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Since 1987 Energy Control Systems has been at the forefront of the power quality industry, here in the USA and in more than 40 other countries around the world.
4 Factors To Consider When Selecting UPS https://www.ecsintl.com/
1) System Performance ThefirststepindeterminingwhichUPS productisbestsuitedforyourfacilityis toconductanin-depthanalysisofUPS systems’ features,topologyandpower protectionperformance.Inadditionto thoroughlyreviewingproductspec sheets,besuretoalsoinvestigatethe product’scapabilitiestohandle overloadsandstepsloads,whichare commoninmanufacturingandindustrial applications.
2) Runtime 3) Reliability Fordecades,theindustry Reliability,in standardforUPSruntime engineeringterms,is wasminutes,notseconds, thelikelihoodthata butimprovementsinthe systemorcomponent technologyhaveledto willfunctionproperly fasterstartuptimesforon- understated sitegenerators,withmost conditionsfora beingabletofullysupport specifiedperiodof aloadwithin15seconds. time.Withelectrical Despitethis,thedefault equipment,reliabilityis hasbeentooverprovision measuredinhowlikely UPSwithmultipleminutes thesystemistofail. ofruntimeviabatteries. Thisisnolongera justifiableorneeded expense.
4) Maintenance Conventional battery-based UPS systems use electrochemical energy typically stored in strings of valve-regulated lead acid (VRLA) batteries. Manufacturers of these systems recommend that the batteries be maintained quarterly and replaced every four to eight years. While these preventative measures ensure the UPS and batteries are functioning properly, they can also be counterproductive – as human error is the culprit behind the majority of site failures.
JEFF EDWARDS CEOandFounderof EnergyControlSystems JUAN CHAVEZ VicePresident- Latin America OUR TEAM LETY YANEZ AdministrativeAssistant toCEO – Finance Manager NEFTALI ZAPATA Manager- AndeanRegion
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