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DRIVING LICENCE - Online Private Portal For Registration

In India, every person who is driving two and four wheelers on the road needs to carry a driving licence with them. It is an official document provided by the Regional Transport Office (RTO) or Regional Transport Authority (RTA) under the Motor Vehicle Act of 1988.<br>What is the Eligibility for driving licence ?<br>A person who wants to holds a driving licence needs to full fill the following criteria:<br><br>An applicant should be aware of all the traffic rules & regulations.<br>An applicant must have to pass the driving test for getting a proper learning licence.<br>A person applying for a learning driving l

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DRIVING LICENCE - Online Private Portal For Registration

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  1. HelpNumber HomeLearningLicencePermanentDrivingLicenceLearning+DrivingLicenceRenewDrivingLicenceBlog 6206405461 DRIVINGLICENCEONLINEAPPLYFORTWO WHEELERS OnlinePrivate PortalForRegistration InstantApply Youagree LearningLicence PermanentLicence RenewLicence INTRO DRIVINGLICENCEAPPLY ONLINEININDIA In India, every person who is driving two and four wheelers on the road needs to carry a driving licence with them. It is an official documentprovidedbytheRegionalTransport Office (RTO) or Regional Transport Authority (RTA)undertheMotorVehicleActof1988.

  2. BENEFITS Benefitsofhavingadrivinglicence 1ConfidenceinDriving Apersonholdingadrivinglicencegetsmoreconfidentandcomfortable inlegallydrivingtwoandfourwheeler vehicles onpublicroadways. 2LegalDriver: 3 DriversIdentity: 4 RegistrationDocuments: ELIGIBILITY WhatistheEligibilityfordriving licence? Apersonwhowantstoholdsadrivinglicenceneedstofullfillthe followingcriteria: Anapplicantshouldbeawareofallthetrafficrules&regulations. Anapplicantmusthavetopass thedrivingtestforgettingaproper learninglicence. Apersonapplyingforalearningdrivinglicenceshouldbeatleast16 years oldandforapermanentlicenceitis 18years. Before applying for a permanent driving licence an applicant must haveavalidlearninglicence. Anapplicantmusthaveavalidageandaddressproofdocuments. TYPES TypesofDrivingLicence Therearetwotypeofdrivinglicencesthatyoucanapplyonlinefor: Learning driving license: It is a learner’s licence that comes with a validity of 6 months. This is a temporary licence for a person who wantstoapplyforapermanentdrivinglicence. For holding a learning driving licence a person needs to pass the drivingtest.After passingthedrivingtestthepersongets thelearning licence. Permanentdrivinglicense:Oncethevalidityperiodoflearning a driving licence is over then a person can apply for a permanent driving licence. It is a permanent licence that comes with a validity periodof20years. PROCESS ProcesstoApplyforDrivingLicense Followthebelowgivenapplyprocesstogetyourdrivinglicenceorfor quickregistrationfilltheinstantapplyform. FromtheAboveSection,choosethedrivinglicencetypeyouwant toapply. Filluptheapplicationformofselectedlicenceanduploadrequired documents. Makeyouronlinepaymenttocontinuethefurtherprocessofyour application YourAcknowledgement,Form1A (MedicalForm),Form1& appointmentslipwillbesentonyourregisteredmailId Get signaturedonebyadoctor (ifrequired)onyourMedicalform (form1A)andresendusviaemailorwhatsapp

  3. After sucessful completion of all process, you driving license will be sendedtoyour givenaddressbythecourier. NOTE:Anapplicantmusthaveavalidageandaddressproof documents. • DOCUMENTSREQUIRED • AGEPROOF:- • Birthcertificate • Schoolleavingcertificate/transfercertificate • 10thClassMarksheet • ADDRESSPROOF:- • Passport • AadharCard • Voteridcard • PANCard • VoterIdCard • Telephonebill • LICpolicystatement • Rationcard PROCEDUREFOROBTAININGDRIVINGLICENCE Our Executive Process Form FillUpApplicationForm MakeOnlinePayment ReceiveLicenceViaPost FrequentlyAskedQuestions(FAQ) WhatisaDrivinglicence? HowdoIgetdrivinglicenceinIndia? HowmuchdrivinglicencecostinIndia? WhatarethebenefitsofhavingdrivinglicenceinIndia? WhatistheminimumrequirementsfordrivinglicenceinIndia? Cana16yeargetdrivinglicenceinIndia? FewWordsAboutDRIVINGLICENCE This site is owned by a Private Organization & Not Associated with any Government Authority orRTOOffice.Additionalfeecharged byus isour Consultancyfee ApplyLinks LearningLicence Learning + Driving Licence Parmanent Driving Licence Renew Licence ForDetails About Us Contact Us ShippingPolicy Products/Service withPrice RefundPolicy Terms&Conditions Asdefinedby theMotorVehicleAct1988,havingadrivinglicence iscompulsoryfor anyone whowishestouse amotorvehicleon the

  4. public streets.Obtaining adriving licencein INDIA,isaneasytask ifyouarewell-awareof the processthatoneshouldfollow. PrivacyPolicy FAQ

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