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CompTIA SY0-601 CompTIA Security+ Exam 2024 Total Demo Questions 5 Total Premium Questions 943 For More Informa�on – Visit link below: h�ps://www.cer�fiedumps.com/comp�a/sy0-601-dumps.html
Latest Version: 77.0 Ques�on: 1 A company hasdiscoveredunauthorizeddevices are usingits WiFi network, anditwantsto hardenthe accesspointto improve security. Which f the followingconfigura�on should an analysis enable To improve security? (Select TWO.) A. RADIUS B. PEAP C. WPS D. WEP-EKIP E. SSL F. WPA2-PSK Answer: A, F Explana�on: To improve the security of the WiFi network andpreventunauthorizeddevices from accessingthe network, the configura�on op�ons of RADIUS and WPA2-PSK shouldbe enabled. RADIUS (Remote Authen�ca�on Dial-In User Service) is an authen�ca�on protocolthatcan be usedto control accessto the WiFi network. Itcan providestronger authen�ca�on and authoriza�on than WEP and WPA. WPA2- PSK (WiFi Protected Access 2 with Pre-Shared Key) is a securityprotocolthatusesstronger encryp�on than WEP and WPA. It requires a pre-sharedkey (PSK) to be entered on each device thatwantsto access the network. This helpspreventunauthorizeddevices from accessingthe network. Ques�on: 2 During an incident a company CIRT determineitis necessaryto observe the con�nued network-based transac�on between a callbackdomain andthe malware running on an enterprise PC. Which of the followingtechniqueswouldbe BEST to enablethis ac�vitywhile reducingthe risk of lateralspread and the riskthatthe adversarywould no�ce anychanges? A. Physical move the PC to a separate internetpint of presence B. Create and applymicro segmenta�on rules. C. Emulate the malware in a heavily monitored DM Z segment. D.Apply networkblacklis�ng rules for the adversarydomain Answer: C Explana�on: To observe the con�nued network-basedtransac�on between a callbackdomain andthe malware running on an enterprise PC while reducingthe risk of lateralspread andthe riskthatthe adversary https://www.certifiedumps.com/comptia/sy0-601-dumps.html
would no�ce anychanges,the besttechnique to use isto emulate the malware in a heavily monitored DMZ segment. Thisis a secure environmentthatisisolated from the rest of the network andcan be heavily monitoredto detect anysuspicious ac�vity. Byemula�ngthe malware inthis environment, the ac�vitycan be observedwithoutthe risk of lateralspread or detec�on bythe adversary. Reference: h�ps://www.sans.org/blog/incident-response-fundamentals-why-is-the-dmz-so-important/ Ques�on: 3 Which of the following environmentu�lizesdummydata andis MOST to be installedlocally on a system that allowsto beassesseddirectly and modified easilywit each build? A. Produc�on B. Test C. Staging D. Development Answer: D Explana�on: The environmentthatu�lizesdummydata andis mostlikelyto be installedlocally on a system that allowsitto be assesseddirectly and modified easilywith each buildisthe development environment. The development environmentisused for developing andtes�ngso�ware and applica�ons. Itis typicallyinstalled on a localsystem, rather than on a remote server, to allow for easy access and modifica�on. Dummydata can be usedin the development environmentto simulate real-world scenarios andtestthe so�ware's func�onality. Reference: h�ps://www.techopedia.com/defini�on/27561/development-environment Ques�on: 4 A desktopsupporttechnician recentlyinstalled a newdocument-scanningso�ware program on a computer. However, when the enduser triedto launch the program, itdid not respond. Which of the followingis MOST likelythe cause? A. A newfirewall ruleis neededto accessthe applica�on. B. The system was quaran�ned for missingso�ware updates. C. The so�ware was not addedto the applica�on whitelist. D. The system wasisolated from the networkdue to infectedso�ware Answer: C Explana�on: The mostlikelycause of the document-scanningso�ware program not respondingwhen launchedby the enduser isthatthe so�ware was not addedto the applica�on whitelist. An applica�on whitelistis a list of approvedso�ware applica�onsthat are allowedto run on a system. If the so�ware is not on the https://www.certifiedumps.com/comptia/sy0-601-dumps.html
whitelist, it maybeblocked from runningbythe system'ssecuritypolicies. Addingthe so�ware to the whitelistshould resolve the issue and allowthe program to run. Reference: h�ps://www.techopedia.com/defini�on/31541/applica�on-whitelis�ng Ques�on: 5 A company recently experienced an a�ackduringwhich its mainwebsite was Directedto the a�acker's webserver, allowingthe a�acker to harvestcreden�als from unsuspec�ngcustomers, Which of the followingshouldthe companyimplementto preventthistype of a�ack from occurring In the future? A. IPsec B. SSL/TLS C. ONSSEC D. SMIME Answer: B Explana�on: To prevent a�ackswhere the main website isdirectedto the a�acker'swebserver and allowingthe a�acker to harvestcreden�als from unsuspec�ngcustomers,the companyshouldimplement SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) to encryptthe communica�on between the webserver andthe clients. Thiswillprevent a�ackers from intercep�ng andtamperingwith the communica�on, andwill also helpto verifythe iden�ty of the webserver to the clients. https://www.certifiedumps.com/comptia/sy0-601-dumps.html
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