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Best Advice For Living a Better Diabetes Life

Excellent health maintenance involves much more than just leading a healthy lifestyle and exercising frequently. It's important to take good care of your health. Choose wholesome meals and beverages, engage in regular exercise, get enough sleep, remain hydrated, handle stress, think positive thoughts, laugh, quit smoking, and schedule regular checkups with your doctor if you want to live a healthy lifestyle.<br><br>Eating more veggies, substituting water for sugary beverages, meditating to lower stress, and making exercise enjoyable by working out with a friend are some tips to help you live a healt

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Best Advice For Living a Better Diabetes Life

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  2. ABOUT He is currently working as the CEO of ARC Dubai, a renal health care centre in Dubai that is known as Renasense. Partha Banerjee Dubaiis also theCEO of AI Mazroui Medical Centre in Abu Dhabi, UAE, where he has set up AI Razeen Field Hospital in just 9 days, which can last for 10 years. Before moving to Dubai to pursue a new career path, he also worked as the MD and CEO of Nipro Tube Glass Ltd., a global manufacturer of glass products and various medical devices that are used for the purposes of dialysis, transfusion, diagnostics, interventional, cardiopulmonary, and other pharmaceutical products. He managed patient care modules for Aventis, Ell Lilly, Novartis, and Pfizer, as well as the launch of Novartis' immunosuppressive medications. He has supervised business operations inmorethan60countriesformajorcompaniessuchasImperialChemical, Johnson Matthey, and CTI as a global multi-faceted expert. In the United States, the United Kingdom, mainland Europe, Africa, the Gulf, China, and India, Dr Partha Banerjee UAE has nearly three decades of experience in strategy development and strategic positioning, introducing formulations, and establishing patient relationshipmanagement.

  3. BLOGS BestAdviceForLivingaBetterDiabetesLife

  4. Healthy living and regular exercise are only a small part of maintainingexcellenthealth.Takingpropercareofyourhealthis crucial. To live a healthy lifestyle, choose nutritious foods and drinks, work out frequently, get enough sleep, stay hydrated, manage stress, think happy thoughts, laugh, give up or stop smoking,andgetregularmedicalcheckups. Some advice to help you live a better life includes eating more vegetables, drinking water instead of sugary drinks, meditating to reducestress,andmakingexercisepleasurablebyworkingoutwitha friend.Highbloodsugarisaconcernthatiscurrentlyemergingbecause of diabetes. Partha Bannerjee Dubai offers some advice on how to managediabetessothatapersoncanleadahealthylife.

  5. EAT WELL FOR A LONGLIFE Themostcrucialaspectofourhealthisourdiet.Diabetescanbeavoided ifwemaintainabalanceddietandcontrolourtastebuds.Thedietneeds tobebalancedandcateredtotheneedsofthebody.Leanproteinsand nonfatdairyproductsarethehealthiestoptions.Avoidingfoodsthatare heavyinsugarandfatisessential.

  6. EAT LESSSALT Consuming too much salt increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.Nomorethan6g(oneteaspoon)ofsaltshouldbeconsumed daily. Study the labels and choose the prepackaged items with the leastamountofsaltasmanyofthemalreadyincludesalt.Youcould alsobecreativeandusedifferentkindsofherbsandspicesinplaceof salttoofferthatextraflavor.

  7. REDUCEYOUR RISKS Doyouknowthatalackofexercisecanreduceyourlifeexpectancy by about four years? It works wonders to follow a defined fitness routine for 30 minutes, five days each week. Regular exercise helps peopleloseweightandcontroltheirbloodsugarlevels.Additionally,it helps to control the levels of other hormones, including insulin, loweringthelikelihoodoffutureseriousproblems.

  8. ESCAPE ANDENJOY Don’tletbadhabitslikesmokinggetinthewayofyourgoals.To maintainahealthylifestyle,visityourdoctorsanddieticiansfor routinechecks.

  9. WATCHYOURSELF PatientswithdiabetesmustregularlychecktheirA1C,bloodpressure, cholesterol,eyes,foot,andbloodsugarlevels.Knowingyournumbers enablesyoutoadjustyourdietandlifestyleaccordingly,resultingina balanced sugarlevel.

  10. TAKEMEDICINE Adiabeticpatientmusttaketheirmedicationasprescribedbytheir doctor on a regular basis. Patients have occasionally neglected to taketheirprescriptionsbecausetheydidnotgetthedesiredresults. Rememberthatthemedication’seffectswon’thappenrightaway. So,bepatientandtakeyourmedications.

  11. THE SECRET ISPATIENCE Thesecrettoahigherhealingrateispatienceandfaith.Thetightdiet andprescriptionsthatpatientsmustfollowcanoftenannoythem,but thekeytoaspeedyrecoveryistofindpatienceandgiveyourselftimeto adjust.Trytothinkpositivethoughtsandaskforassistancefromyour friends,family,andanybodyelsewhocan.

  12. Partha Bannerjee Mumbai claims that rest and meditation are the solutionstoallproblems.Oursubconsciousmindhasthecureforevery ailmentaswellasasolutiontoeveryproblemweface.Wemustbeable tomaintaincontrolofourthoughts.Themosteffectivewaytomaster your mind is through meditation. While on the path to recovery, daily meditationpracticeslasting10to15minutescanaidinrelaxation. RELAX ANDMEDITATE

  13. Stressexacerbatesdiabetescondition.Whenyouconsumetoomuch,your blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels all drop. The stress hormonecortisolispartiallytoblameforthis,butstressalsoaffectsyour diet,eatinghabits,abilitytotakemedications,andsleepcycles. DrParthaBannerjeeUAEadvisesthatyoucanimproveyourdiabetic symptomsandloweryourstressbyengaginginprayer,meditation, supportgroups,andconversationsaboutstressmanagementwitha therapistortrustedfriend. It’sevenmoreimportanttobeashealthyandrobustasyoucanbein ordertocopewithlife’sinevitablehappeningssuchassadness,marital issues, and so on because some stress and emotional turbulence are unavoidable. BE HEALTHY ANDCALM


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