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Understanding Non-Allergic Rhinitis Symptoms

Gain insights into the symptoms of non-allergic rhinitis with eosinophilia syndrome (NARES) and vasomotor rhinitis. Explore effective treatment options to alleviate nasal congestion, sneezing, and other bothersome symptoms associated with these conditions. Enhance your understanding and find relief from NARES and <b><a href="https://www.drsharadent.com/nonallergic-rhinitis-vasomotor-rhinitis-classification-clinical-features-management//">vasomotor rhinitis symptoms</a></b>.

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Understanding Non-Allergic Rhinitis Symptoms

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  1. Classificationof NON-ALLERGIC RHINITIS

  2. Non-AllergicRhinitis withEosinophilia Patients of Non-Allergic Rhinitis with eosinophilia (NARE)haveperennialsymptomswithepisodesof waterydischarge,itching,sneezing,andepiphora. Theyhavenegativeorirrelevantreportsbyskinorin vitroallergytesting. Thespecificallergytriggersareabsent,butaggravating factors usually include weather changes and exposure to chemical irritants. The nasal smear shows marked eosinophilia.

  3. Drug-Induced Rhinitis Several ANTI-HYPERTENSIVE DRUGS, such asbeta- blockers,alpha-blockers,angiotensin-convertingenzyme (ACE)inhibitors,andvasodilators,canresultinnasal congestionandstuffiness. The ANTICHOLINESTERASE DRUG (Neostigmine) used in myasthenia gravis have acetylcholine-like action, which mayaffectthenasalmucosa. ASPIRIN and NSAID are well known to cause sinusitis and asthma. Contraceptivepills(Estrogen)cancausenasalobstruction.

  4. Rhinitismedicamentosa Thelong-termuseoftopicalnasal decongestants such asOxymetazoline (Otrivin®),Xylometazoline(Nasivion®), etc.,causesreboundcongestioninthe noseandleadstorhinitismedicamentosa. Itusuallyaffectspeoplewhousethese spraysfor7-to-10daysorlonger.

  5. Emotionalrhinitis Nosemucosamayreacttoseveral emotionalconditions,suchasanxiety, tension,hostility,humiliation,resentment, andgrief.

  6. Forinquiries,contactus. Website www.drsharad.ent

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