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If you are interested in learning programming, but find pure programming courses not very exciting, this course is for you. Instead of just learning programming principles outside of any context, you will learn JavaScript programming by implementing key biological concepts in code so they can run in your browser and from little programming you will get to learn a lot of interesting facts from this course.<br>See More: https://bit.ly/2MmBLNc
9/15/2019 Biology in JavaScript - Edukite HOME / COURSE / TECHNOLOGY / VIDEO COURSE / BIOLOGY IN JAVASCRIPT Biology in JavaScript ( 9 REVIEWS ) 337 STUDENTS If you are interested in learning programming, but ?nd pure programming courses not very exciting, this course is for you. … TAKE THIS COURSE FREE 1 YEAR LOGIN https://edukite.org/course/biology-in-javascript-epfl/ 1/11
9/15/2019 Biology in JavaScript - Edukite LEVEL 2 - CERTIFICATE COURSE BADGE COURSE CERTIFICATE 59 NUMBER OF UNITS 0 NUMBER OF QUIZZES 14 HOURS, 43 MINUTES HOME CURRICULUM REVIEWS If you are interested in learning programming, but ?nd pure programming courses not very exciting, this course is for you. Instead of just learning programming principles outside of any context, you will learn JavaScript programming by implementing key biological concepts in code so they can run in your browser and from little programming you will get to learn a lot of interesting facts from this course. Assessment This course does not involve any written exams. Students need to answer 5 assignment questions to complete the course, the answers will be in the form of written work in pdf or word. Students can write the answers in their own time. Each answer needs to be 200 words (1 Page). Once the answers are submitted, the tutor will check and assess the work. Certification Edukite courses are free to study. To successfully complete a course you must submit all the assignment of the course as part of the assessment. Upon successful completion of a course, you can choose to make your achievement formal by obtaining your Certi?cate at a cost of £49. Having an Of?cial Edukite Certi?cation is a great way to celebrate and share your success. You can: Add the certi?cate to your CV or resume and brighten up your career Show it to prove your success Course Credit: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne COURSE CURRICULUM LOGIN https://edukite.org/course/biology-in-javascript-epfl/ 2/11
9/15/2019 Biology in JavaScript - Edukite Chapter 1. Introduction About this course 00:03:00 Chapter 2. The Genes, They Are a-Changin Lecture 1: Lactase Persistance 00:10:00 Lecture 2: The Hardy-Weinberg Principle 00:12:00 Lecture 3: Hardy-Weinberg Frequencies 00:13:00 Lecture 4: Introducing JavaScript 00:19:00 Lecture 5: The Hardy-Weinberg Principle in JavaScript 00:12:00 Lecture 6: Calculating the next generation 00:20:00 Lecture 7: JavaScript Functions 00:10:00 Lecture 8: Iteration 00:17:00 Lecture 9: Generic functions and return values 00:15:00 Lecture 10: Variables and scope 00:13:00 Chapter 3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance Lecture 1: Genetic drift 00:15:00 Lecture 2: Generating random numbers 00:19:00 Lecture 3: Control Flow 00:12:00 Lecture 4: Coin Tossing in JavaScript 00:19:00 LOGIN https://edukite.org/course/biology-in-javascript-epfl/ 3/11
9/15/2019 Biology in JavaScript - Edukite Lecture 5: Control Flow continued 00:20:00 Lecture 6: Genetic Drift in Theory 00:12:00 Lecture 7: Genetic Drift in JavaScript 00:18:00 Lecture 8: Visualizing Genetic Drift 00:19:00 Lecture 9: JavaScript Arrays 00:17:00 Lecture 10: Two-dimensional Arrays 00:22:00 Lecture 11: Population size and Genetic Drift 00:15:00 Lecture 12: Speed of Genetic Drift 00:13:00 Lecture 13: Effective Population Size 00:16:00 Lecture 14: Effective Population Size bottlenecks 00:19:00 Lecture 15: Effective Population Sizes in code 00:15:00 Chapter 4. Mutation: The Power of Mistakes Lecture 1: DNA and Mutation 00:07:00 Lecture 2: Generating DNA sequences 00:16:00 Lecture 3: Mutations in JavaScript 00:22:00 Lecture 4: Finishing the mutation simulation 00:13:00 Lecture 5: Genetic Drift and Mutation 00:14:00 Lecture 6: Fixation 00:21:00 LOGIN https://edukite.org/course/biology-in-javascript-epfl/ 4/11
9/15/2019 Biology in JavaScript - Edukite Lecture 7: Genetic Variation in JavaScript 00:08:00 Chapter 5. Migration: Spatial Models Lecture 1: Spatial Models 00:12:00 Lecture 2: Implementing the grid 00:17:00 Lecture 3: Running the generations 00:14:00 Lecture 4: Mating partners 00:27:00 Lecture 5: Offspring production 00:27:00 Lecture 6: Spatial simulation visualizations 00:16:00 Lecture 7: Spatial considerations 00:13:00 Chapter 6. Natural Selection: The best Idea Anyone's Ever Had Lecture 1: Natural Selection 00:19:00 Lecture 2: Proving Hardy-Weinberg 00:10:00 Lecture 3: Direction, disruptive and balancing selection 00:14:00 Lecture 4: Selection in JavaScript 00:24:00 Lecture 5: While loops 00:16:00 Lecture 6: Disruptive Selection in JavaScript 00:18:00 Lecture 7: Co-evolution 00:13:00 Lecture 8: The Matching Alleles model 00:17:00 LOGIN https://edukite.org/course/biology-in-javascript-epfl/ 5/11
9/15/2019 Biology in JavaScript - Edukite Lecture 9: Host-parasite co-evolution 00:26:00 Lecture 10: Red Queen dynamics 00:08:00 Chapter 7. Epidemics: The spread of Infectious Diseases Lecture 1: Infectious diseases 00:06:00 Lecture 2: Infectious diseases in D3 00:16:00 Lecture 3: Implementing the simulation 00:14:00 Lecture 4: Running the simulation 00:15:00 Lecture 5: Implementing recovery 00:10:00 Lecture 6: Long distance disease transmission 00:10:00 Lecture 7: Quantifying outbreak sizes 00:25:00 Assessment Submit Your Assignment 00:00:00 Certi?cation 00:00:00 COURSE REVIEWS 4.7 LOGIN https://edukite.org/course/biology-in-javascript-epfl/ 6/11
9/15/2019 Biology in JavaScript - Edukite 9 ratings 0 5 STARS 0 4 STARS 0 3 STARS 0 2 STARS 0 1 STARS NO REVIEWS FOUND FOR THIS COURSE. RELATED COURSES LOGIN https://edukite.org/course/biology-in-javascript-epfl/ 7/11
9/15/2019 Biology in JavaScript - Edukite Six Sigma Diploma Level 3 FREE 834 Diploma in Power System Engineering FREE 965 LOGIN https://edukite.org/course/biology-in-javascript-epfl/ 8/11
9/15/2019 Biology in JavaScript - Edukite Modern Construction Materials FREE 365 337 STUDENTS ENROLLED LOGIN https://edukite.org/course/biology-in-javascript-epfl/ 9/11
9/15/2019 Biology in JavaScript - Edukite BEST RECOMMEND COURSES 1909: The People’s Budget ( 9 REVIEWS ) 1253 STUDENTS 21st Century Marketing ( 6 REVIEWS ) 721 STUDENTS 70-697 – Con?guring Windows Devices ( 7 REVIEWS ) 1336 STUDENTS SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Get top tips & guidance from our in-house study abroad experts Your Email Submit LOGIN https://edukite.org/course/biology-in-javascript-epfl/ 10/11
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