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Rejuvinate your potential within Eden Aesthetics Clinic Dubai - mesotherapy. Our sophisticated rejuvenation procedure penetrates deeply through the skin layers to deposit a cocktail of essential vitamins, minerals, and hyaluronic acid to the skin. This most advanced technique gives you radiant, youthful-looking skin and reduces wrinkles, fine lines, and discolorations. Our experienced staff can design your mesotherapy therapy to suit your needs precisely for the best results. Visit our site - https://www.edenderma.com/post/mesotherapy-dubaittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt<br>

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mesotherapy: Rejuvenating the Skin in Dubai D?ba• •ì äpµ¾µpj ˆ¾ä •øì ¾ä«j-c«aìì bpa?ø aµj p««µpìì ¾ˆˆp䕵‰ì, aµj Mpì¾øpäaá •ì a á¾á?«aä øäpaø³pµø ¾áø•¾µ ˆ¾ä ø¾ìp ìpp¨•µ‰ ø¾ pµaµcp øp•ä 쨕µ'ì aáápaäaµcp.

  2. Understanding Mesotherapy: What is it? Non-Surgical Procedure Skin Rejuvenation 1 2 Tpìp •µ¥pcø•¾µì ìø•³?«aøp c¾««a‰pµ áä¾j?cø•¾µ, •³áä¾p 쨕µ ø¾µp aµj øpø?äp, aµj äpj?cp øp aáápaäaµcp ¾ˆ 䕵¨«pì. Mpì¾øpäaá •µ¾«pì •µ¥pcø•µ‰ a b«pµj ¾ˆ •øa³•µì, ³•µpäa«ì, aµj a«?ä¾µ•c ac•j •µø¾ øp ³•jj«p «apä ¾ˆ øp 쨕µ. Customized Treatments 3 Tp ìápc•ˆ•c •µ‰äpj•pµøì ?ìpj •µ Mpì¾øpäaá aäp øa•«¾äpj ø¾ øp •µj••j?a«'ì 쨕µ c¾µcpäµì.

  3. Beefpû “f Me»“Ãmeµa²å TµeaÌeÃ RedÈced Wµpƒ†e» IŒ²µ“Þed Sƒp T“e Mpì¾øpäaá ìø•³?«aøpì c¾««a‰pµ áä¾j?cø•¾µ, •c p«áì ø¾ á«?³á ?á øp 쨕µ aµj äpj?cp øp aáápaäaµcp ¾ˆ ˆ•µp «•µpì aµj 䕵¨«pì. Tp •µ‰äpj•pµøì •µ Mpì¾øpäaá p«á ø¾ ppµ ¾?ø 쨕µ ø¾µp, äpj?cp ᕉ³pµøaø•¾µ, aµj ‰•p øp 쨕µ a ³¾äp äaj•aµø aáápaäaµcp. Emaced E†a»ÃpcpÃå Mpì¾øpäaá ìøäpµ‰øpµì øp 쨕µ'ì p«aìø•c•ø, •³á侕µ‰ •øì ˆ•ä³µpìì aµj äpj?c•µ‰ ìa‰‰•µ‰.

  4. Conditions Treated by Mesotherapy F•µp L•µpì aµj W䕵¨«pì Acµp Scaäì Søäpøc Maä¨ì Hápäᕉ³pµøaø•¾µ S?µ Da³a‰p Ha•ä L¾ìì

  5. Mesotherapy Procedure and Techniques Consultation 1 A c¾µì?«øaø•¾µ •ø a ã?a«•ˆ•pj áäacø•ø•¾µpä •ì pììpµø•a« ø¾ j•ìc?ìì ¾?ä 쨕µ c¾µcpäµì aµj jpøp䳕µp •ˆ Mpì¾øpäaá •ì 䕉ø ˆ¾ä Preparation 2 ¾?. Tp aäpa ø¾ bp øäpaøpj •«« bp c«paµìpj aµj µ?³bpj •ø a ø¾á•ca« aµpìøpø•c. Injections 3 A ìpä•pì ¾ˆ ø•µ •µ¥pcø•¾µì •«« bp ³ajp •µø¾ øp ³•jj«p «apä ¾ˆ øp 쨕µ, jp«•p䕵‰ øp øa•«¾äpj b«pµj ¾ˆ •µ‰äpj•pµøì. Recovery 4 Aˆøpä øp øäpaø³pµø, ¾? ³a pápä•pµcp ì¾³p äpjµpìì ¾ä ìp««•µ‰, b?ø ø•ì •«« øá•ca«« ì?bì•jp •ø•µ a ˆp ¾?äì.

  6. Mesotherapy Ingredients and Formulations Hyaluronic Acid Vitamins Minerals A á¾päˆ?« ?³pcøaµø øaø aøøäacøì aµj äpøa•µì ³¾•ìø?äp, á«?³á•µ‰ ?á øp 쨕µ aµj äpj?c•µ‰ 䕵¨«pì. Eììpµø•a« µ?øä•pµøì øaø ì?áá¾äø c¾««a‰pµ áä¾j?cø•¾µ, •³áä¾p 쨕µ ø¾µp, aµj áä¾øpcø a‰a•µìø ˆäpp äaj•ca« ja³a‰p. P«a a •øa« 侫p •µ 쨕µ pa«ø, áä¾³¾ø•µ‰ cp«« äp‰pµpäaø•¾µ, aµj b¾¾ìø•µ‰ 쨕µ'ì µaø?äa« jpˆpµìp ³pcaµ•ì³ì.

  7. Me»“Ãmeµa²å SafeÃå ad PµecaÈÃp“» QÈa†pfped PµacÃpÃp“eµ Iø •ì pììpµø•a« ø¾ c¾¾ìp a ã?a«•ˆ•pj aµj pápä•pµcpj áäacø•ø•¾µpä ¾ caµ á侕jp ìaˆp aµj pˆˆpcø•p øäpaø³pµø. 1 C“»È†ÃaÃp“ A ø¾ä¾?‰ c¾µì?«øaø•¾µ ø¾ j•ìc?ìì ¾?ä ³pj•ca« •ìø¾ä aµj aµ a««p䉕pì •ì cä?c•a« bpˆ¾äp aµ øäpaø³pµø. 2 AfÃeµcaµe I»ÃµÈcÃp“» F¾««¾•µ‰ øp áäacø•ø•¾µpä'ì aˆøpäcaäp •µìøä?cø•¾µì •ì pììpµø•a« ø¾ ³•µ•³•(p øp ä•ì¨ ¾ˆ c¾³á«•caø•¾µì aµj pµì?äp ¾áø•³a« äpì?«øì. 3

  8. Achieving Optimal Results with Mesotherapy Sun Protection Hydration Healthy Diet Pä¾øpcø•µ‰ ¾?ä 쨕µ ˆä¾³ ì?µ ja³a‰p •ì pììpµø•a« ˆ¾ä ³a•µøa•µ•µ‰ pa«ø 쨕µ aµj ³a•³•(•µ‰ Mpì¾øpäaá äpì?«øì. Søa•µ‰ jäaøpj •ì cä?c•a« ˆ¾ä 쨕µ pa«ø, a•j•µ‰ •µ øp abì¾äáø•¾µ ¾ˆ øp Mpì¾øpäaá •µ‰äpj•pµøì aµj ³a•³•(•µ‰ •øì pˆˆpcø•pµpìì. A ba«aµcpj j•pø ä•c •µ ˆä?•øì, p‰pøab«pì, aµj aµø•¾•jaµøì ì?áá¾äøì ¾päa«« 쨕µ pa«ø aµj c¾³á«p³pµøì øp bpµpˆ•øì ¾ˆ Mpì¾øpäaá.

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