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<br>The algorithm is the set of rules that are followed by calculations and processes by computers. Learning how to design and analyze algorithms will put you in an advantage for your professional growth and development.<br>See More: https://bit.ly/2V1Jl3N
4/17/2019 Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma - Edukite HOME / COURSE / PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT / ALGORITHMS DESIGN AND ANALYSIS DIPLOMA Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma ( 9 REVIEWS ) 477 STUDENTS The algorithm is the set of rules that are followed by calculations and processes by computers. Learning how to design … TAKE THIS COURSE https://edukite.org/course/algorithms-design-and-analysis-diploma/ 1/14
4/17/2019 Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma - Edukite FREE 1 YEAR LEVEL 3 - DIPLOMA COURSE BADGE COURSE CERTIFICATE 96 NUMBER OF UNITS 0 NUMBER OF QUIZZES 17 HOURS, 8 MINUTES HOME CURRICULUM REVIEWS The algorithm is the set of rules that are followed by calculations and processes by computers. Learning how to design and analyze algorithms will put you in an advantage for your professional growth and development. This Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma will introduce you the teaching techniques focusing on the design and analysis of ef?cient algorithm with emphasis on the methods of application. You will be provided with information on dynamic programming, complexity, etc. here. Assessment This course does not involve any written exams. Students need to answer 5 assignment questions to complete the course, the answers will be in the form of written work in pdf or word. Students can write the answers in their own time. Each answer needs to be 200 words (1 Page). Once the answers are submitted, the tutor will check and assess the work. Certification Edukite courses are free to study. To successfully complete a course you must submit all the assignment of the course as part of the assessment. Upon successful completion of a course, you can choose to make your achievement formal by obtaining your Certi?cate at a cost of £49. Having an Of?cial Edukite Certi?cation is a great way to celebrate and share your success. You can: Add the certi?cate to your CV or resume and brighten up your career Show it to prove your success https://edukite.org/course/algorithms-design-and-analysis-diploma/ 2/14
4/17/2019 Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma - Edukite Course Credit: MIT COURSE CURRICULUM TWO MOTIVATING APPLICATIONS Application: Internet Routing 00:11:00 Application: Sequence Alignment 00:09:00 INTRODUCTION TO GREEDY ALGORITHMS Introduction to Greedy Algorithms 00:13:00 Application: Optimal Caching 00:11:00 A SCHEDULING APPLICATION Problem De?nition 00:06:00 A Greedy Algorithm 00:13:00 Correctness Proof – Part I 00:07:00 Correctness Proof – Part II 00:05:00 Handling Ties [Advanced – Optional] 00:07:00 PRIM'S MINIMUM SPANNING TREE ALGORITHM MST Problem De?nition 00:11:00 Prim’s MST Algorithm 00:07:00 https://edukite.org/course/algorithms-design-and-analysis-diploma/ 3/14
4/17/2019 Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma - Edukite Correctness Proof 00:16:00 Correctness Proof II 00:08:00 Proof of Cut Property [Advanced – Optional] 00:12:00 Fast Implementation I 00:15:00 Fast Implementation II 00:10:00 KRUSKAL'S MINIMUM SPANNING TREE ALGORITHM Kruskal’s MST Algorithm 00:08:00 Correctness of Kruskal’s Algorithm 00:10:00 Implementing Kruskal’s Algorithm via Union-Find 00:10:00 Implementing Kruskal’s Algorithm via Union-Find II 00:14:00 MSTs: State-of-the-Art and Open Questions [Advanced – Optional] 00:09:00 CLUSTERING Application to Clustering 00:11:00 Correctness of Clustering Algorithm 00:10:00 ADVANCED UNION-FIND Lazy Unions [Advanced – Optional] 00:10:00 Union-by-Rank [Advanced – Optional] 00:12:00 Analysis of Union-by-Rank [Advanced – Optional] 00:15:00 https://edukite.org/course/algorithms-design-and-analysis-diploma/ 4/14
4/17/2019 Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma - Edukite Path Compression [Advanced – Optional] 00:15:00 Path Compression: The Hopcroft-Ullman Analysis I [Advanced – Optional] 00:10:00 Path Compression: The Hopcroft-Ullman Analysis II [Advanced – Optional] 00:12:00 The Ackermann Function [Advanced – Optional] 00:16:00 Path Compression: Tarjan’s Analysis I [Advanced – Optional] 00:14:00 Path Compression: Tarjan’s Analysis II [Advanced – Optional] 00:14:00 HUFFMAN CODES Introduction and Motivation 00:09:00 Problem De?nition 00:10:00 A Greedy Algorithm 00:17:00 A More Complex Example 00:04:00 Correctness Proof I 00:10:00 Correctness Proof II 00:13:00 INTRODUCTION TO DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING Introduction: Weighted Independent Sets in Path Graphs 00:08:00 WIS in Path Graphs: A Linear-Time Algorithm 00:10:00 WIS in Path Graphs: A Reconstruction Algorithm 00:07:00 Principles of Dynamic Programming 00:08:00 https://edukite.org/course/algorithms-design-and-analysis-diploma/ 5/14
4/17/2019 Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma - Edukite THE KNAPSACK PROBLEM The Knapsack Problem 00:10:00 A Dynamic Programming Algorithm 00:10:00 Example [Review – Optional] 00:13:00 SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT Optimal Substructure 00:14:00 A Dynamic Programming Algorithm 00:12:00 OPTIMAL BINARY SEARCH TREES Problem De?nition 00:13:00 Optimal Substructure 00:10:00 Proof of Optimal Substructure 00:07:00 A Dynamic Programming Algorithm 00:10:00 A Dynamic Programming Algorithm II 00:10:00 THE BELLMAN-FORD ALGORITHM Single-Source Shortest Paths, Revisited 00:11:00 Optimal Substructure 00:11:00 The Basic Algorithm I 00:09:00 The Basic Algorithm II 00:11:00 https://edukite.org/course/algorithms-design-and-analysis-diploma/ 6/14
4/17/2019 Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma - Edukite Detecting Negative Cycles 00:09:00 A Space Optimization 00:13:00 Internet Routing I [Optional] 00:12:00 Internet Routing II 00:07:00 ALL-PAIRS SHORTEST PATHS Problem De?nition 00:07:00 Optimal Substructure 00:12:00 The Floyd-Warshall Algorithm 00:14:00 A Reweighting Technique 00:14:00 Johnson’s Algorithm 00:11:00 Johnson’s Algorithm II 00:12:00 NP-COMPLETE PROBLEMS Polynomial-Time Solvable Problems 00:15:00 Reductions and Completeness 00:14:00 De?nition and Interpretation of NP-Completeness I 00:11:00 De?nition and Interpretation of NP-Completeness II 00:08:00 The P vs. NP Question 00:09:00 Algorithmic Approaches to NP-Complete Problems 00:13:00 https://edukite.org/course/algorithms-design-and-analysis-diploma/ 7/14
4/17/2019 Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma - Edukite FASTER EXACT ALGORITHMS FOR NP-COMPLETE PROBLEMS The Vertex Cover Problem 00:09:00 Smarter Search for Vertex I 00:10:00 Smarter Search for Vertex Cover II 00:08:00 The Traveling Salesman Problem 00:15:00 A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for TSP 00:12:00 APPROXIMATION ALGORITHMS FOR NP-COMPLETE PROBLEMS A Greedy Knapsack Heuristic 00:14:00 Analysis of a Greedy Knapsack Heuristic I 00:07:00 Analysis of a Greedy Knapsack Heuristic II 00:10:00 A Dynamic Programming Heuristic for Knapsack 00:12:00 Knapsack via Dynamic Programming, Revisited 00:11:00 Analysis of Dynamic Programming Heuristic 00:15:00 LOCAL SEARCH ALGORITHMS The Maximum Cut Problem I 00:09:00 The Maximum Cut Problem II 00:09:00 Principles of Local Search I 00:09:00 Principles of Local Search II 00:11:00 https://edukite.org/course/algorithms-design-and-analysis-diploma/ 8/14
4/17/2019 Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma - Edukite The 2-SAT Problem 00:15:00 Random Walks on a Line 00:16:00 Analysis of Papadimitriou’s Algorithm 00:15:00 THE WIDER WORLD OF ALGORITHMS Stable Matching [Optional] 00:15:00 Matchings, Flows, and Braess’s Paradox [Optional] 00:14:00 Linear Programming and Beyond [Optional] 00:12:00 Epilogue 00:01:00 Assessment Submit Your Assignment 00:00:00 Certi?cation 00:00:00 COURSE REVIEWS 4.7 9 ratings https://edukite.org/course/algorithms-design-and-analysis-diploma/ 9/14
4/17/2019 Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma - Edukite 0 5 STARS 0 4 STARS 0 3 STARS 0 2 STARS 0 1 STARS NO REVIEWS FOUND FOR THIS COURSE. RELATED COURSES https://edukite.org/course/algorithms-design-and-analysis-diploma/ 10/14
4/17/2019 Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma - Edukite Steam and Gas Power Systems FREE 1441 Certi?cate in Multiphase Flows FREE 1247 https://edukite.org/course/algorithms-design-and-analysis-diploma/ 11/14
4/17/2019 Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma - Edukite Digital Elevation Models and Applications FREE 1255 477 STUDENTS ENROLLED https://edukite.org/course/algorithms-design-and-analysis-diploma/ 12/14
4/17/2019 Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma - Edukite BEST RECOMMEND COURSES 1909: The People’s Budget ( 9 REVIEWS ) 1253 STUDENTS 21st Century Marketing ( 6 REVIEWS ) 720 STUDENTS 70-697 – Con?guring Windows Devices ( 7 REVIEWS ) 1334 STUDENTS SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Get top tips & guidance from our in-house study abroad experts Your Email Submit USEFUL LINKS About Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Contact INQUIRY https://edukite.org/course/algorithms-design-and-analysis-diploma/ 13/14
4/17/2019 Algorithms Design and Analysis Diploma - Edukite 3 Lower Thames Street,London,EC4R 6HE. 020 3934 9675 info@edukite.org COPYRIGHT © BY EDUKITE https://edukite.org/course/algorithms-design-and-analysis-diploma/ 14/14