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AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional Exam Amazon SAP-C02 Total Demo Questions 5 Total Premium Questions 405 For More Informa�on – Visit link below: h�ps://www.cer�fiedumps.com/amazon/sap-c02-dumps.html
Latest Version: 23.0 Ques�on: 1 A company uses a service to collect metadata from applica�onsthatthe company hosts on premises. Consumer devicessuch as TVs andinternet radios accessthe applica�ons. Many older devicesdo not supportcertain HTTP headers and exhibit errorswhen these headers are presentin responses. The company hasconfigured an on-premisesloadbalancer to remove the unsupported headers from responsessentto older devices,which the company iden�fiedby the User-Agent headers. The company wantsto migrate the service to AWS, adoptserverlesstechnologies, and retain the ability to supportthe older devices. The company has already migratedthe applica�onsinto a set of AWS Lambda func�ons. Which solu�on will meetthese requirements? A. Create an Amazon CloudFrontdistribu�on for the metadata service. Create an Applica�on Load Balancer (ALB). Configure the CloudFrontdistribu�on to forward requeststo the ALB. Configure the ALB to invoke the correct Lambda func�on for each type of request. Create a CloudFront func�on to remove the problema�c headersbased on the value of the User-Agent header. B. Create an Amazon API Gateway REST API for the metadata service. Configure API Gateway to invokethe correct Lambda func�on for each type of request. Modifythe defaultgateway responses to remove the problema�c headersbased on the value of the User-Agent header. C. Create an Amazon API Gateway HTTP API for the metadata service. Configure API Gateway to invokethe correct Lambda func�on for each type of request. Create a response mappingtemplate to remove the problema�c headersbased on the value of the User-Agent. Associate the response data mappingwith the HTTP API. D. Create an Amazon CloudFrontdistribu�on for the metadata service. Create an Applica�on Load Balancer (ALB). Configure the CloudFrontdistribu�on to forward requeststo the ALB. Configure the ALB to invoke the correct Lambda func�on for each type of request. Create a Lambda@Edge func�on thatwill remove the problema�c headersin response to viewer requestsbased on the value of the User-Agent header. Answer: D Explana�on: h�ps://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/lambda-examples.html Ques�on: 2 A company is running a tradi�onalweb applica�on on Amazon EC2instances. The company needsto refactor the applica�on asmicroservicesthat run on containers. Separate versions of the applica�on existin two dis�nct environments:produc�on andtes�ng. Load for the applica�on is variable,but the minimumload andthe maximum load are known. A solu�ons architect needsto designthe updated applica�on with a serverless architecture that minimizes opera�onalcomplexity. https://www.certifiedumps.com/amazon/sap-c02-dumps.html
Which solu�on will meetthese requirements MOST cost-effec�vely? A. Uploadthe container imagesto AWS Lambda as func�ons. Configure a concurrency limit for the associated Lambda func�onsto handlethe expectedpeakload. Configure two separate Lambda integra�onswithin Amazon API Gateway: one for produc�on and one for tes�ng. B. Uploadthe container imagesto Amazon Elas�c Container Registry (Amazon ECR). Configure two auto scaled Amazon Elas�c Container Service (Amazon ECS) clusterswith the Fargate launch typeto handle the expectedload. Deploy tasks from the ECR images. Configure two separate Applica�on Load Balancersto directtrafficto the ECS clusters. C. Uploadthe container imagesto Amazon Elas�c Container Registry (Amazon ECR). Configure two auto scaled Amazon Elas�cKubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusterswith the Fargate launch type to handle the expectedload. Deploy tasks from the ECR images. Configure two separate Applica�on Load Balancersto directtrafficto the EKS clusters. D. Uploadthe container imagesto AWS Elas�c Beanstalk. In Elas�c Beanstalk,create separate environments anddeployments for produc�on andtes�ng. Configure two separate Applica�on Load Balancersto directtrafficto the Elas�c Beanstalkdeployments. Answer: B Explana�on: minimizes opera�onal + microservicesthat run on containers = AWS Elas�c Beanstalk Ques�on: 3 A company has a mul�-�er web applica�on that runs on a fleet of Amazon EC2instancesbehind an Applica�on Load Balancer (ALB). The instances are in an Auto Scalinggroup. The ALB andthe Auto Scalinggroup are replicatedin a backup AWS Region. The minimum value andthe maximum value for the Auto Scalinggroup are setto zero. An Amazon RDS Mul�-AZ DB instance storesthe applica�on’sdata. The DB instance has a read replica inthe backup Region. The applica�on presents an endpointto endusersby using an Amazon Route 53 record. The company needsto reduce its RTO to lessthan 15 minutesbygivingthe applica�on the ability to automa�cally fail over to the backup Region. The company does not have a large enough budget for an ac�ve-ac�ve strategy. Whatshould a solu�ons architect recommendto meetthese requirements? A. Reconfigure the applica�on’s Route 53 recordwith a latency-based rou�ngpolicy thatload balancestrafficbetween the two ALBs. Create an AWS Lambda func�on in the backup Region to promote the read replica and modifythe Auto Scalinggroup values. Create an Amazon CloudWatch alarm thatisbased on the HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count metric for the ALB in the primary Region. Configure the CloudWatch alarm to invoke the Lambda func�on. B. Create an AWS Lambda func�on inthe backup Region to promote the read replica and modify the Auto Scalinggroup values. Configure Route 53 with a health checkthat monitorsthe web applica�on andsends an Amazon Simple No�fica�on Service (Amazon SNS) no�fica�on to the Lambda func�on when the health checkstatusisunhealthy. Update the applica�on’s Route 53 recordwith a failover policy that routestrafficto the ALB in the backup Region when a health check failure occurs. C. Configure the Auto Scalinggroupin the backup Region to have the same valuesasthe Auto Scaling https://www.certifiedumps.com/amazon/sap-c02-dumps.html
groupin the primary Region. Reconfigure the applica�on’s Route 53 recordwith a latency-based rou�ngpolicy thatloadbalancestrafficbetween the two ALBs. Remove the read replica. Replace the read replica with a standalone RDS DB instance. Configure Cross-Region Replica�on between the RDS DB instancesbyusingsnapshots and Amazon S3. D. Configure an endpointin AWS Global Accelerator with the two ALBsasequalweightedtargets. Create an AWS Lambda func�on in the backup Region to promote the read replica and modify the Auto Scalinggroup values. Create an Amazon CloudWatch alarm thatisbased on the HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count metric for the ALB in the primary Region. Configure the CloudWatch alarm to invokethe Lambda func�on. Answer: B Explana�on: an AWS Lambda func�on inthe backup region to promote the read replica and modify the Auto Scalinggroup values, andthen configuring Route 53 with a health checkthat monitorsthe web applica�on andsends an Amazon SNS no�fica�on to the Lambda func�on when the healthcheck statusisunhealthy.Finally,the applica�on's Route 53 recordshouldbe updatedwith a failover policy that routestrafficto the ALB inthe backup region when a health check failure occurs. This approach provides automa�c failover to the backup region when a health check failure occurs, reducingthe RTO to lessthan 15 minutes.Addi�onally,this approach iscost-effec�ve asitdoes not require an ac�ve-ac�ve strategy. Ques�on: 4 A company is hos�ng a cri�cal applica�on on a single Amazon EC2instance. The applica�on uses an Amazon Elas�Cache for Redissingle-nodecluster for an in-memory data store. The applica�on uses an Amazon RDS for MariaDB DB instance for a rela�onaldatabase. For the applica�on to func�on, each piece of the infrastructure mustbe healthy andmustbe in an ac�ve state. A solu�ons architect needsto improve the applica�on's architecture so thatthe infrastructure can automa�cally recover from failure with the leastpossibledown�me. Which combina�on of stepswill meetthese requirements? (Select THREE.) A. Use an Elas�c Load Balancer to distribute traffic acrossmul�ple EC2instances. Ensure thatthe EC2 instances are part of an Auto Scalinggroupthat has a minimum capacity of two instances. B. Use an Elas�c Load Balancer to distribute traffic acrossmul�ple EC2instances Ensure thatthe EC2 instances are configuredin unlimited mode. C. Modify the DB instance to create a read replica in the same Availability Zone. Promote the read replica to be the primary DB instance in failure scenarios. D. Modify the DB instance to create a Mul�-AZ deploymentthat extends acrosstwo Availability Zones. E. Create a replica�on group for the Elas�Cache for Rediscluster. Configure the cluster to use an Auto Scalinggroupthat has a minimum capacity of two instances. F. Create a replica�on group for the Elas�Cache for Rediscluster. Enable Mul�-AZ on the cluster. Answer: A, D, F https://www.certifiedumps.com/amazon/sap-c02-dumps.html
Explana�on: Op�on A iscorrectbecause using an Elas�c Load Balancer and an Auto Scalinggroupwith a minimum capacity of two instancescan improve the availability andscalability of the EC2instances that hostthe applica�on. The loadbalancer can distribute traffic acrossmul�ple instances andthe Auto Scalinggroupcan replace any unhealthy instances automa�cally1 Op�on D iscorrectbecause modifyingthe DB instance to create a Mul�-AZ deploymentthat extends acrosstwo Availability Zonescan improve the availability anddurability of the RDS for MariaDB database. Mul�-AZ deploymentsprovide enhanceddata protec�on andminimize down�me by automa�cally failing over to a standby replica in another Availability Zone in case of a planned or unplanned outage4 Op�on F iscorrectbecause crea�ng a replica�on group for the Elas�Cache for Rediscluster and enabling Mul�-AZ on the cluster can improve the availability and faulttolerance of the in-memory data store. A replica�on groupconsists of a primary node andupto five read-only replica nodesthat are synchronizedwith the primary node using asynchronous replica�on. Mul�-AZ allows automa�c failover to one of the replicasifthe primary node fails or becomesunreachable6 Reference: 1: h�ps://docs.aws.amazon.com/elas�cloadbalancing/latest/userguide/how-elas�c- loadbalancing- works.html2: h�ps://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/burstableperformance- instances-unlimited-mode.html 3: h�ps://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_ReadRepl.html4: h�ps://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.Mul�AZ.html 5: h�ps://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonElas�Cache/latest/red-ug/AutoScaling.html 6: h�ps://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonElas�Cache/latest/red-ug/Replica�on.Redis.Groups.html Ques�on: 5 A retailcompany is opera�ngits ecommerce applica�on on AWS. The applica�on runs on Amazon EC2instancesbehind an Applica�on Load Balancer (ALB). The company uses an Amazon RDS DB instance asthe database backend. Amazon CloudFrontisconfiguredwith one origin thatpointsto the ALB. Sta�ccontentis cached. Amazon Route 53 isusedto host allpubliczones. A�er an update of the applica�on,the ALB occasionally returns a 502statuscode (Bad Gateway) error. The rootcause is malformed HTTP headersthat are returnedto the ALB. The webpage returns successfully when a solu�ons architect reloadsthe webpage immediately a�er the error occurs. Whilethe company isworking on the problem,the solu�ons architect needsto provide a custom error pageinstead of the standard ALB error pageto visitors. Which combina�on of stepswill meetthis requirementwith the LEAST amount of opera�onal overhead? (Choose two.) A. Create an Amazon S3 bucket. Configure the S3 bucketto host a sta�cwebpage. Uploadthe custom error pagesto Amazon S3. B. Create an Amazon CloudWatch alarm to invoke an AWS Lambda func�on if the ALB health check response Target.FailedHealthChecksisgreater than 0. Configure the Lambda func�on to modify the forwarding rule atthe ALB to pointto a publicly accessiblewebserver. C. Modify the exis�ng Amazon Route 53 recordsby adding health checks. Configure a fallbacktarget ifthe health check fails. Modify DNS recordsto pointto a publicly accessible webpage. https://www.certifiedumps.com/amazon/sap-c02-dumps.html
D. Create an Amazon CloudWatch alarm to invoke an AWS Lambda func�on if the ALB health check response Elb.InternalError isgreater than 0. Configure the Lambda func�on to modifythe forwarding rule atthe ALB to pointto a public accessiblewebserver. E. Add a custom error response by configuring a CloudFrontcustom error page. Modify DNS records to pointto a publicly accessiblewebpage. Answer: C, E Explana�on: "Save your custom error pagesin a loca�on thatis accessibleto CloudFront. We recommendthat you store them in an Amazon S3 bucket, andthat youdon’tstore them inthe same place asthe rest of your website or applica�on’scontent. If youstore the custom error pages on the same origin as your website or applica�on, andthe origin startsto return 5xx errors, CloudFrontcan’tgetthe custom error pagesbecause the originserver isunavailable." h�ps://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/Genera�ngCustomErrorR esponses.html https://www.certifiedumps.com/amazon/sap-c02-dumps.html
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