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Role of Top Five Vitamins in Improving the Immunity

Micronutrients like vitamins are important for our bodies to grow well. The list of vitamins you need to strengthen your immunity is provided in this PPT. Get started now.<br><br>For More Information: https://www.drsharadent.com/which-are-the-best-vitamins-to-improve-your-immunity/<br>

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Role of Top Five Vitamins in Improving the Immunity

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  1. RoleofTopFiveVitaminsinImproving theImmunity

  2. Vitamins are micronutrients that are required in micro quantities for our body. And this requirement is fulfilled by eating a vitamin-enriched balanced diet because our body originally did not have the ability to produce them on itsown.

  3. Sources Carrot Sweet potato LiverProducts Spinach Salmon Functions Vitamin A also plays a major role as an antioxidant. Usually, when we breathe, the oxygen radicals entering our body getsattachedtothecellmembraneand oxidizes or kill thecell. VitaminA

  4. Sources Milk Cheese Egg Fish Grains and cereals Green vegetablesetc Functions Vitamin B plays a major role in increasing the number of RBCs in our body, which in turn raises the hemoglobinlevelspresentintheblood. Italsopreventsheartdiseases,eye diseases, Alzheimer,etc. VitaminB

  5. Sources Cod liveroil Egg Beef Salmon Milk Yogurt Orange Sun exposure(UV-B). Functions The UV-B rays from the sunlight hit the cholesterol cells on the skin and lead to theproductionofcalciuminthekidneys. Thisfurthergetsabsorbedbytheliver andliningsofotherorgansaswell. Thus,VitaminDpreventsliversclerosis, swelling in the stomach and intestine, respiratory diseases, and soon. VitaminD

  6. Functions Itisanantioxidantthatpreventsthe oxidation of various WBCs like neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, and monocyteswhich otherwise might getdamaged. Thisescalatestheimmuneactivityof thesecells. It also helps in reduces cholesterol levelsandpreventsheartattacksand non-alcoholic fatty liverdisease. Sources Sunflowerseeds Almonds Kiwi Mango Tomato Broccoli Spinachetc VitaminE

  7. Sources Broccoli Spinach Kiwi Blueberries Lettuce Cabbage Cauliflower Functions Vitamin K plays a major role in coagulatingbloodandbonestrength. Itfacilitatestheclottingofbloodwiththe help of mast cells and prevents blood loss. It also maintains bone health and heart rateandthusimprovethebody’simmune system. VitaminK

  8. ThankYou Visit www.drsharadent.com

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