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If you're going to work from home, it's still necessary to have a clear and direct line of communication between your makeshift offices at home and the main office, wherever they may be.
Top 7 Telecommuting Tips for Your Home Office With the ever increasing proliferation of gadgets and the complementing ease of reaching out to others for communication, more and more people are finding ways to utilize what these advancements have thrown at us. Besides, aren't we all always looking for ways to make our lives just a little bit easier? When it comes to making a living, don't we all want to have an easy time while still earning money? Well, that's why people have started to get into working from home. It saves time from commuting to and from work, you get to wake up a little bit later in the morning, you have complete control over your own time, and you won't have your boss literally breathing down your neck (unless of course, you are the boss, which is usually the case for most who have the freedom to work from home). Now, if you're going to work from home, it's still necessary to have a clear and direct line of communication between your makeshift offices at home and the main office, wherever they may be. That's what telecommuting is for. Here are top 7 telecommuting tips for your home office 1) Start with building your workspace. This may be the best and most exciting part, because you get to choose how you want the place to look. Try and go with an area of your house that's somewhat cut off from the main areas, like a spare bedroom. This way, you minimize the potential distractions of the real world. Make the space comfortable but functional — adjust the temperature and lighting (soft or natural light is best), and keep your area clutter-free — so that you can be still get all your work done while feeling relaxed. 2) Vamp it up with all the essential furniture for an office space. You're definitely going to need a nice, big desk with functional drawers and a lot of space; filing cabinets for the papers and documents; a comfortable office chair; a printer, scanner, and photocopier (three-in-one if you can get one); and a fax machine. Don't forget about the office supplies either: reams of paper, boxes of pens and pencils, staplers, staple wires, paperclips, etc. The list goes on and on. 3) Invest in the right equipment necessary for telecommuting, whether it's a desktop computer or a laptop. Even mobile devices are necessary, especially if you find yourself needing to take your telecommuting on-the-go. With this, invest in the right telecommuting software. EZTalks is just well-received video conferencing software that allows you to access not just from your computers but even from your smartphones and tablets, so it's perfect for those who think they might be walking around while telecommuting. 4) Always learn to separate your work life from your personal life, even though this
seems ironic since you are working from home. Your home is your home, but your home office is still an office. If you can't lock your front doors to keep the unwanted visitors (which there will probably be a lot of) out, then at least lock the doors to your home office. Explain to your friends and family that you have working hours to follow. 5) In line with this, separate your work phone line from your personal phone line. Since you'll be working from home more often than you'll be in the office, it's highly likely that colleagues, clients, and bosses will be calling you non-stop. If you don't separate these calls from the personal ones, then your phone will be ringing off the hook, around the clock. 6) Get your act together. Just because you're working from home, that doesn't mean you can lounge around in your pajamas the whole day. Most people feel much more productive after they've showered and dressed for work, even if "work" is a 1-minute walk to the other side of the house. Be your own boss! Stick your own reminders in your face so you'll get the job done. 7) Finally, give yourself a break sometimes too. You deserve that one-hour lunch break, even if you're just at home. Don't let yourself get cooped up too long. Get some sunshine and fresh air every once in a while — if you want, take your gadget and your EZTalks software with you out into your garden. Being at home doesn't mean you don't deserve to relax after working all day. Set your home office to be well-prepared for EZTalks video conference, as EZTalks provides professional video conferencing services for telecommuters to contact colleagues and employers. Visit https://www.eztalks.com/ to learn more about EZTalks. Article Source: Top 7 telecommuting tips for your home office