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When it comes down to choosing your doctor everyone wants the best. Not the second to best but the best. So how do you decide who is best? Or is there something like the best doctor?<br>Dr. Amod Manocha is a Senior Consultant and Head of Pain Management Services at Max Multispecialty Hospital, Saket. He is trained as a Pain Management Specialist and an Anaesthetist in the UK. He has over 13 years of work experience in the UK including working as a Chronic Pain Consultant in many UK hospitals.Dr. Amod Manocha is a leading pain medicine expert. He helps patients with all kinds of chronic pain conditions including back pain, neck pain, joint pain and nerve pain.
QUESTFORTHEBESTPAIN DOCTOR DR. AMOD MANOCHA FFPMRCA, FRCA, PGC MSK US, EDRA CONSULTANT PAIN MEDICINE Chronic pain is a frequent condition affecting an estimated 20% of people worldwide. Globally 1 in 10 adults are diagnosed with chronic pain each year. Some accept pain as a part of ageing process andothers make peace with it as they have been told that nothing can be done. But is thatso? With age you do become more prone to developing conditions such as arthritis but for most people pain control can be optimised to reduce the impactonqualityoflife.Thisrequireswillingtoinvesttimeandefforton part of the affectedindividual. Choosing your PainSpecialist Inthefieldofmedicinelearningcontinuesforlifeandkeepinguptodate with the latest evidence, technological developments isessential. Understandably, around the world, there is a huge variabilityin the pain treatments offered based on local expertise, risks involved, ethical and social considerations, lifestyles, patient expectations andbelieves. Treatment cost has a huge bearing on the offered/ acceptedtreatment modalities. When it comes down to choosing your doctor everyone wants the best. Not the second to best but the best. So how do you decide who is best?Or is there something like the bestdoctor? --Formostindividualsifadoctorinthemedia/limelightandtreats renowned people then he must begood --Forothersifthedoctorsnamecomeshighuponinternetsearch engines then he/she is assumed to begood --Somerelyonthefeedback/experiencesofpreviouspatients --Wordofmouthorrecommendationisimportantforsome -- Perhaps a foreign degree/ experience is a clincher forothers WWW.REMOVEMYPAIN.COM
QUESTFORTHEBESTPAIN DOCTOR DR. AMOD MANOCHA FFPMRCA, FRCA, PGC MSK US, EDRA CONSULTANT PAIN MEDICINE If I had to choose, who treats my pain, I would not be looking at just the doctor, but also for the setup he works in. For me the key question is - willhe/shebeabletooffer me thecomprehensiveservicesrequiredfora long lasting solution to my painissues. The most important component of treatment plan is diagnosing the source on problem (ifpossible) and deciding on what can be done for sustained, long-lasting benefits. This requires contribution from the individualintheformoflifestylemodifications,weightmanagement, regular physiotherapy etc. The process starts with education patient about his condition, advice on do’s and don’ts ...is your best doctor willing to spend time onthese??? Equally important is to be reasonable assured that your doctor has received the necessary trainingand experience to safely deliver the proposedtreatments For me I need aspecialist -- Who understandspain -- Who looks at pain not just as a symptom, butas a disease and -- Tries to reduce the impact onlife --Someonewhoiswillingtomakeadifference,toworkwithmeand help me move towards mygoals --Someonewhomaynothave alltheanswersbutiswillingtosearch forthem Someone for whom every pain is a mystery…. waiting tobe solved…. One consultation with the Doctor should be more than enough for you to gaugewhetheryouarewithyourbestdoctorordoyoustill need tocarry on searching..... GoodLuck WWW.REMOVEMYPAIN.COM