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  1. CompTIA N10-008 CompTIA Network+ Certification Exam Total Demo Questions 5 Total Premium Questions 514 For More Informa�on – Visit link below: h�ps://www.cer�fiedumps.com/comp�a/n10-008-dumps.html

  2. Latest Version: 25.0 Ques�on: 1 A systems administrator needsto improve WiFiperformance in a denselypopulated office tower and use the lateststandard. There is a mix of devicesthatuse 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Which of the following shouldthe systems administrator selectto meetthis requirement? A.802.11ac B.802.11ax C.802.11g D.802.11n Answer: B Explana�on: 802.11ax isthe latest WiFistandardthatimproves WiFiperformance in denselypopulated environments andsupportsboth 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands.802.11acisthe previousstandardthat only supports 5 GHz band.802.11g and802.11n are older standardsthatsupport 2.4 GHz band only or both bands respec�vely. Reference: h�ps://partners.comp�a.org/docs/default- source/resources/comp�anetwork- n10-008-exam-objec�ves-(2-0), h�ps://www.techtarget.com/searchnetworking/�p/Whats- thedifference-between-80211ax-vs-80211ac Ques�on: 2 Which of the followingwouldbe BEST to use to detect a MAC spoofing a�ack? A. Internet Control Message Protocol B. Reverse Address Resolu�on Protocol C. Dynamic Host Configura�on Protocol D. Internet Message Access Protocol Answer: B Explana�on: Reverse Address Resolu�on Protocol (RARP) is a protocolthat allows a device to obtainits MAC address from its IP address. A MAC spoofing a�ackis an a�ackwhere a device pretendsto have a different MAC addressthan its actual one. RARP can be usedto detect a MAC spoofing a�ackbycomparingthe MAC address obtained from RARP with the MAC address obtained from other sources,such as ARP or DHCP. Reference: h�ps://partners.comp�a.org/docs/default-source/resources/comp�a-network-n10-008- exam-objec�ves-(2-0), h�ps://www.techopedia.com/defini�on/25597/reverse-address- resolu�onprotocol-rarp https://www.certifiedumps.com/comptia/n10-008-dumps.html

  3. Ques�on: 3 A technician receives feedbackthatsome users are experiencing high amounts of ji�er while usingthe wireless network. While troubleshoo�ngthe network, the technician usesthe pingcommandwith the IP address of the defaultgateway and verifieslarge varia�onsinlatency. The technician thinksthe issue maybe interference from other networks and non-802.11devices. Which of the followingtoolsshould the technician use to troubleshootthe issue? A. NetFlow analyzer B. Bandwidth analyzer C. Protocol analyzer D.Spectrum analyzer Answer: D Explana�on: A spectrum analyzer is a toolthat measuresthe frequency and amplitude of signalsin a wireless network. Itcan be usedto troubleshootissues relatedto interference from other networks and non- 802.11devices,such as microwave ovens or cordlessphones,byiden�fyingthe sources andlevels of interference in the wirelessspectrum. A spectrum analyzer can also helpto op�mize the channel selec�on andplacement of wireless accesspoints. Reference: h�ps://partners.comp�a.org/docs/default-source/resources/comp�a-network-n10-008- examobjec�ves-( 2-0), h�ps://www.flukenetworks.com/blog/cabling-chronicles/what-spectrum-analyzer-andhow- do-you-use-it Ques�on: 4 Wirelessusers are repor�ngintermi�entinternetconnec�vity. Connec�vityis restoredwhen the users disconnect and reconnect, u�lizingthe web authen�ca�on process each �me. The network administrator can see the devicesconnectedto the APs at all�mes. Which of the followingstepswill MOST likelydetermine the cause of the issue? A.Verifythe session �me-outconfigura�on on the cap�ve portalse�ngs B. Check for encryp�on protocolmismatch on the client’swirelessse�ngs C. Confirm that a validpassphrase isbeingusedduringthe web authen�ca�on D. Inves�gate for a client’sdisassocia�on causedby an eviltwin AP Answer: A Explana�on: A cap�ve portalis a webpagethat requiresusersto authen�cate before theycan accessthe internet. If the session �me-outconfigura�on istoo short, users may experience intermi�entinternetconnec�vity https://www.certifiedumps.com/comptia/n10-008-dumps.html

  4. and have to reconnectusingthe web authen�ca�on process each �me. The network administrator can verifythe session �me-outconfigura�on on the cap�ve portalse�ngs and adjustitif needed. Reference: CompTIA Network+ Cer�fica�on Exam Objec�vesVersion 2.0 (Exam Number: N10-006), Domain1.0 Network Architecture, Objec�ve 1.8 Explainthe purposes anduse cases for advanced networkingdevices. Ques�on: 5 A network administrator walksinto a datacenter and no�ces an unknown person is followingclosely. The administrator stops anddirectsthe person to the securitydesk. Which of the following a�acksdid the network administrator prevent? A. Eviltwin B. Tailga�ng C. Piggybacking D. Shoulder surfing Answer: B Explana�on: Tailga�ngis a physicalsecurity a�ackwhere an unauthorizedperson follows an authorizedperson into a restricted area withoutproper iden�fica�on or authoriza�on. The network administrator preventedthis a�ackbystopping anddirec�ngthe person to the securitydesk. Reference: CompTIA Network+ Cer�fica�on Exam Objec�vesVersion 2.0 (Exam Number: N10-006), Domain 3.0 Network Security, Objec�ve 3.1 Compare andcontrast risk-relatedconcepts. https://www.certifiedumps.com/comptia/n10-008-dumps.html

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