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Founders’ Library and Educational Resource Center Monthly New Materials Bulletin N° 164 February 2010. Hot Picks. For FEBRUARY. Mr. O’Neill ______ Sra. Furlan
Founders’ Library and Educational Resource Center Monthly New Materials Bulletin N° 164 February 2010
Hot Picks For FEBRUARY Mr. O’Neill ______ Sra. Furlan EC Down, Down, Down Bear and Turtle and the Great Lake Race Elementary A Practical Guide to Dragons Usar el carbón, el petróleo y el gas Middle School The Secret Life of Amanda K. Los mercaderes de la Woods gran ciudad High School Bog Child It’s Your World
DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, A JOURNEY TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA BY STEVE JENKINS A fascinating, kid-friendly introduction to marine biology, Jenkins' book takes readers from the surface of the Pacific Ocean through the descending layers of water, plunging down to the Marianas Trench -- the very lowest and coldest place in the ocean at 35,838 feet below sea level and 36 degrees Fahrenheit. Double-page spreads explore the various creatures within each zone and provide readers with information about the zone's darkness, temperature, pressure and effects on its animals. A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DRAGONS BY LISA TRUMBAUER This lavishly illustrated guide showcases the wide array of fantastic dragons encountered on the world of Krynn. Sindri Suncatcher-wizard's apprentice-opens up his personal notebooks to share his knowledge of these awe-inspiring creatures, from the life cycle of a kind copper dragon to the best way to counteract a red dragon's fiery breath.
THE SECRET LIFE OF AMANDA K WOODS BY ANN CAMERON Living in a rural community in Wisconsin during the 1950s, eleven-year-old Amanda gradually and painfully learns a lot about herself, her parents, and her older sister. BOG CHILD BY SIOBHAN DOWD While digging in a peat marsh with his Uncle Tally in Northern Ireland, Fergus finds the body of a murdered child -- which he names Mel. Fergus tries to make sense of what happened to the child while dealing with future-deciding final exams, an imprisoned older brother who goes on a hunger strike, smuggling explosives to a Welsh border guard and his relationship to Cora, the daughter of the archaeologist investigating Mel's death. Through dreams, Mel visits Fergus and relates the events that led to her demise.
BEAR AND TURTLE AND THE GREAT LAKE RACE BY ANDREW FUSEK PETERS When Turtle challenges bad-tempered Bear to a race along the lakeshore, Bear is confident about the outcome, but all is not as it seems in this competition of wits. Retold with a twist by storyteller, poet and anthologist Andrew Fusek Peters. Tales from around the world provide an insight into cultures other than our own. USAR EL CARBON, EL PETROLEO Y EL GAS POR SHARON KATZ COOPER An introduction to coal, oil, and gas, discussing what they are, how they are found and used, who studies them, and why they must be conserved.
LOS MERCADERES DE LA GRAN CIUDAD/ LAS VISIONESDE YAX-PAC POR PABLO ESCALANTE GONZALBO El primer tomo recrea la vida en Teotihuacán, donde se narra la historia de Tiyat. El segundo tomo recrea la vida en la ciudad maya de Yaxchilán, donde conoceremos la escritura jeroglífica, la estelas mayas y el sistema calendárico maya que permitió fechar los acontecimientos con gran exactitud. IT’S YOUR WORLD —IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT, CHANGE IT: ACTIVISM FOR TEENAGERSBY MIKKI HALPIN Presents advice for teenagers who desire to cultivate changes within their schools and communities and provides information on racism, animal and human rights, environmental issues, HIV/AIDS, school violence, and tolerance.
REFERENCE R 796.323 BAS The basketball book. New York : Sports Illustrated Books, 2007.R 796.334 GOL Goldblatt, David, 1965-. The ball is round : a global history of soccer. 1st Riverhead trade pbk. ed. New York : Riverhead Books, 2008, c2006. NON-FICTION Computers, Information & General Works 031 JAC Jacobs, A. J, 1968-. The know-it-all : one man's humble quest to become the smartest person in the world. 1st Simon & Schuster pbk. ed. New York : Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2005. Philosophy & Psychology 158 COV Covey, Sean. The 6 most important decisions you'll ever make : a guide for teens. New York : Simon & Schuster, c2006. Religion 291.82 ZOS Zosi, Claudia Federica. Calendario Maya : La cuenta sagrada del tiempo. 1a. ed. Buenos Aires: Kier, 2007.299.5 REN Renard, John, 1944-. 101 Questions and answers on Confucianism, Daoism, and Shinto. New York : Paulist Press, c2002. Social Sciences 305 RYZ Ryzewski, Luis Antonio. Adolescentes sin estrés. Colombia : Instituto Misionero Hijas de San Pablo, 2001, c1998.305.2 SUA Suárez, Oscar. Papa tu niña ya es una adolescente. 3a. ed. Bogotá : San Pablo, 2001.305.23 WHA What little boys are made of. Eugene, Or : Harvest House Publishers, 2000.306.74 DAL Dalby, Liza Crihfield. Geisha. 1st California pbk. ed. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1998.306.85 BAT Bates, Marni. Marni. Deerfield Beach, FL : HCI Teens, c2009.330.972 UNA Una ventana para ver Guatemala : ¡Guate Amala! Guatemala : Fundación Proyecto de Vida, s.f. 362.73 BRI Bridge, Andrew. Hope's boy. 1st ed. New York : Hyperion, c2008.
363.738 GOR Gore, Albert, 1948-. An inconvenient truth : the planetary emergency of global warming and what we can do about it. Emmaus, PA : Rodale, c2006. 364.1 NAI Naím, Moisés. Illicit : how smugglers, traffickers, and copycats are hijacking the global economy. 1st ed. New York : Doubleday, c2005.364.152 PRE Preston, Douglas J. The monster of Florence. 1st ed. New York : Grand Central Pub, 2008.371.8 HAL Halpin, Mikki. It's your world--if you don't like it, change it : activism for teenagers. New York : Simon Pulse, 2004.373.18 BLU Bluestein, Jane. High school's not forever. Deerfield Beach, FL : HCI Teens, c2005.378.1 CON Confessions of a high school word nerd : increase your SAT verbal score while laughing your gluteus* off. 1st ed. New York : Penguin Books, 2006.378.1 MET Metcalf, Linda. How to say it to get into the college of your choice : application, essay, and interview strategies to get you the big envelope. 1st ed. New York : Prentice Hall Press, 2007.398.2 LAT Latino American folktales. Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, 2009. Language 495.7 LEE Lee, Jeyseon. Beginner's Korean : with 2 audio CDs. New York : Hippocrene Books, c2007. Technology (Applied Sciences) 613.7 DES Desikachar, T. K. V. The heart of yoga : developing a personal practice. Rev. ed. Rochester, Vt : Inner Traditions International, c1999.613.7 GAN Gannon, Sharon. Jivamukti yoga. 1st ed. New York : Ballantine Books, 2002. 613.7 KAM Kaminoff, Leslie, 1958-. Yoga anatomy. Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c2007. 613.7 SIN Singleton, Mark. Yoga for you and your child : The step-by-step guide to enjoying yoga with children of all ages. New York : Barnes & Noble, 2004.613.9 BER Berne, Linda A. Sexualidad humana : un enfoque responsable. Guatemala : Piedra Santa, 2007. Arts & Recreation 741.5 SMI Smith, Jeff, 1960 Feb. 27-. Bone. Columbus, Ohio : Cartoon Books, c2004.746.94 KNO Knoke de Arathoon, Barbara. Un esbozo histórico sobre tocados y chachales mayas de Guatemala : A historical outline of the Maya headdresses and chachales of Guatemala. Guatemala, Guatemala : Museo Ixchel del Traje Indígena, 2000. 751 ART Artist's manual : a complete guide to painting and drawing materials and techniques. San Francisco : Chronicle Books, 1996.
779 IN In focus : National Geographic greatest portraits. Washington, D.C : National Geographic, c2004.796.357 REI Reisler, Jim, 1958-. Babe Ruth : launching the legend. New York : McGraw-Hill, c2004. Literature 808 SEB Sebranek, Patrick. Write source 2000 : a guide to writing, thinking, & learning. Wilmington, MA : D.C. Heath, c1995.808.8 TWE Twenty 10-minute plays for teens by teens. 1st ed. Hanover, N.H : Smith and Kraus, c2006.810.9 HIS Hispanic-American writers. New ed. New York : Bloom's Literary Criticism, c2009.811 CIS Cisneros, Sandra. Loose woman : poems. 1st Vintage Contemporaries ed. New York : Vintage Contemporaries, 1995.811 FRO Frost, Robert, 1874-1963. Poems by Robert Frost. New York : Signet Classic, c2001.811 LOW Lowell, Robert, 1917-1977. Selected poems. 1st expanded ed. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006.812 ALB Albee, Edward, 1928-. The ballad of the sad cafe : Carson McCullers' novella. New York : Dramatist Play Service Inc, c1991.814 KIN Kingsolver, Barbara. High tide in Tucson : essays from now or never. 1st HarperPerennial ed. New York : HarperPerennial, 1996.821 LOR Lord Byron. Philadelphia : Chelsea House Publishers, c2004.821.008 POE Poetry : a pocket anthology. 2nd ed. New York : Longman, c1998.822 COO Cooke, Dominic. Naughts & Crosses : adapted from Malorie Blackman's novel. London : NHB, 2007.860.9 OVI Oviedo, José Miguel. Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana 2 : Del Romanticismo al Modernismo. Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 2007, c1997.861 AKA Ak'abal, Humberto. El animalero / The animal gathering. Guatemala : Piedra Santa, 2007.861 AST Asturias, Miguel Angel, 1899-1974. Antología poética. Guatemala : Piedra Santa, 2006.861 IBA Ibarbourou, Juana de, 1895?-1979. Las lenguas de diamante : Raíz salvaje. 2. ed. Madrid : Cátedra, 2003.861 QUI Quiroa, Anaité. La hija de los Nawales. Guatemala : Editorial Galería, 2008.861.62 ALO Alonso, Dámaso, 1988-. Antología personal (Incluye CD). Madrid : Visor Libros, 2001. 861.64 AGO Agosín, Marjorie. The fullness of invisible objects : La plenitud de los objetos invisibles. Santa Fe, NM : Sherman Asher Pub, c2007. 862 CAS Casona, Alejandro, 1903-1965. Los árboles mueren de pie : comedia en tres actos. Buenos Aires : Editorial Losada, 2007.
862 CAS Casona, Alejandro, 1903-1965. La dama del alba. 3a ed. (1a. en esta colección). Madrid : Cátedra, 2006, c1984.862.62 GAR García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936. Teatro completo II. Barcelona : Random House Mondadori, 2004.862.64 ARC Arce, Manuel José, 1935-1985. Delito, condena y ejecución de una gallina : y otras piezas de teatro grotesco. Guatemala : Editorial Cultura, c2004.863 REY Rey Rosa, Rodrigo, 1958-. Ningún lugar sagrado. 1. ed. Guatemala : Piedra Santa, 2005.863.0108 TIE Tiempo de narrar : cuentos centroamericanos. 1a. ed. Guatemala : Editorial Piedra Santa, 2007.863.97281 PAY Payeras, Javier. Ruido de fondo. Guatemala : Piedra Santa, 2006.868 MAR Martí, José. Páginas escogidas. Madrid : Espasa-Calpe, 2003.868 MOR Morales Santos, Francisco. Luis Cardoza y Aragon. Guatemala : Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Editorial Cultura, 2001.891.73 TOL Tolstoy, Leo, 1828-1910 graf. The death of Ivan Ilyich and other stories. London : Wordsworth Classics, 2004. History & Geography 915.04 FUL Fulton, Robert Edison, 1909-. One man caravan. Center Conway, N.H : Whitehorse Press, c1996.967.7305 BOW Bowden, Mark, 1951-. Black Hawk down : a story of modern war. New York : Penguin Books, 2000.972.81 HIL Hill, Robert M, 1952-. Los Kaqchiqueles de la época colonial : adaptaciones de los Mayas del altiplano al gobierno español, 1600-1700. South Woodstook, VT : Plumsock Mesoamerican Studies / Cholsamaj, 2001, c1992.972.8101 POP c.3 Popol Vuh : las antiguas historias del Quiché. Guatemala, C. A : Piedra Santa, c1998, 1999.972.8405 TOW Towell, Larry. El Salvador. 1st ed. New York : Center for Documentary Studies in association with W.W. Norton & Co, c1997. Biography 92 CIC Everitt, Anthony. Cicero : the life and times of Rome's greatest politician. Random House Trade pbk. ed. New York : Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2003. 92 ESC Bowden, Mark, 1951-. Killing Pablo : the hunt for the world's greatest outlaw. New York : Penguin Books, 2001.
92 PER Dujovne Ortiz, Alicia. Eva Perón : La biografía. Madrid : Suma de Letras, 2002,. 920 NOU Nouwen, Henri J. M. Love in a fearful land : a Guatemalan story. Rev. ed. Maryknoll, N.Y : Orbis Books, c2006. FICTION F ALL Allende, Isabel. La isla bajo el mar. 2 copias . Barcelona : Randon House Mondadori, 2009.F AND Anderson, M. T. Gravedad artificial. 1a. ed. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2004.F ASH Asher, Jay. Thirteen reasons why : a novel. New York : Razorbill, c2007.F AUS Austen, Jane, 1775-1817. Lady Susan. Dover ed. Mineola, N.Y : Dover Publications, 2005.F BLA c.2 Blackman, Malorie. Knife edge. 1st U.S. ed. New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2007.F BOL Bolaño, Roberto, 1953-2003. 2666. 1st American ed. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, c2008.F BRO Brooks, Terry. The black unicorn. 1st ed. New York : Ballantine Books, c1987.F CAR Carter, Ally. I'd tell you I love you, but then I'd have to kill you. 1st Hyperion Paperbacks ed. New York : Hyperion Paperbacks, 2007, c2006.F CHO Chopin, Kate, 1851-1904. The awakening. New York : Avon, [1972].F COO Cooney, Caroline B. Enter three witches : a story of Macbeth. New York : Scholastic Inc, c2007.F DAV Davidson, Andrew. The gargoyle. 1st Anchor Books ed. New York : Anchor Books, 2009, c2008.F DIC Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870. Bleak House. Companion ed. to the Masterpiece Theatre presentation. New York : Penguin Books, 2006.F DOW Dowd, Siobhan. Bog child. 1st American ed. New York : David Fickling Books, 2008.F ENG Enger, Leif. So brave, young, and handsome. 1st ed. New York : Atlantic Monthly Press, c2008.F EVA Evanovich, Janet. Eleven on top. 1st ed. New York : St. Martin's Press, 2005.F EVA Evanovich, Janet. Plum lovin'. 1st ed. New York : St. Martin's Press, 2007.F FAI Fairstein, Linda A. Bad blood. New York : Pocket Star Books, c2007.F FRE Freitas, Donna. The possibilities of sainthood. 1st ed. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008.F GRA Grahame-Smith, Seth. Pride and prejudice and zombies : the classic regency romance--now with ultraviolent zombie mayhem. Philadelphia : Quirk Books, c2009.F HAW Hawking, Lucy. George's secret key to the universe. 1st Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers pbk. ed. New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2009, c2007.F HEN Hensher, Philip. The northern clemency. 1st U.S. ed. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2008.F JAM James, Syrie. The lost memoirs of Jane Austen. 1st ed. New York : Avon, c2008.F KAI Kain, P. G. The school for cool. 1st Aladdin Paperbacks ed. New York : Aladdin Mix, 2008.
F KIN Kinsella, Sophie. Confessions of a shopaholic. Dell mass market movie tie-in ed. New York : Dell, 2009.F KLA Klause, Annette Curtis. The silver kiss. 1st trade pbk. ed. New York : Delacorte Press, c2007.F LAM Lamb, Wally. The hour I first believed : a novel. 1st ed. New York : Harper, c2008.F LEN L'Engle, Madeleine. An acceptable time. 1st Square Fish mass market ed. New York : Square Fish/Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2007.F LOV Lovecraft, H. P, 1890-1937 (Howard Phillips). The dreams in the Witch House and other weird stories. New York : Penguin Books, 2004.F MEA Mead, Richelle. Blood promise. New York : Razorbill, c2009.F MEA Mead, Richelle. Frostbite. New York : Razorbill, c2008.F MEL Meltzer, Brad. The first counsel. Warner Books ed. New York : Warner, 2004, c2001.F NEW Newman, Sharan. The devil's door. New York : Forge, 1995, c1994.F NEW Newman, Sharan. Strong as death. New York : Forge, 1996.F NEW Newman, Sharan. The wandering arm. New York : Forge, c1995.F OWE Owen, James A. The search for the Red Dragon. 1st Simon Pulse ed. New York : Simon Pulse, 2008.F PAT Patterson, James, 1947-. Sundays at Tiffany's. 1st ed. New York : Little, Brown, 2008.F QUI Quiroa, Marco Augusto. Gato viejo. 3a. ed. Guatemala : La Rial Academia, 1994.F SHA Shaffer, Mary Ann. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. 2009 Dial Press Trade pbk. ed. New York : Dial Press Trade Paperbacks, 2009, c2008.F SHU Shusterman, Neal. Unwind. 1st ed. New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c2007.F STO Stockett, Kathryn. The help. New York : Amy Einhorn Books/G.P. Putnam's Sons, c2009.F TWA Twain, Mark, 1835-1910. The mysterious stranger and other stories. New York : Signet Classic, 2004.F WES Westerfeld, Scott. Extras. 1st Simon Pulse pbk. ed. New York : Simon Pulse, 2009.F WES Westerfeld, Scott. Uglies. 1st Simon Pulse ed. New York : Simon Pulse, 2005.F WOO Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941. The years. Annotated ed., 1st ed. Orlando : Harcourt, c2008.F ZEN Zenatti, Valiere. Una botella al mar de Gaza. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2008. Story Collection SC HAW Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864. Tales and sketches. 1st Library of America college ed. New York : Library of America, 1996.SC HEM Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961. The snows of Kilimanjaro and other stories. New York : Scribner Classics, [1999?].SC JAC Jackson, Shirley, 1916-1965. The lottery and other stories. Paperback ed. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005.
SC LOV Lovecraft, H. P, 1890-1937 (Howard Phillips). Waking up screaming : haunting tales of terror. 1st ed. New York : Del Rey/Ballantine Books, 2003. PROFESSIONAL P 371.9 GAR García de Zelaya, Beatriz. Educación especial. Guatemala, C. A : Piedra Santa , Asociación de Investigación y Estudios Sociales. ASIES, 2002. P 372.044 SOL Solís de Motta, Olga Tzaquitzal. Ronda de lectura : Ideas, estrategias y técnicas de lectoescritura en el aula. Guatemala : Amanuense Editorial, 2007.P 428.4 GAL Gallagher, Kelly, 1958-. Readicide : how schools are killing reading and what you can do about it. Portland, Me : Stenhouse Publishers, c2009. JUVENILE REFERENCE R J 912 LUC Lucena Cayuela, Núria. Atlas Larousse de los países del mundo. Barcelona, España : Larousse, 2004. Philosophy & Psychology J 158.1 CHI Chicken soup for the preteen soul 2 : stories about facing challenges, realizing dreams and making a difference. Deerfield Beach, FL : Health Communications, c2004. Social Sciences J 305.23 CHI Chicken soup for the girl's soul : real stories by real girls about real stuff. Deerfield Beach, FL : Health Communications, c2005.J 398.2 COR Córdoba, Matías de, d. 1828. La tentativa del león y el éxito de su empresa. Guatemala : Piedra Santa, 2008.J 398.209 SCH Schomp, Virginia. The ancient Greeks. New York : Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, c2008. J 398.24 TRU Trumbauer, Lisa, 1963-. A practical guide to dragon riding. Renton, WA : Wizards of the Coast, Inc, 2008.J 398.24 TRU Trumbauer, Lisa, 1963-. A practical guide to dragons. Renton, WA : Wizards of the Coast, c2006.
Pure Sciences J 513.2 WIN Wingard-Nelson, Rebecca. Decimals and fractions. Berkeley Heights, NJ : Enslow Publishers, c2008. J 516 NEU Neuschwander, Cindy. Sir Cumference and the sword in the cone : a math adventure. Watertown, MA : Charlesbridge, c2003. J 516 WIN Wingard-Nelson, Rebecca. Figuring out geometry. Berkeley Heights, NJ : Enslow Publishers, c2008. J 550 WOO Woodward, John, 1954-. Planet Earth. London : DK, 2009. J 590.3 ARL c.2 Arlan, Penélope. Enciclopedia de los animales. 2a ed. 2005 : Edebé, 2005. Literature J 808 KHE Khemir, Nacer. El cuento de los contadores de cuentos. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2004.J 811 SID Sidman, Joyce. This is just to say : poems of apology and forgiveness. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co, 2007. Geography and History J 914 ALO Aloian, Molly. Explora Europa. St. Catharines, Ont : Crabtree Pub, c2008. J 915 KAL Kalman, Bobbie. Explora Asia. St. Catharines, ON : Crabtree Pub, c2008. J 916 KAL Kalman, Bobbie. Explora África. St. Catharines, Ont : Crabtree Pub, c2008. J 917 ALO Aloian, Molly. Explora América del Norte. St. Catharines, ON : Crabtree Pub, c2008.J 918 ALO Aloian, Molly. Explora América del Sur. St. Catharines, Ont : Crabtree Pub, c2008.J 919 KAL Kalman, Bobbie. Explora Australia y Oceanía. St. Catharines, ON : Crabtree Pub, c2008.J 919.8 KAL Kalman, Bobbie. Explora la Antártida. St. Catharines, Ont : Crabtree Pub, c2008.J 940 DAV Davey, Frances. A brief political and geographic history of Europe : where are-- Prussia, Gaul, and the Holy Roman Empire? Hockessin, Del : Mitchell Lane, c2008.J 972 ORO Orozco, Edna María. Historias de México. Volumen VI: México colonial, tomo 1: El Tombuctú / tomo 2: El preso número cuatro. 1a. ed. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2000.J 974.4 LAS Lassieur, Allison. The voyage of the Mayflower. Mankato, Minn : Capstone Press, c2006.J 980 HIS Historia visual de Latino-América I : Los antecedentes; la búsqueda del paso a Oriente. España : Ediciones Castell, 1992.
FICTION J ABB Abbott, Tony. In the city of dreams. New York : Scholastic, c2009.J BAN Banscherus, Jürgen. El. ratón viajero 4a. ed. Madrid : SM, 1993. J CAM Cameron, Ann, 1943-. The secret life of Amanda K. Woods. 1st ed. New York : Frances Foster Books, 1998. J DAL Daley, Michael J. Shanghaied to the moon. New York : Putnam, c2007. J ESC Escalante, Pablo, 1963-. Los mercaderes de la gran ciudad / Las visiones de Yax-Pac. 1a. Ed. México, D.F : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2000.J GAN Gantos, Jack. Joey Pigza loses control. 1st Harper Trophy ed. New York : HarperTrophy, 2002. J HIN Hinojosa, Francisco. De Domingo a Lunes. 1a. ed. México, D.F : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2008.J HIN Hinojosa, Francisco. Léperas contra mocosos. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2007.J KRA Krauze, León. El vuelo de Eluán. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2005.J LER Lereño, Carmen. ¡Es una traviesa esa raya! 1a. ed. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2001.J MCC McCaughrean, Geraldine. Oscuridad blanca. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2006.J OZ Oz, Amos. La bicicleta de Sumji. 1a. ed. en español. Madrid : Ediciones Siruela, 2005.J OZ Oz, Amos. De repente en lo profundo del bosque. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, Siruela, 2006.J PAT Paterson, Katherine. Puente hasta Terabithia. 2a. ed. Barcelona : Noguer y Caralt Editores, 2000.J TAL Talbert, Marc, 1953-. Doble o nada. Barcelona : Norma, 1998..J VAZ Vázquez-Vigo, Carmen. Caramelos de menta. Madrid : SM, 1994.J VIL Villoro, Juan, 1956-. El libro salvaje. 1a. ed. Mexico, D.F : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2008.J WAT Watson, Jude. Beyond the grave (6 game cards inside). 1st ed. New York : Scholastic, 2009. Story Collection J SC TRI Tripp, Valerie, 1951-. Molly story collection. Middleton, WI : American Girl, c2008. EASY NON-FICTION Philosophy & Psychology E 170 NEL Nelson, Robin, 1971-. Obedecer las reglas. Ed. en español. Minneapolis : Ediciones Lerner, c2006.E 179 NEL Nelson, Robin, 1971-. Respetar a los demás. Minneapolis : Ediciones Lerner, c2006.
Religion E 222.16 ROC Rock, Lois, 1953-. Los diez mandamientos para los niños. Buenos Aires : Editorial Atlántida, 1995. Social Sciences E 381 MAY Mayer, Cassie. Mercados. Chicago : Heinemann Library, c2007.E 392.3 MAY Mayer, Cassie. Hogares. Chicago : Heinemann Library, c2007.E 398.2 GAL Galdone, Paul. The teeny-tiny woman : a ghost story. New York : Clarion Books, c1984.E 398.2 PET Peters, Andrew (Andrew Fusek). Bear and turtle and the Great Lake Race. Swindon [England] : Child's Play (International), c2005.E 398.2 TAY Taylor, Nicole. The pied piper of Hamelin. England : Penguin Books/Peason Education, 2000.E 398.20951 SHA Shannon, George. Rabbit's gift : a fable from China. Orlando, Fla : Harcourt, c2007.E 398.8 TOR c.3 Tortillitas para mama and other nursery rhymes : Spanish and English. New York : H. Holt and Co., c1981, 1999. Language E 428.1 BAT Bataille, Marion. ABC--3D. 1st American ed. New York : Roaring Brook Press, 2008. Pure Sciences E 513 BUR Burstein, John. Rectas numéricas : dónde está el auto? Milwaukee, WI : Weekly Reader Early Learning Library, 2006.E 513 FRE Freeman, Marcia S, 1937- (Marcia Sheehan). Más helado : palabras para comparaciones matemáticas = More ice cream : words for math comparisons. Vero Beach, FL : Rourke Pub, c2008.E 513.2 LEF Leffingwell, Richard. Compartir y dividir. Chicago : Heinemann Library, c2006.E 513.2 LEF Leffingwell, Richard. Restar y quitar. Chicago : Heinemann Library, c2006.E 513.2 MUR Murphy, Stuart J, 1942-. Animals on board. New York : HarperCollins, c1998.E 516 HAR Harris, Nancy. Figuras y patrones que conocemos : un libro sobre figuras y patrones. Vero Beach, FL : Rourke Pub, c2008.E 520 TUR Turnbull, Stephanie. Sun, moon and stars. London : Usborne, c2007.E 523.3 OLS Olson, Gillia M. Las fases de la luna : Phases of the moon / by Gillia M. Olson ; translation, Martín Luis Guzmán Ferrer. Mankato, Minn : Capstone Press, c2009..
E 523.3 RAU Rau, Dana Meachen, 1971-. Luz de noche : un libro sobre la luna. Minneapolis, MN : Picture Window Books, c2007.E 530.4 ROY Royston, Angela. Sólidos, líquidos y gases. Chicago : Heinemann Library, c2006 E 530.8 BUR Burstein, John. Medir : la casita perfecta. Milwaukee, WI : Weekly Reader Early Learning Library, 2006.E 531 STI Stille, Darlene R. El movimiento : tira y empuja, rápido y despacio. Minneapolis, MN : Picture Window Books, c2007.E 537 STI Stille, Darlene R. La electricidad : focos, pilas y chispas. Ed. en español. Minneapolis, MN : Picture Window Books, c2007.E 551.48 ROS Rosinsky, Natalie M (Natalie Myra). El agua : arriba, abajo y en todos lados. Minneapolis, MN : Picture Window Books, c2007.E 551.5 STI Stille, Darlene R. El aire : afuera, adentro y en todos lados. Minneapolis, MN : Picture Window Books, c2007.E 551.57 RAU Rau, Dana Meachen, 1971-. Altas y bajas, blancas y grises : un libro sobre las nubes. Ed. en español. Minneapolis, MN : Picture Window Books, c2007.E 553.2 KAT Katz Cooper, Sharon. Usar el carbón, el petróleo y el gas. Chicago : Heinemann Library, c2007.E 567.9 TUR Turnbull, Stephanie. Dinosaurs. London : Usborne, c2006.E 591.4 NUN Nunn, Daniel. Bocas. Chicago : Heinemann Library, c2007.E 591.4 NUN Nunn, Daniel. Ojos. Chicago : Heinemann Library, c2007.E 591.47 STO Stone, Lynn M. Wrinkles, warts, & wattles. Vero Beach, Fla : Rourke Pub, c2009.E 591.5 LAM Lambilly-Bresson, Elisabeth de. Animals of the night. Milwaukee, WI : Gareth Stevens Pub, 2007.E 591.5 PER Perkins, Wendy, 1957-. Animals sleeping. Mankato, Minn : Capstone Press, c2004.E 591.59 PRA Prap, Lila, 1955-. Animals speak. New York : North-South Books, 2006.E 591.779 JEN Jenkins, Steve, 1952-. Down, down, down : a journey to the bottom of the sea. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, 2009.E 591.96 RYA Ryan-Herndon, Lisa L. Animals of Africa. New York : Scholastic, [2008].E 591.96 SCH Schuette, Sarah L, 1976-. African animals ABC : an alphabet safari. Mankato, Minn : Capstone Press, c2003.E 594 CAM Campbell, Sarah C, 1966-. Wolfsnail : a backyard predator. 1st ed. Honesdale, Pa : Boyds Mills Press, c2008.E 597.3 ODO O'Donnell, Kerri, 1972-. Hammerhead sharks. New York : PowerKids Press, 2007.
E 597.3 SHE Shea, Therese. Sharks. New York : PowerKids Press, 2007.E 597.8 KNU Knudsen, Shannon, 1971-. Del renacuajo a la rana. Minneapolis, MN : Ediciones Lerner, c2007. E 598.9 WIN Winter, Jeanette. The tale of Pale Male : a true story. 1st ed. Orlando : Harcourt, Inc, c2007.E 599.4 OLE Olearczyk, Erin A. Bats, bats, bats. New York : Rosen Classroom Books & Materials, 2001. Technology (Applied Sciences) E 630 MAY Mayer, Cassie. La agricultura. Chicago : Heinemann Library, c2007.E 694 FRE Freese, Joan. Carpenters. Minneapolis, MN : Lerner Publications, c2006. The Arts E 782.42 BRO Browne, Anthony. La feria de los animales. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2002.Literature E 863.44 MON Montenegro, Mario. El caballito de palo. Managua : Fondo Editorial Libros para Niños, 2008. FICTION E ADA Adams, Colleen. La escuela es divertida! New York : Rosen, 2006. E AMA Amado, Elisa. Tricycle. Toronto : Groundwood Books/House of Anansi Press, c2007. E BOH Bohatta, Ida, 1900-1992. Los animales del bosque en invierno. 1a. ed. Barcelona : ING Edicions, 2005.E CAP Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, 1957-. Bizcocho encuentra un amigo. New York : Rayo, c2008.E FUK Fukuda, Ricca. Luna estelar. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2007.E KEA Keats, Ezra Jack. Jennie's hat. New York : Puffin Books, 2003.E KEL Kellogg, Steven. The missing mitten mystery. New York : Puffin Books, 2002.E LAR LaRochelle, David. La mejor mascota. 1a. ed. Mexico : Los Prímerísimos, 2007, c2004.E MIL Mills, David. Lima ui ppalkan koch'u : Lima's red hot chilli. London : Mantra Pub, 2003.E OCO O'Connor, Jane. Dear Tooth Fairy. New York : Grosset & Dunlap, c2002.E PET Peters, Andrew (Andrew Fusek). Rabbit cooks up a Cunning Plan. Swindon [England] : Child's Play (International), c2007.E PRA Pratt Pierre. Marcel y André. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2004.E ROZ Roza, Greg. Goooool! New York : Rosen, 2007.
E SCI Scieszka, Jon. Baloney (Henry P.). New York : Puffin Books, 2005.E VEN Ventura, Antonio. El cuento del pingüino. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2008.E ZEP Zepeda, Monique. Kassunguilá. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2008. February (5), 2010