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Discover comprehensive high-risk pregnancy treatment solutions with our expert team. Ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy journey with personalized care, advanced diagnostics, and specialized support tailored to your unique needs. Your health and your baby's well-being are our top priority.<br>

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  1. HIGH-RISKPREGNANCYTREATMENT HIGH-RISKPREGNANCY INFORMATION: Frequently,unforeseencomplicationscanarise withoutwarning.Ahigh-riskpregnancyTreatment, ontheotherhand,indicatesanincreased likelihoodofcomplicationsduetofactorslikethe woman'spregnancy-relatedconditions,her Gynaec Endoscopy HighRisk PregnancyCare Menstrual Problems medicalhistory,andexternalinfluences.This elevatedriskmaynecessitate treatments,particularlyincases menstrualdisorders. specialized involving FibroidUterus WhatCanCauseaHigh-Risk Pregnancy? OvarianCysts EctopicPregnancy HowcanIpreventahigh-risk pregnancy? PCOD Adenomyosis Consultation Howtomanageanymedical conditionsduringpregnancy? Amenorreha Infertility Adolescenthealth issue Recurrent Pregnancy Makean Appointment +919310600209

  2. +919310600209 Haveaquestion? Call us now dr.sabita779@gmai l.com Bookyour appointmentnow AccordSuper SpecialityHospital DR.SABITAKUMARI Dr.SabitaKumari,awellknowngynaecologistinDelhi-NCR,Faridabadowns avastexperienceinthefieldforindependentpracticefor16years.Shehad beentrainedinrenownedinstitutes&hospitalsofindiaincludingtrainingin minimallyinvasivesurgeries(LaparoscopicSurgeries)atAIIMS,NewDelhi QuickLinks Treatments WorkTime Home AboutBlogs PatientEducationNews& EventsPhotoGalleryVideoGalleryContact GynaecEndoscopy FibroidUterusPCOD AdenomyosisAmenorrehaInfertility AccordHospitalOPD Timing:10:00AM- 5PM ClinicTiming:7:00PM- 8:30PM Emergency:24x7 AvailableinAccord SuperspecialityHospital inFaridabadSector-86 Copyright©2021Dr.SabitaKumaribyBrandingwaale.com

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