under the Guidance of Dr. Lawrence Chung . Overview. Survey on Software architecture developed for mobile system, which Is accessible anywhere

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Software Architecture for Mobile Distributed Computing

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  1. Software Architecture for Mobile Distributed Computing Presented by: Deepak N Lakshminarayanan The University of Texas at Dallas Under the Guidance of Dr. Lawrence Chung

  2. Overview • Survey on Software architecture developed for mobile system, which • Is accessible anywhere • Is accessible anytime • Can tolerate occurrence of disconnection • Can support natural interaction with users • Mobile network is • Highly dynamic in nature • Absence of infrastructure

  3. Goal • To develop mobile system architecture, enabling ambient intelligent vision, i.e. • Consumers will be provided with available content and services immediately • These content and service are provided universally • This should be done at runtime based on specific situation • This mobile system was developed by team headed by Valérie Issarny [Research director, INRIA]

  4. WSAMI – A Middleware Based Web Service • WSAMI supports abstract specification of Ambient Intelligence applications. • When? At run time because of mobile nature • Consumer-oriented application • Built on Web Service architecture – ensures service availability in most environments • Java based prototype. • IEEE 802.11b as its underlying WLAN

  5. WSAMI – MIDDLEWARE ARCHITECTURE • Middleware divided into two parts: • Core Broker • Wireless Container • CSOAP – Resource constraint • Naming and Discovery • Support for connector customization • For QOS

  6. Solutions based on WSAMI • Middleware architecture for Mobile System • Dynamic composition of Mobile Services • Service Discovery Protocol (SDP)

  7. Middleware architecture for Mobile System • Solution based on Web, i.e. Web Service • Reason behind – easily deployable in any environment • Introduced XML-based WSAMI • XML language allows dynamic retrieving of instances • Cost • Language generate security • Language also generates performance • Reduce complexity

  8. Dynamic composition of Mobile Services • Based on Group Management paradigm • Devised a middleware functionality for supporting dynamic composition of mobile services • This solution solves the following issues • Cooperation of nodes • Ensures Trust Management between nodes • Develop distributed application over dynamic, mobile network

  9. Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) • Issue: During design, run time requirement cannot be predicted • For this, Mobile nodes must discover and interact with services available at their vicinity • SDP enables • Nodes to find and use services without network knowledge • Nodes are aware of network environment available at its vicinity

  10. Future Work • As Mobile Computing has a bright future, so does Software Architecture for Mobile Computing 

  11. Thank you for your patience Any Question?

  12. Reference: • V. ISSARNY, D. SACCHETTI, F. TARTANOGLU, F. SAILHAN, R. CHIBOUT, N. LEVY, A. TALAMONA. Developing Ambient Intelligence Systems: A Solution based on Web Services, in "Journal of Automated Software Engineering", January 2005. • Valerie Issarny, ARLES: Software Architecture and Distributed Systems (project team). Activity Report INRIA, 2004 • A.L. Murphy, G.P. Picco, and G.-C. Roman. Software Architecture for Mobile Computing. In LNCS 2804, pp. 182-206, 2003.

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