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Preet Grewal Ganesha High School Pomona,California Living Things
Preet Grewal Ganesha High School Pomona,California Living Things CTAP 295 Teaching Technology
My name is Preet Grewal. I am a Special Education Science /Social Science teacher for grades 9-12. Currently, I am in training to become a Master Technology Teacher at Ganesha High School. I will complete this training in June 200l. I have been teaching Special Education students for the last 20 years. • My web address is http://ctap295.ctaponline.org/~pgrewal • My e-mail address is preet.grewal@pomona.k12.ca.us • This lesson plan is designed for use across the curriculum-including Science, Language Arts, Social Science, Geography, Mathematics and Technology. Students will enhance knowledge of research strategies, statistical analysis, written communication and oral presentation skills. CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
Standards Addressed • 1.1 Demonstrate and understand proper English usage and control of grammar, paragraph, sentence structure, and vocabulary comprehension. • Narrate a sequence of events and communicate the significance to the audience. • 2.3 Respond correctly and effectively to questions. • 2.4 Develop multimedia presentation skills. Combine text, images and sound by incorporating information from a wide range of media, including films, newspapers, magazines,CD Roms, online information, television, videos and electronic media generated images. CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
Learning Expectations • To develop teacher’s awareness across the curriculum to share in incorporating student projects • To develop skills in designing standard based lesson plans and web pages. • To provide special need students with assistive technology as a valuable tool. CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
Learning Outcomes • Assist students in completing their projects across the curriculum. • Publish lesson plans on the website assessed by other teachers for use in classroom. • Students will complete their standard based lessons with the aid of assistive technology. CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
SUCCESSES • Special Education students were able to complete standard based • lesson by using assistive technology. • Students were able to set up their own email addresses and • communicate with other Ganesha High School students. • Developed skills in using Power Point • Enhanced skills in using Excel. • Improved skills in use of Internet as a research tool. CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
Shortcomings • Because of individual needs, it was hard to help all students who needed assistance. Students had to come during lunch time, after school, and sometime they were pulled out from other SDC classes to finish the project. • Due to the shortage of computers in the classroom, students did not have enough access to complete their online research. • Network problems happened frequently because the District was in the process of upgrading the server. CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
Revision • Next year, I am expecting to have more computers with online access in my classroom. I will schedule my classes to use library computers when needed. • I will try to bring some volunteers to assist special needs students in the classroom/library. • I will also use peer tutoring by pairing higher functioning students with the lower functioning ones. CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology
SUMMARY • By attending CTAP workshop I have developed an enormous improvement in the use of technology. Special Education students have also benefited by using assertive technology. It was exciting for many students to explore science articles on the computers. I have especially enjoyed by working with fellow teachers/mentors. My fellow mentors were very helpful in providing information on teaching with technology. In the future, I will design more lessons by using online technology, thanks to CTAP. CTAP 295 Teaching with Technology