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Incorporate acquisition services using a modular approach. Acquisition is the mission ... contract vehicles for a broad scope of commercial products & services ...
Slide 2:Panel Discussion:Commercial Items and Services
Ted Haddad (Chief Acquisition Officer, General Services Administration); Ted.Haddad@gsa.gov, (202) 501-1043 Mr. Ron Smith (Contracts Director, EADS-NA Tankers); ronald.smith@eads-na.com Elliott Branch (Executive Director for Contracts, Naval Sea Systems Command); brancheb@msn.com Donald Morrison (Vice President of Contracts, Lockheed Martin Information Systems and Global Services); ann.sullivan@lmco.com Friday, November 21 9:30 – 11:30am
Slide 3:Problem Statement
Federal government acquisition/procurement processes totaled about $425B in 2007, will exceed $450B in 2008, and extrapolated to be close to $1 trillion in about ten years. The GSA component of this dollar growth is sizable. GSA, like many civilian agency organizations, lacks a “Comprehensive Acquisition Environment©” that will support increasing demand for contracts and transparency. There needs to be a strategy to define and implement a “Comprehensive Acquisition Environment©” from commercially available products and services that will achieve the commensurate increase in productivity that will be required from the acquisition work force.
Slide 4:Office of the Chief Acquisition Officer (OCAO)
A player/driving force because CAO by legislation. GSA CAO established in June of 2004 is responsible for acquisition and has several goals to improve the acquisition process(es) at GSA: Provide the vision for an overarching acquisition environment that moves toward the standardization of baseline acquisition processes Improve data quality and efficiencies Establish an acquisition knowledge management portal to capture acquisition knowledge and provide access to electronic acquisition tools Incorporate acquisition services using a modular approach Acquisition is the mission critical function at GSA Delivery of goods and services via contracts
Slide 5:OCAO
Responsible for: Oversight of GSA’s Acquisition Functions Managing the FAR w/ DoD & NASA (OMB) Issuing GSA Acquisition Guidance Managing the Federal Acquisition Institute (OMB) Managing GSA’s Acquisition Workforce Managing the Integrated Acquisition Environment (OMB) Managing GSA’s Acquisition Systems Serving as the Suspension/Debarment Authority, Agency Protest Official, Competition Advocate, IDIQ Ombudsman, and Metrification Ombudsman Conducting GSA Procurement Management Reviews
Slide 6:What is a “Comprehensive Acquisition Environment©”?
For the purposes of today’s discussion, the CAE© is the process, the electronic tools, the systems, that support the awarding, administering, and successful closing of contracts following all government policies, rules, and regulations. The CAE© must support the contracting process, the key to GSA’s ability to perform its mission. The CAE© must support the entire acquisition life cycle. The CAE© must support “One GSA”.
Slide 7:Comprehensive Acquisition Environment©
Must be (overarching requirements) Able to provide accurate and timely information; Transparent – appropriately provide, for a range of needs, access to that information; Adaptable – ability to accommodate changing federal contracting processes; A “force multiplier” for the multi-generational, multi-sector (blended?) civilian agency acquisition workforce of the 21st century; Electronic, vis-ŕ-vis, paperless.
Slide 8:Some Guiding Principles
Comprehensive Acquisition Environment© will be Web based – technology as an enabler (e.g., Web 2.0) – architecture driven and scalable (the long pole); Knowledge centric – capture data (including intellectual) in a format capable of being searched and used by all with need to know: Core principle of KM, especially when applied comprehensively, is to manage information as an asset and develop and continually improve channels to collect, store and share data to further the organization’s mission; Collaboration on and the sharing of data is critical; Enter data once, use many times; Built with component based solutions/applications; Built modularly (incremental or spiral development with multi-year strategy);
Slide 9:More Guiding Principles
Comprehensive Acquisition Environment© will Encompass the entire acquisition life cycle from “cradle to grave”; Be interoperable within itself as well as to legacy GSA financial systems, GSA human capital systems, the IAE, etc.; Be Knowledge-Centric; Provide Innovative Solutions; Accommodate the emerging multi-generational, multi-sector workforce mindset.
Slide 10:Current Acquisition Support Capabilities(not inclusive)
Some excellent but stove-piped systems across Central Office and Services: Acquisition Planning Wizard, Comprison, e-Lease, ACMIS, ALC, etc. Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE): a big step forward in providing transparency Summary level contract and financial information reported to USA Spending.gov Pockets of excellence for workforce management, policy development, oversight, and collaboration/knowledge management (e.g., FAI)
Slide 11:Future Acquisition Support Capabilities(not inclusive)
Complete integration of existing capabilities Examples of add-on, integrated capabilities: Workforce Inventory Succession planning Skill Assessment Knowledge Management Ask Acquisition (Experts-On-Line) Capture Intellectual Properties Training/Education Transactional capabilities (contract writing, sales, leasing, excess property, etc.) Suspension/Debarment Policy Disposal Training Document Management Collaborative Tools Email/IM/Chat
Notional Contract Process Contract Writing CFO CHCO IAE CFO FAI FAR KM POLICY TRNG/EDU DOCMGNT ? ? ? Comprehensive Acquisition Environment©Slide 14:And the big questions?
Feasible/Achievable or “pie-in-the-sky”? All things to everyone? Timeframe? Cost? ? And can industry team up with government to provide the commercial products and services to fit this environment? How can industry help?
Slide 15:Couple of Back Up Charts
Slide 16:GSA Facilitates Access to Government Clients
GSA is the Premier Government Acquisition Agency – we provide contract vehicles for a broad scope of commercial products & services Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) are the “on ramp” for commercial sales and services to the government
Slide 17:Targeted Programs
HUB Zone Disaster Relief Small Business 8 (a) Veterans
Slide 18:Small Business Outreach
SBA Goaling Report out recently 80% of all GSA schedule holders are small businesses 37% of all money spent on schedules goes to small business In FY 07, 34% of GSA procurements were with small business (expect over 36% in FY 08)